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Mercenary Ideologists
Author: BobR    Date: 06/29/2011 11:12:49

I know I've written about this before, but perhaps it's time again. The Democrats in general (and President Obama in particular) are expected to take shots from the right-wing. That is all part of the job. What makes that job harder, though, is all the flak coming from the left. In particular, it's from the "Professional Left" who seem to have nothing better to do than inflame the emotions of liberals and progressives who wanted to see a quick turnaround from the 8 dark years of the Bush presidency.

I'd make the analogy that the ship has been slow to turn, but Obama was taking shots from the left within the first 3 months of his presidency, and it has not let up. One of his most vocal critics is Hillary Clinton supporter Jane Hamsher. She and her FireDogLake site (along with brother-in-arms Glenn Greenwald) have been harping non-stop since he's been elected.

She happens to be on my shit-list now because of her site's recent fact-challenged attack on AARP. All one needs to do is read AARP's own words on the matter, but how many of her readers will take the time and energy to do that? AARP has long been on the side of Medicare and Social Security, but the facts don't matter when she sets her sights on a target. Why the sudden interest in AARP? Perhaps because they won't take her advertising?

Is it really all about money with them? Are Jane's positions driven more by money than by beliefs? What are we to think of a "progressive" that takes money from Republicans, then works with Grover Norquist and trashes Democrats?

The end result is a cynical disillusioned liberal electorate that loses interest in campaigning for Democrats, and in some cases doesn't bother to show up and vote. The meme I hear from people who should know better is "Democrats and Republicans are all the same. They are both corporatists helping the rich".

Both the same?... Really?... Let's do a quick comparison, shall we?

Here are some of the things the Democrats have done since President Obama came into office (on both a national and state level):
  • Passed the Affordable Care (health care) Act
  • Repealled DADT
  • Used stimulus to keep the economy from cratering worse than it has
  • Ensured extended unemployment benefits remained in place
  • Ratified START treaty to reduce nuclear warheads
  • Got marriage equality passed in New York

Here are some of the things the Republicans have done recently (both national and state levels):
  • Pushed to kill the Affordable Care (health care) Act
  • Passed anti-gay marriage amendments in 30 states
  • Took steps to kill unions in several states
  • Tried to redefine rape
  • Pushed to defund Planned Parenthood
  • Pushing to kill Medicare and Medicaid



The enemies of progressive and liberal politics are not Democrats who are not "progressive enough" - it is the Republicans. Any energy wasted on tearing down those on our side just strengthens the them. It is energy that can be better used to keep the horrible regressive "policy over practicallity" legislation of the right-wing zealots at bay.

The problem isn't Democrats who are trying to get whatever they can, and end up having to make deals. The problem is the Republicans, and the Professional Left that helps their cause by playing on the emotions of the left. Miranda at W.E.E. See You wrote a great piece on this topic yesterday:
There are too many Professional Dissatisfied Voices in the media and not enough real people. The self-identified progressives I see generally don’t represent real progress- meaning a real attempt to shift old social and political paradigms by finally solving problems instead of entertaining circular arguments. They represent retaliation and revenge for whatever they perceive to be the ills of the current political state. And that’s fine, but it’s not progress; it’s war. The war is for ideological superiority, not some actual, achievable goal.
the purpose of these mouthpieces and manufactured movement leaders is NOT to encourage progress, but to ensure the perpetuation of false dichotomies and time-wasting tug of war battles.

I encourage you to click over and read the entire thing.

The bottom line is that the "Professional Left" does not make money by being happy clappy Kum Ba Ya liberals. They make money by dashing off angry screeds that end up raising similar emotions in their readers. Their targets are whoever is in power, regardless of ideology. There may be some purists out there, but from what I've seen, they're mostly mercenaries.

Pass the salt.

80 comments (Latest Comment: 06/30/2011 07:01:52 by Scoopster)
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