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To Not Be Poor
Author: BobR    Date: 03/07/2014 13:51:08

One of the primary dividing lines between liberals and conservatives, between Democrats and Republicans, is their view on money. To liberals, a person who is poor is someone who needs help, support, and guidance, and opportunity to find a way out. Particularly vexing are the working poor, those who have full time jobs yet still live in poverty. To conservatives, being poor is an obvious moral failing. A person who is poor obviously did something wrong, and they are now deservedly paying the price (or not paying, since - you know - they're broke).

This is why there is always a huge gulf between the two main parties when it comes to budgeting. The Democrats would prefer to spend tax dollars on programs that help everyone (especially those who need it most), and the idea that somewhere someone is getting something they don't deserve is anathema to Republicans.

This is why the topic of WIC, food stamps, and school lunch programs becomes such a testy topic. Paul Ryan (R-WI) - who benefited greatly from Socialist Security - is one of the loudest, staunchest castigators of the disenfranchised. Yesterday at CPAC, he poor-shamed kids and their parents for having the audacity to want to eat:
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) asserted on Thursday that liberals did not understand that kids who got free lunches at school did not have parents who cared about them at home.
He then told a story of a “young boy from a very poor family” who received free lunches at school “from a government program.”

“He didn’t want a free lunch,” Ryan insisted. “He wanted his own lunch, one in a brown paper bag, just like the other kids.”

“He wanted one, he said, because he knew a kid with a brown paper bag had someone who cared for him. This is what the left does not understand.”

Lesson to the kiddies: Your parents can't afford to provide you with a bagged lunch? That means they don't love you.

It seems, though, that Mr. Paul took a lesson from fellow Ayn Rand-ite Rand Paul (R-KY) by plagiarizing that little story:
The paper-bag lunch story is from a 2011 book about a hungry, panhandling kid in New York City.
And the kid in the book wasn’t turning down gov’t subsidized lunches at school, he was reacting to a private benefactor’s offer to pay for his cafeteria lunches at school.

Whoops. I guess getting by on someone else's work is okay. Stealing words isn't really stealing, right? I mean - there are words everywhere, lying around, just waiting to be used. It's not like you're using the federal government to take money out of uber-rich hard-working people's pockets just to give it to the unlucky lazy poor people. In Republicans' minds, hard work = success + money. In reality, that is rarely the case.

Well Jesse Ventura has a few choice words for those who defend the rich and chastise the poor - you're sick:
Ventura said it looked like the ultra-rich had a “sickness” and were dangerously addicted to money.

“I think that’s what’s wrong with these one percenters. They have so much money they couldn’t spend it in their lifetime or their grandchildren’s lifetime, but it truly becomes a sickness.”

Ventura also questioned the conventional wisdom that billionaires earn their enormous salaries because they work more than the rest of Americans. He laughed at the notion that the one percent “work harder.”

“Is it work pushing numbers around on papers and moving decimal points?” he said. “Or is it work washing dishes or digging a ditch? Because I highly doubt that any of these one percenters — I’d love to know how many of them began like I did, at Mama Rosa’s restaurant washing dishes for $1.50 an hour. That’s work, and it’s as hard of work washing them dishes all day long as it would be doing what these CEOs do.”

So what's the solution? Some people work hard and still remain poor. What can they do? The answer is very simple, and I quote: "Stop being poor":

It's so simple!

55 comments (Latest Comment: 03/08/2014 03:05:12 by Raine)
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