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Are we that stupid?
Author: Raine    Date: 08/24/2009 12:59:10

The world is watching us America, and they are getting sick and tired of our nonsense. Many people probably don't care, but put yourself in their shoes. If they had a small, but very loud vocal group saying racially-tinged obscenities about how the United States runs - we would be upset as well.
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44 comments (Latest Comment: 08/24/2009 23:43:09 by Raine)

A Little Sunday Irony.
Author: Raine    Date: 08/23/2009 16:46:22

Today the AJC has a rather good review of what Health Care reform means for America. It was surpisingly well done, I must say. I've been known to be quite critical of our hometown paper, but I'll give credit where it is due. While I did find a few factual errors, for example: Everything the republicans from our fine state said. If you want, you can access it here, there are some really good links.

The debate goes on. This was on the front page of todays newspaper:

The photo caption reads:
East Cobb barber, [name redacted by me] thinks that people should work for their health care. He's 52, a Marietta resident, and has no health insurance.


6 comments (Latest Comment: 08/24/2009 01:37:36 by TriSec)

Something about RomneyCare
Author: TriSec    Date: 08/22/2009 11:55:23

Good Morning!

Well, it's been quite a week. As most of you know, I'm on new job number two for 2009, and have spent all of the last week in training (and away from dear bloggie!). Next week it's more of the same, only I'll be with my team and learning what it is I'm *actually* supposed to do.

I'll be eligible for benefits in 30 days, which comes as a great relief. I've been on COBRA since February. You know I live in the only state that has a mandated (and unfunded) universal health care requirement. The way Mitt had the law written, everyone in this Commonwealth is required to purchase healthcare. We get a little document from our carrier every year at tax time stating this, or we face a major tax hit. (Yes, we're penalized if we don't have insurance.)

In order to make it 'easier' for folks to comply, Herr Romney created something called the Commonwealth Connector. All the insurance providers in Massachusetts got together and tried to come up with some 'affordable' options for people to buy. Why doesn't everyone take a minute to check it out. Click on the 'find insurance' button and pretend you live here. How much does your plan cost? (remember, that's out-of-pocket to you.)

When I was first out of work, I priced several plans. One of the options wound up being about $100 less than my COBRA payment, but as I read further into it, the copays, deductibles, and other patient responsibilities kept adding up and it didn't make sense to switch. In the end, we qualified for ARRA payments and have been paying roughly what I would normally contribute in an employer-based plan.

But is RomneyCare working? It's true that the majority of persons in the Commonwealth are covered, but at what cost?

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13 comments (Latest Comment: 08/24/2009 09:09:47 by nucleart)

Under the Radar
Author: BobR    Date: 08/21/2009 12:46:34

It's Friday, my alarm didn't go off, so here's some news items you may have missed what with all the hubbub over the health care reform bill:

First of all, it seems the economy is about to rebound:

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33 comments (Latest Comment: 08/22/2009 01:01:06 by TriSec)

What can we do?
Author: Raine    Date: 08/20/2009 12:37:05

This morning I am going to ask you to please read this post and please send a letter in to your Senator. I am going to ask that you send this to all of your friends and colleagues and ask that they do the same.

We always knew that health care would be a rough battle. In the last few weeks, the republicans and conservadems have made the battle more chaotic and insane then it ever had to be.
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59 comments (Latest Comment: 08/21/2009 01:20:28 by livingonli)

Regarding Health Care Reform: A Letter for Your Senators
Author: Raine    Date: 08/19/2009 18:40:01


Remember, any contact you have to your representatives gets written down in a 'for' or 'against' column.
They DO keep a record of where people stand on issues. It is critical that you call or write via snail mail or email, your elected representatives. This letter is tailored for Senators.

When you are done personalizing your letter, copy it and click this link:
US Senator Contact Information
Find your State and Senators , then paste the information in the message box.
Fill out the other required information requests and submit your message.

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Courage in the Face of Nothing
Author: BobR    Date: 08/19/2009 12:39:10

Courage is a funny thing. It can make people do extraordinary things in the face of overwhelming odds. On a life-or-death scale, it's what carries soldiers into combat. On a "fight the power" scale, it's what inspires a young woman to refuse to yield her seat on the bus. It's what gives some politicians the strength to craft or sign legislation they know will be unpopular and possibly lead to their party's loss of power next election.
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79 comments (Latest Comment: 08/20/2009 02:55:22 by livingonli)

Ask a Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 08/18/2009 10:28:16

Good Morning.

Today is our 2,344th day in Iraq.

We'll start this morning as we always do, with the latest casualty figures from Iraq and Afghanistan, courtesy of Antiwar.com:

American Deaths
Since war began (3/19/03): 4331
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03): 4192
Since Capture of Saddam (12/13/03): 3870
Since Handover (6/29/04): 3472
Since Obama Inauguration (1/20/09): 103

Other Coalition Troops - Iraq: 318
US Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 782
Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 530
Contractor Employee Deaths - Iraq: 1,395
Journalists - Iraq: 139
Academics Killed - Iraq: 423

We find this morning's cost of war passing through:

$ 899, 350, 550, 000 .00

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49 comments (Latest Comment: 08/19/2009 02:38:45 by Raine)

What exactly IS essential?
Author: Raine    Date: 08/17/2009 12:18:45

Sorry to be so late today. I will admit that health care reform is first and foremost on my mind, and with the events of the past weekend the entire process seems to be in chaos. As of right this moment, I can't tell whether or not the public option is in or out of what the President wants for health care reform.

Yesterday, you may have heard the Secretary of HHS said that the public option is "is not an essential part" of health insurance reform. This has set off a firestorm in the blogosphere. Rightfully so. The President has stated on many many occasions that he would not sign a bill without a public option.
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70 comments (Latest Comment: 08/18/2009 01:11:18 by trojanrabbit)

More about The Death Panels!
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 08/16/2009 14:23:49

Isn't it exciting? YOU could have some government hack decide whether Grandma dies! (Why is it always "Grandma" seen as some sweet, fragile old women who has a wealth of home remedies and recipes that will die with her. It's never "Pedophile Uncle Bob" or "Raciest Skinhead Cousin Rick"... alas).

But I am ready for it. As I turn into "Grandma" sometime later this month (damn) - I await the government to decide my fate. Hell, I'd have a better chance fighting the government than my insurance company. Provided I can get/keep an insurance company, that is. Some of you may remember that Velveeta has had an issue with trying to secure and maintain private insurance.

I'd certainly have an easier time getting insurance through the Gov for my disabled partner who struggles daily with her health issues - and quite bravely I might add - than with a private company who only cares about profit. None of them "actually" turned down insurance for her, rather they offered to insure her for a mere $2,400 a month. That was our lowest quote.
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7 comments (Latest Comment: 08/16/2009 23:53:34 by livingonli)

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