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Blather, Rinse, Repeat
Author: BobR    Date: 10/25/2023 12:33:52

Today begins another chapter in the long-running saga "who will not win the House Speakership today?" It has now been three weeks since Speaker McCarthy was booted from the chair for having the temerity to actually work with the Democrats and keep the government working.

Since that time, we've seen Steve Scalise get the nom from his party, only to pull out. Next came Gym Jordon, who was denied 3 times before he was removed from contention. Most recently, it was Tom Emmer, who won the next trip to the humiliation spot, bur removed himself from contention once he realized he would not get 217 votes from his own party. What's sad about that is some Democrats were considering "abstaining" on their votes for Jeffries so that the majority of votes required might actually be obtainable (the Dems have consistently been casting 212 votes for Jeffries).

Emmer's "nomination" was itself not without some contention as he was accused of not being a proper Christian, due to his support of same-sex marriage. This was the major reason the Insane Caucus declined to support him.

Last night, the next Republican on the docket was selected: Mike Johnson (R-LA). Johnson carries some baggage that Democrats will NOT allow to be stored in the overhead bins, mainly his support of TFG's lies about the 2020 election. This troubling fact was brought up by a reporter, and this is what happened:

What's concerning is that moderate Republicans are going to tire of this after a while, and eventually just go ahead and vote for whatever filth is vying for the seat. We're looking at a full year of hell in Congress until voters can undo the damage in Nov 2024. Here's hoping they're paying attention.

2 comments (Latest Comment: 10/25/2023 15:46:32 by Raine)
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