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CNN/YouTube(tm) Republican Debate
Author: Raine    Date: 11/29/2007 00:22:35

Tonite we blog as we watch. The drinking game is as follows:

1 shot for everytime a candidate mentions RayGun;
1 Shot for each time War on Terror™ is mentioned;
Double Shots for any mention of 911™ in conjuntion with the war on terror ar anything associated thereof;
Double shot for a Clinton reference;

If any of the following occur:

- Rudy's wife will call in the middle of the debate and tell him she is leaving him for a woman;

- Mitt will use a new hair gel and the heat from the TV studio lights will ignite his quaff mid-way through a question;

- Fred will fall asleep, literally, and begin snoring;

- Mike will talk way too much about Keith Richards, leaving many to question what he's really concerned about;

- Ron Paul will accidentally utters and inappopriate slur;
The entire bottle must be killed.

All credit must be given to Ms. Velveeta Jones for the Kill Bottle list... :clap:

See you inside! and :heart:

194 comments (Latest Comment: 11/29/2007 04:14:22 by livingonli)
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