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Author: Raine    Date: 10/05/2023 12:58:02

The GOP is in disarray. Water is wet and fire is hot.

They are mad that Dems didn't help save Macarthy's position, yet they insist on Dems having to sit through a sham impeachment hearing.

In other words, they refuse to take responsibility for any and all of their actions. At the same time, they want to punish others for the very things they caused.

That is not a political party. That's deranged.



4 comments (Latest Comment: 10/05/2023 15:46:36 by Will_in_Ca)
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Comment by Raine on 10/05/2023 14:16:18
The Cawthorning has begun...

Comment by TriSec on 10/05/2023 14:25:55
This is the beginning of the end. There probably won't be another civil war; but I can certainly see the Union collapsing at any time now.

Comment by Raine on 10/05/2023 15:12:38

Comment by Will_in_Ca on 10/05/2023 15:46:36
Quote by TriSec:
This is the beginning of the end. There probably won't be another civil war; but I can certainly see the Union collapsing at any time now.

I hope not. However, it is hard for me, as a former Chicago area resident and now a Californian, to see much commonality with the GOP reps in large parts of this country. We do seem to be very disunited as the GOP and the Democrats now have radically different visions for America. Indeed, some in the GOP are listening to calls for a "red Caesar" - a dictator who will restore "traditional" values.

I have jury duty around noon my time, so I am having a leisurely breakfast.