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A Film
Author: TriSec    Date: 10/28/2023 00:01:22

In 2023, gun violence has devastated the United States, killing most humans there. Violent bands of survivors are carrying their guns to New England, where Lewiston, Maine will be the last city to be annihilated.

Meanwhile, citizens of New England theorize that gun violence in the rest of the country may be declining, because everybody has already shot each other, and may peter out before reaching New England. Soon after, Mainers detect an incomprehensible radio signal coming from Washington, DC, where there should be nobody alive to send it. A group is organized to sail south to investigate.

Arriving at Boston, the crew is horrified to find bodies in the streets, burning buildings, and a few survivors carrying heavy guns in the North End. The theory is incorrect; there will be no salvation from the violence. Stopping next in New York, they find the city devoid of life. One person born in New York City jumps overboard and swims ashore, so he can die at his mother’s house.

Arriving in Washington, the crew discovers that a power source is still running a radio station on automatic control. Nearby, sound levers have become tangled in some power cords and continue to broadcast a blank signal, which was received in New England.

Returning to Maine, the crew learns that Kittery has erupted into gun violence. People are being shot, stores looted, and houses burned. Some begin to arm themselves for a Last Stand, while others give up and retreat into the woods. The commander of the mission shuts himself in a garage with his car and starts the engine, to end his life by carbon monoxide poisoning.

Within a few days, the streets of Lewiston are empty. An abandoned church sits on Main Street, the doors hanging open in the cold New England winter.

The sign out front proclaims “On Earth, Peace, good will toward men.”

You may recognize this as loosely based on the classic Cold War era dystopian film, “On the Beach”. You can review the synopsis at your own leisure.

Comparing it to the End Times of the United States, the scenario is not that far-fetched. We had our “WWIII” moment on December 14, 2012. At Sandy Hook Elementary School, Children and their Teachers were massacred, and the entire country as a whole decided that guns were more important than anything else.

Of course I know many who believe differently, and up until very recently, there were some enclaves in this country that seemed immune to the carnage that takes places everywhere else. Whether it is our regulations, our mindset, our attitude, or our leadership that made a difference, I suppose we’ll never know.

The reality of the matter is that no place in the United States is safe. I opined on this a while ago; there were random gunshots fired from an office building into the Boston Garden earlier this year.

I drive past there three or four times every day at work.

It is not lost on me that being in a public role, driving a large target, and carrying 45 people on every trip, many of them with unchecked and unscreened backpacks or more – I’m a heartbeat away from being gunned down myself.

So the state of Maine mourns like so many other places in this country. The utterly useless “Thoughts and Prayers” are flowing from all corners of the nation. It certainly is easy to ignore the problem and hope for the best, while calling on that nebulous sky-spirit to make everything better, isn’t it?

1 comments (Latest Comment: 10/28/2023 15:48:04 by Will_in_Ca)
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Comment by Will_in_Ca on 10/28/2023 15:48:04
We have failed in many ways as a country. However, like the end of a certain movie, I still cry "Brother, there is still time."

One of Maine's conservative Democratic Congressmen has now lamented his opposition to an assault rifle ban and now calls for one. Maybe I am a foolish optimist, a dreamer, but I still hold to the proposition that the future can be better than the past.