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The Excrement that's about to Hit the Ventilating Device
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 01/06/2013 15:45:41

Trigger Warning on this mornings blog!

Good morning. I was planning on writing a blog about this horrendous rape of a teenager in Ohio. But the facts are so utterly disturbing that I honestly don't want to talk about them. I'll just leave you with the links and you can view them, or not, for yourself.

The bottom line though, is that we begin to see more and more of this "blame the victim" mentality alongside the current rape culture. I'm disgusted by what we are teaching our boys these days. That rape is just "a thing"; that it's nothing more that "getting some".

My news these days is filled with these images of women in India of the continuing crimes in Africa in places like Dafur, of this Ohio story and of course, our conservative politicians that blather on about "legitimate rape" and such.

I just want to puke. I have a teenage daughter. And, you ask me not to own a gun? I should own 100 fucking guns!!!

I'm posting the links below. However, I like to caution that, while I normally agree with the people that anonymous shines a light on (Karl Rove, anyone?) that in this case this is an ongoing investigation and a future trial and that many of these people are minors. I do believe in "Innocence before guilt".

Warning, this is graphic.

Steubenville police website.

While this has been getting some play in the news the past few weeks, expect it to be hitting the fan in a big way in the next few weeks, unless we get another debt crisis or mass gun shooting.

4 comments (Latest Comment: 01/07/2013 02:58:50 by Will in Chicago)
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Comment by Raine on 01/06/2013 16:12:12

Comment by AuntAzalea on 01/06/2013 18:32:19

Good blog today VJ. This crime goes on all over our country, before the whole advent of cell phones, facebook, etc. it would be swept under the rug. I hope that justice is done and that girl heals and knows that people are rooting for her.
I want to know what those boys mothers, sisters, aunts are saying to themselves. This entitled, sociopathic behavior doesn't just happen over night.

Comment by Raine on 01/06/2013 19:21:05
it appears people are coming forward. I know that these are anonymous posts, but the more I think about it, I believe that this town has an environment that makes it very difficult for victims to speak out.

I don't know how I feel after watching that video and seeing what the Sherrif is saying. HE would rather go after Anonymous than find justice for the victim (s) . Here is why I am now using plurals:

I was a former Steubenville High School student, and I used to date Jordan Banks, who was very abusive. He even broke my window in the school parking lot, while I was in the driver's seat.

Then, in the summer of '09, right before our senior year, there was a series of parties. Me and Jordan got into a altercation, which caused the police to be called. I made the worst decision of my life and ended up leaving with him. When we were in the car, we continued to argue, and he punched me. I woke up from being unconscious in Trinity Hospital's parking garage. I was naked, and he had his phone out. Although he said we were going to have sex, he didn't rape me, but a security guard had came down before he got a chance anyways. I told the guard I thought he was going to rape me, and Jordan said I was just drunk. The guard was going to take both of us up to the hospital to call the police until Jordan said he played Big Red football. The guard let him go. I was taken up to the hospital lobby, and then taken home by a police officer.

The next day, my mother and sister went to the hospital to retrieve the incident report, but the hospital never made one, and the lady told my mother that I was trespassing. I moved away the next week.

Although I've never been happier, one night changed my life forever. Please help this little girl get the justice she deserves.

Here's my story ;; Some of the boys accused were Freshman at Big Red and some accused were in my class at Harding. I started texting (insert name here) who is a senior football player at Big Red. After texting for a while, he asked me for a picture. Without thinking I sent him a nude picture. Within the next week, everyone from Big Red/ Harding had the picture on their phones. I asked him multiple times to please delete the picture and he swore to me he did.. I hung out with him and a few big red boys that following summer at a graduates apartment in Steubenville. When I got there, they showed me that they all still had the picture and proceeded to make fun of me. (Name of one boy affiliated) told me to go into the bedroom with him where he began to touch me sexually. Being as scared as I was and not knowing what to do, I let him. We had sex.. Afterward I walked back into the living room asking for them to just take me home.. They told me no. They proceeded to tell me to go into the bedroom with another student, (name of boy who sent out the picture).. not knowing what was going to happen, I did.. We got into the bedroom and I began to tell him how scared I was and how I just wanted to go home.. He began to try to talk me into sleeping with him saying, "Just do it.. No one will know.. I promise." He began to touch me. I told him to stop but he continued and I let him.. As he crawled on top of me, both of us now naked, the people that were in the living room busted into the bedroom, turned on the light and started screaming. One of them had their phone out. (I don't know if any pictures were taken) Disgusted, I jumped up, threw my clothes on and demanded to be taken home. One boy stood up and volunteered to take me home. When we got in the car he told me if I didn't flash him, he wasn't taking me home. I screamed in a rude manner to just take me home and he began to drive me home. I was harassed for the almost two years after the events of that year transpired. Almost to a point of suicide. They started rumors about me saying they trained me. Which had definitely not happened.. I never told my story because I was afraid of the criticism I would receive. It's not a rape case but I believe that these boys would do what they're being accused of.. Considering the boys involved with me had no problem doing what they did..

You are the best thing to happen around here. Get justice for scared victims like us.

Thank You. Merry Christmas, Anonymous.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 01/07/2013 02:58:50
Let us say that I think that if justice delayed is not justice denied, there will be many who will have much to answer for in and around Steubenville, Ohio.