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Time to Get Serious
Author: BobR    Date: 2015-05-27 10:53:34

On Monday, we had a small neighborhood gathering in the front yard, a sort of "going away party" for our neighbors, combined with Memorial Day. We were cooking burgers and hot dogs and having a good time.

We have a primary coming up in a couple weeks for state office, and one of the candidates happened to campaigning on our street. He stopped by to talk to us, since he had Raine on a list of some sort. He moved on down the street, but left a political discussion in his wake which continued for a few hours. Despite our living in a very "blue" area, our neighbors possess a mixed bag of political viewpoints, which made things lively and interesting. Moderate conservative, libertarian, and liberal among us, we discussed various governmental policy points. I feel lucky that my neighbors - despite disagreeing with me on various political positions - nonetheless approach them intelligently and thoughtfully, and can articulate their positions and how they got there.
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15 comments (Latest Comment: 05/28/2015 12:27:54 by Mondobubba)

Ask a Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 05/26/2015 10:16:45

Good Morning.

Today is our 341st day back in Iraq.

On this day after Memorial Day, we'll take a look back at the casualties wrought in our name in this century...as always, courtesy of Antiwar.com:

American Deaths
Since war began (3/19/03): 4493
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03): 4347
Since Handover (6/29/04): 3627
Since Obama Inauguration (1/20/09): 256
Since Operation New Dawn: 66

Other Coalition Troops - Iraq: 320
US Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 2357
Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 1127
Contractor Employee Deaths - Iraq: 1,487
Journalists - Iraq: 348
Academics Killed - Iraq: 448

We find this morning's Cost of War passing through:

$ 1, 629, 223, 450, 000 .00

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29 comments (Latest Comment: 05/26/2015 20:47:58 by wickedpam)

A silent blog
Author: Raine    Date: 05/25/2015 13:56:02

Advice from Mike
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 05/24/2015 14:18:15

Our guest blogger takes questions and gives sound, moral remedies to those in need.

Dear Gov. Huckabee,

I try to keep a nice yard, just as Jesus would want. I keep the lawn mowed and put down fertilizer, shoot rabbits, squirrels and other varmints that trample on it; in short, it's a yard that you'd be proud of. My problem is my neighbor. At night when I hit the sack at 8:00 right after setting the DVR to record Hannity, he lets his dogs out to run through the neighborhood. It seems they love my grass and target it for their poop. My neighbor seems oblivious to the damage they are doing to my pristine yard. He even turned his back on me as I had to stoop down and pick up the excrement while I was in my suit last Sunday just before church. Obviously he wasn't going to church. Should I turn the other cheek and love my neighbor despite his faults, or go the eye for an eye route and poop in his yard?
Frustrated Homeowner.
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3 comments (Latest Comment: 05/26/2015 16:26:32 by AuntAzalea)

All Politics is Local V3
Author: TriSec    Date: 05/23/2015 11:42:25

Good Morning.

'Tis a fine morning for politicking, and around 9am this morning I'll be standing out near our local supermarket collecting signatures for a candidate. He's run before, without success, so fortunately still has that "Outsider" label.
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1 comments (Latest Comment: 05/23/2015 23:56:28 by BobR)

Fluffy Friday
Author: wickedpam    Date: 05/22/2015 12:43:14

On this fine Memorial Day Friday I bring you.....


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8 comments (Latest Comment: 05/22/2015 17:37:15 by livingonli)

Life is a Highway
Author: Raine    Date: 05/21/2015 13:09:56

Saturday, TriSec wrote a blog about the bees. It's alarming, no question about it.
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41 comments (Latest Comment: 05/21/2015 19:45:51 by Mondobubba)

The Cracks in the Wall
Author: BobR    Date: 05/20/2015 13:53:43

We used to think of the Republican party as a monolith, where they all marched and voted in step with one another. That made them a formidable foe for Democrats, who often look like a collective of special interests trying to work together. Yes - herding cats.

Things have been changing however, and the Republican party is becoming more fractious. There are the traditional Republicans, who are a dying breed. They tend to be moderate and willing to work across the aisle, and still believe government has a place in our lives. There are the corporate Republicans who never met a corporate tax cut / giveaway / special law exemption they didn't like. There are the Tea Partiers who in general tend to hate all taxes but still want government services. They are somewhat allied with the libertarian types, who don't want taxes OR government services. They also want to smoke weed and stay out of foreign wars which makes them occassional allies with Democrats (this is dangerous), and at odds with the chickenhawk Republicans who love all wars, and want to send poor people's kids to battle. What they don't ever seem to care about is what happens to them when they come home. This is not unlike the social conservative Republicans (like Mike Huckabee) who hate abortion and gays, but don't seem to care about unaborted fetuses once they're born.
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21 comments (Latest Comment: 05/20/2015 19:04:19 by Raine)

Ask a Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 05/19/2015 10:14:40

Good Morning.

Today is our 334th day back in Iraq.

There have be no recent US military casualties, although an American civilian was recently killed in Afghanistan.

We find this morning's Cost of War passing through:

$ 1, 627, 452, 750, 000 .00

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35 comments (Latest Comment: 05/19/2015 19:40:21 by wickedpam)

They were given good intelligence.
Author: Raine    Date: 05/18/2015 14:02:49

With the run up to primary season, there is a lot of discussion regarding the Iraq war. Our GOP friends have had a lot of answers… Here are a few:
The fact that Jeb Bush, a likely candidate for the Republican nomination in 2016, was pressured this past week into rejecting, in hindsight, his brother's war "is an indication that the received wisdom, that which we work from right now, is that this was a mistake," said Evan Cornog, a historian and dean of the Hofstra University school of communication.

Or as Rick Santorum, another potential Republican candidate, put it: "Everybody accepts that now." As a senator, Santorum voted for the Iraq invasion and continued to support it for years.


All these Republicans said last week that, in hindsight, they would not have invaded Iraq with what's now known about the faulty intelligence that wrongly indicated Saddam Hussein had stockpiled weapons of mass destruction.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, in an interview Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation," summed up that sentiment: "Knowing what we know now, I think it's safe for many of us, myself included, to say, we probably wouldn't have taken" that approach.

Rubio, in a long exchange on "Fox News Sunday," tried to navigate the Iraq shoals once again, making a glass-half-full case that while the war was based on mistaken intelligence, the world still is better off with Saddam gone.

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15 comments (Latest Comment: 05/18/2015 20:48:06 by Raine)

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