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25 Years
Author: Raine    Date: 10/07/2021 12:56:56

It was just 7 years out from the end of the Reagan administration. The full effects of his economic plan, known as 'Reaganomics' and being rejected by his successor as 'VooDoo Economics', were implemented but they had not yet born the full gut punch to the middle and lower class. People still had a chance to wake up and be informed of how disastrous that economic plan would ultimately be over time. All that changed on October 7, 1996.

The O'Reilly Report, (later changed to The O'Reilly Factor) also aired for the first time on this day along with Hannity and Colmes, Fox and Friends, Your World with Neil Cavuto, Drudge, and The Edge (hosted by Paula Zahn).

It's hard to look back and see what damage and destruction this network has done to our nation in 25 years. Families have been torn apart. Friendships have been destroyed. People have died. What seemed benign just a few decades ago has become malignant, slowly creeping and leaving a foul stench on the American psyche. I hope The Murdoch family and their enablers enjoy what they have done.

The rightward turn in this country started out slowly, but the past 5 years sure have accelerated it. Many of the same players are still in the game.



8 comments (Latest Comment: 10/07/2021 15:57:14 by livingonli)
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