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The Manchurian Candidate
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 01/30/2011 15:29:38

Michele Bachmann sure is a piece of work, isn't she? I wonder if she really believes that America is a "great experiment in human liberty". Perhaps she's forgotten that this land on which we all sleep was actually a lot freer before the Europeans came along. But of course this is the same woman that also believes that our Founding Fathers ended slavery when she said earlier this month in Iowa, "..we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents [Bill of Rights] worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States." And speaking about our European founders she hailed them as "remarkable" because the "different cultures, different backgrounds, different traditions" and even the "color of their skin" or "language" or "economic status" didn't preclude them from seeking happiness. Right here in Good Ol' USA!!

She went on a weird light bulb jag implying that the Government wants to tell us what light bulbs to use. Perhaps she should suggest an amendment so that we have the right to bare bulbs?

Frankly I am beginning to think that we are all part of some bizarre Punk'd experiment. I'm waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out and pull off her wig. Maybe Jamie Kennedy? Allen Funt? Somebody?

Seems she forgot that slavery stayed around for a few years after Monroe and Jefferson and the rest passed on. Seems she also forgot about our stained history of treatment of Irish, Catholics, Italians, Chinese, Japanese, Natives, Gays, Mentally disabled, Jews and women.. just off the top of my head. In fact, women like her wouldn't have voted until 1920, and in most states still couldn't vote without their husbands looking over their shoulders well into the 1960's!

There has GOT TO BE AN ANSWER HERE! No one, and I mean NO ONE can get in front of living, breathing people with some semblance of a brain and say this:

That is why I have come to speak to you tonight - because the promise of America is under threat as never before. For 21 generations, the torch of liberty has been successfully passed from one generation to the next. And the question we need to ask ourselves tonight is: Will it end with us? Will we be the first generation to fail when it is our turn to pass the torch of liberty? Will we allow this great experiment in human liberty called America to end on our watch?

21 Generations of America? Let's see, here's a fun math problem for you Michele. If America is 235 years old and we've been around for 21 generations, that means that American woman have been cranking out little Americans since our founding, at age ELEVEN.

I implore you Ms Congresswoman to check that heavy eye shadow and make sure it's not filled with lead from China and destroying your faculties. Because.... wow!

In her SOTU rebuttal she once again made the insanely false claim that the federal government "may put 16,500 IRS agents in charge of policing President Obama's health care bill." This said right after decrying that unemployment spiked so much higher only 3 months after Obama took office and even after the "massive spending spree" unemployment continues to a "rate spiked to a staggering 10.1 percent". I'll ignore the fact that if he did hire 16K IRS agents that would be 16K more people employed, but whatever.

This woman works in the Government yet cannot seem to get her facts anywhere near factual. There are plenty of politicians that I disagree with, but at least most of them have their facts closer to actual truths.

Michele wants a "leaner, smarter government." Me, I'd be happy for a smarter Government. Let's start by getting her out of it. Think of the money we'll save and she can go home and pay more money for her incandescent light bulbs that waste more energy and cost more in the long run.

It's a win-win.

10 comments (Latest Comment: 01/31/2011 00:51:35 by AuntAzalea)
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