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The Death of Decorum
Author: BobR    Date: 05/22/2024 12:50:10

Over years and generations, what's considered proper behavior evolves. It used to be illegal for women to show a certain amount of skin in public (especially at places like the beach). Nowadays, it's pretty much anything goes, where it's now legal for women to sunbathe topless in some places (like NY).

In some cases (like the previous example), it's a step in the right direction for personal freedom. Just because something is "legal", though, doesn't mean it's a good thing (e.g.: slavery was legal until it wasn't). In other ways, however, it's not for the betterment of society. In particular, it has been a detriment to our nation's politics.

It's easy enough to point the finger at TFG - he's the very embodiment of everything wrong with our politics. It's his effect on others, though, that is aggravating. He's given his supporters permission to be assholes.

Yesterday, during his hush-money trial, the behavior of a witness for the defense - Robert Costello - resulted in the judge clearing the courtroom:
Lawyer Robert Costello, called up to testify by Trump's team, exasperated normally unflappable Judge Juan Merchan by constantly griping at his rulings.

Each time Merchan upheld a challenge from prosecutors to his statements on the stand, Costello would shake his head or sigh theatrically.

When Costello responded to another objection being upheld with an audible "Jeez!", Merchan snapped.

"Sorry?" the judge said, repeating more loudly: "Sorry?"

Merchan launched into a lecture on "proper decorum," saying that "if you don't like my ruling you don't say 'jeez,' you don't say 'stricken'. I am the only one who says that."

Yet Costello, unbowed, looked right back — and now the judge had had enough.

"Are you staring me down?" Merchan said, incredulously. "Clear the courtroom!"

We're all familiar with the MTG / Crockett interchange, where MTG - for no good reason - verbally taunted Crocket about her eyelashes. Crocket asked - since that was not grounds for dressing down - if she could refer to MTG as "Bleach blonde bad built butch body".

Since no consequences have been forthcoming, one may assume it is okay. At least - if you're a Republican and a TFG supporter.

5 comments (Latest Comment: 05/22/2024 15:02:28 by Raine)
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