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The Excrement that's about to Hit the Ventilating Device
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 01/06/2013 15:45:41

Trigger Warning on this mornings blog!

Good morning. I was planning on writing a blog about this horrendous rape of a teenager in Ohio. But the facts are so utterly disturbing that I honestly don't want to talk about them. I'll just leave you with the links and you can view them, or not, for yourself.

The bottom line though, is that we begin to see more and more of this "blame the victim" mentality alongside the current rape culture. I'm disgusted by what we are teaching our boys these days. That rape is just "a thing"; that it's nothing more that "getting some".

My news these days is filled with these images of women in India of the continuing crimes in Africa in places like Dafur, of this Ohio story and of course, our conservative politicians that blather on about "legitimate rape" and such.

I just want to puke. I have a teenage daughter. And, you ask me not to own a gun? I should own 100 fucking guns!!!

I'm posting the links below. However, I like to caution that, while I normally agree with the people that anonymous shines a light on (Karl Rove, anyone?) that in this case this is an ongoing investigation and a future trial and that many of these people are minors. I do believe in "Innocence before guilt".

Warning, this is graphic.

Steubenville police website.

While this has been getting some play in the news the past few weeks, expect it to be hitting the fan in a big way in the next few weeks, unless we get another debt crisis or mass gun shooting.

4 comments (Latest Comment: 01/07/2013 02:58:50 by Will in Chicago)
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