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We have to turn a corner.
Author: Raine    Date: 04/24/2014 13:06:48

The last time I felt this way was in the 90's as the so-called Moral Majority was increasing its stranglehold on the country. I remember Waco, Ruby Ridge and the Oklahoma bombing. I did not shed a tear when Timothy McVeigh was silenced forever.

It's not a good sign when voices like Randi Rhodes aren't able to offer solutions. It's worse when they just decide to throw in the towel and walk away.

I haven't given up. I'm trying to find a solution and a beacon that can guide us out of crazy land.

I feel overwhelmed by the garbage that the politics of DC is churning out. Overwhelmed by the misrepresentation by our media and disheartened that people believe so many lies. I am overwhelmed by the money in politics.

It's hard to keep up with it all, and yet, I still feel a need to try to dispel myths and lies.

We are becoming a nation that has no sense of nuance, and that makes us our own worst enemy.

It's a sad state of affairs when we have citizens that hold a racist rancher in Nevada as a heroic patriot and hold our President with disdain and hate.

It's quite overwhelming.

It's hard to write about it.

I care very much, maybe too much. One thing I know is that we have to turn a corner. This road is dangerous.

39 comments (Latest Comment: 04/24/2014 22:54:52 by Raine)
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