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It's SO yesterday.
Author: Raine    Date: 09/30/2010 13:28:04

Over the past week, much has been said about VP Joe's Biden's comments about bucking up and voting. It was a message sent towards members of the Democratic Party that have been voicing that they may stay at home this November. The strategy is indeed questionable, as I am not a fan of "Quit Yer Whining Motivation" but given the alternative, he may very well have a point.

Let's take a look at the recent GOP controversy. Yesterday, Meg Whitman had some rather serious charges leveled at her. It appears she had an undocumented worker in her employ, for 9 years. While the media -- and Ms. Whitman -- are trying to make this all about immigration, there is something here that I find even more alarming: the unpaid wage charge. Mala picked up on this yesterday; this woman was paid 23 dollars an hour for 15 hours a week. That comes to less than 18,000 dollars a year -- BEFORE taxes. This woman was not just a housekeeper, but a nanny for Ms. Whitman -- something the candidate has yet to deny. From KTLK:
Santillan claims Whitman failed to reimburse her for extra hours and mileage she racked up while running special errands like picking up Whitman's children and husband from various locations.

In March 2005, the housekeeper asked for maternity leave and was told she needed to find her own replacement or face losing her job, Allred said.

Allred says once Whitman launched her gubernatorial campaign she realized having an undocumented worker onboard was a liability and promptly fired Santillan.
She has yet to deny the unpaid wages, and yet to deny the allegation that she received a letter in 2003 from the Social Security Administration regarding this woman's SS# irregularities. That means there is a letter that most likely backs up some of those claims leveled at her. She has yet to deny these most scurrilous accusations -- ones that appear to break labor laws. This wouldn't be the first time, she has been known to get a little pushy around her employees.
In June 2007, former eBay C.E.O. and current California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman became violent with an eBay employee who did not sufficiently prepare her for an interview with Reuters to take place on Second Life. The physical altercation was very much corporeal, not computer-based. The survivor, Young Mi Kim, threatened to sue Whitman, but the two avoided a lawsuit by hiring a private mediator. The Buy It Now™ settlement cost? $200,000.
If we were to put aside for a moment, and even give the benefit of the doubt that Ms. Whitman did NOT know of her employee's documentation status, what is indeed clear here is how she views the lower and middle class of her state. Her workers seemingly do not deserve the respect she herself think she deserves. Ms. Whitman has spent more than $100,000,000 of her personal fortune to obtain a job that will pay less than $250,000 a year. This is neither fiscally conservative, nor economically responsible -- even if it is her money. That she would pay an employee a wage that is below poverty is unacceptable and undignified to those in her employ. Ms. Santillan had no voice until she hired an attorney -- now she and her family are being made the villain.

But this is exactly what she and the GOP are offering. It's never their responsibility, and blame the victims. Just vote for them, and stop worrying about these silly details. To worry about those that may have less than them would be, as her fellow Californian Carly Fiorina would say, It's so yesterday....




25 comments (Latest Comment: 10/01/2010 02:47:49 by Raine)
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