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Smaller Gov't = Fewer Jobs.
Author: Raine    Date: 11/04/2010 13:48:53

I will ask them respectfully to deliberate upon this: Governments do not create jobs. Individual entrepreneurs, men and women, create jobs — but not the government. Rand Paul, November 2, 2010

Spoken by the newly elected Senator, who will officially works for ....the government. Yes, Rand Paul's Job was created BY THE GOVERNMENT. Nope, No irony there.

John Boehner, who for the last 18 months, with a steady beat on a leathery drum kept asking, mostly via his twitter feed: Where are the Jobs? Where are the Jobs? Where are the Jobs?

On election night here is what the the Incoming speaker of the house had to say about Jobs:
It starts with cutting spending instead of increasing it. • Reducing the size of government instead of expanding it. • Reforming the way Congress works and giving government back to the people. • And for all those families asking 'where are the jobs?,' it means ending the uncertainty in our economy and helping small businesses get people back to work.
So, in reducing Government, I am pretty sure that means LESS jobs. Less jobs is one way to cut taxes I suppose.

How can you reduce taxes for someone who doesn't have a job? If people like Rand Paul, John Boehner and the rest of the GOP/Tea Party really mean it when they say they want to reduce government, that means cutting back on Federal Jobs, and Federal contracts -- many of with are with American companies. That will actually increase unemployment.

When you cut back on things like that, you also cut back on the number of people paying taxes which may otherwise go towards paying down the deficit. Less taxes collected also means less money for individual States. Less money there means less State Jobs and State Contracts. That's trickle down Economics!

So how does the GOP/Tea Party plan to get the economy moving? Here again From Senator Elect, Rand Paul
America’s best days lie ahead of her if we can once again unleash the creative genius, the entrepreneurial spirit, the faith in ourselves that is the American dream.
Here is a reality for all those who are celebrating this GOP victory as if they accomplished something -- the joke is on them. Most people aren't aware that they already received a tax cut, the deficit already has shrunk under the Democratic majority, and jobs have slowly but steadily started to return. The GOP/TeaParty won't tell you that. They won't tell you that they blocked a bill that would bring outsourced Jobs BACK to America, they won't tell you they blocked a bill that would allow small businesses to more easily open a line of credit... No -- they don't ever mention that. They don't mention that the deficit is because of the policies they embraced for 8 years. They are the reason we are in this mess. They told you exactly what they were offering for your vote, I wrote about it here.

Here is the thing. This pledge is more than just talking points. The GOP is sending a clear message: Vote for us now and we will answer the questions about the "how" later. It's not just with this pledge, it's a recurring theme among the GOP. John Beohner said of the 'plan' quite clearly this weekend with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday:
WALLACE: Congressman Boehner, as Willie Sutton said about banks, entitlements are where the money is. More than 40% of the budget. Yet, I’ve looked through this pledge and there is not one single proposal to cut social security, medicare, medicaid.

BOEHNER: Chris, we make it clear in there that we’re going to lay out a plan to work toward a balanced budget and deal with the entitlement crisis. Chris, it’s time for us as Americans to have an adult conversation with each other about the serious challenges our country faces. And we can’t have that serious conversation until we lay out the size of the problem. Once Americans understand how big the problem is, then we can begin to talk about potential solutions. [...]

WALLACE: Forgive me, sir, isn’t the right time to have the adult conversation now before the election when you have this document? Why not make a single proposal to cut social security, medicare and medicaid?

BOEHNER: Chris, this is what happens here in Washington. When you start down that path, you just invite all kind of problems. I know. I’ve been there. I think we need to do this in a more systemic way and have this conversation first. Let’s not get to the potential solutions. Let’s make sure Americans understand how big the problem is. Then we can talk about possible solutions and then work ourselves into those solutions that are doable.

Starting the first day of the 112th Congress, I ask that you join me in a daily drumbeat of asking Speaker of The House John Boehner: Where are the Jobs? Why haven't you shrunk the deficit? When will you reduce Government?

I'd like for the GOP/TeaParty to unleash their creative genius and tell America exactly how they are going to do all three. I've been waiting 18 months for the answer to that, and now that they are in the majority, it would be nice to answer that question for the American People -- of which I am still one.



15 comments (Latest Comment: 11/05/2010 03:03:03 by livingonli)
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