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Just Something Off Topic
Author: wickedpam    Date: 02/27/2009 13:22:30

There are probably a lot more relevant things I could blog on. Congress Critters “twittering” before, during and after the Presidents speech, was it rude or not. The awesomeness of the speech that happened Tuesday night and the dull as dishwater respond from Piyush “The Exorcist” Jindal. The shovel ready projects that started yesterday giving people jobs and starting to move around money. There are so many worthwhile topics. It is however a Friday, and my brain is not in the mood to tackle anything big and important. Sorry.

Instead I’d like mention Crafting. I want to know what people do to keep themselves busy and that creates something new. It could be simple or something detailed and elaborate.

I’ve been finding that being able to create something has lightened some of the stress that’s been pressing down for all sorts of reasons. I’ve gone from crocheting hats and scarves to just now learning to decorate cakes. In between I’ve picked up all sorts of new skills, like making melt and pour soap, creating tile mosaics for table tops and the best thing is that I’ve been repurposing odds and ends to extend the use of something and save some money.

So what have you been up to?


45 comments (Latest Comment: 02/28/2009 03:14:19 by livingonli)
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