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Xmas Eve Eve!
Author: TriSec    Date: 12/23/2023 01:05:20

Good Morning!

Well - an annual event in a day or two, one of those usual seminal events where we mark the passage of time every year.

This year...well, it's pretty meh. I personally have not had a very good second half of 2023, after starting with such high hopes. Alas, all of them dashed.

But, we're not here to watch TriSec's navel-gazing. Let's dial up some Christmas tunes!

I suppose one of the casualties of this year was music. I never really touched my horn after a brief attempt to get into the Waltham American Legion Band this year. I have barely listened to anything, and well, certainly am not even playing any Christmas tunes.

Which leads us to our first song.

It kinda sums up my feelings of the season thus far. I will of course, come around - my house will be full of family and food come Monday.

Moving on, let's ponder the passing of terrestrial radio. Back in the day, many stations were local powerhouses. Lament with me the long gone Rock of Boston, WBCN - 104.1 FM. Back in the day, they issued a holiday album as a fundraiser, featuring many local artists. I still have it kicking around in my collection someplace. But it did yield this gem, featuring Billy West and Mark Sandman.

Considering that Mrs. TriSec met and fell in love around that square, back when this music was getting some airplay - seeing those old photos of what we remember nearly caused me to shed a tear.

But moving on - we all have songs that we hate at this time of year. I regret that at the Tea Party after party last weekend..I got "Whammed" and then I was "Simply NOT having a wonderful Christmastime" back-to-back. Just to get that taste out of my mouth, let's have one of my personal favourites. The Chairman sings a fine waltz.

So....from all of us here in the TriSec Compound - have the best weekend you all can, whatever it is you will do!!



7 comments (Latest Comment: 12/24/2023 20:19:40 by Raine)
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