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The 4th
Author: Raine    Date: 07/04/2024 13:11:01

I am not sure How I feel about it this year. Monday's SCOTUS ruling was a gut punch. I tried to prepare for the worst, but it wasn't enough. Where I am at tho, is in a place of deep anger with the media and how they're treating our President.

The constant drone of 'Will he drop out?' is deeply disturbing. and it's media-driven, make no mistake about it. Democrats are telling people that we will fight FOR democracy, our Constitution, and our freedoms. The media is trying to tell us that we won't fight for our own President.

I will continue to support the man who has our backs and has for years. Screw the political reporting. I don't want a rapist felon in the White House.

Insist, resist, and persist on this Independence Day. Let's make sure it's not our last.


1 comments (Latest Comment: 07/04/2024 16:07:32 by Will_in_Ca)
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