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Lonely Star State
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 05/10/2009 13:57:46

Velveeta was recently alerted to this alarming trend in Texas. According to Think Progress comes this shocking CNN report that Texas is charging women thousands of dollars for the rape kits they use at the hospital. Essentially, since these rape kits are part of the police investigation, the police are charging these women for cooperating with authorities.

Once again, Texas is leading the way in setting the bar for decency and friendliness of the New South. The rest of us really need to step up to their level of charm and enlightenment, not to mention equality.


You may recall that Texas Gov. Rick Perry recently implied that Texas might need to secede from the United States. Seems the Federal Gov’ment was insisting on giving them stimulus money that comes from (drama sting) TAXES!! Abhorrent! And, to add insult to injury, the Federal US of A want to ever so slightly raise the top marginal tax rates!! Repugnant! Obviously these are the first signs of impending socialism and Texas, being Texas, wants no part in these matters.

Well, for me, this is the last straw. Having women pay for being victimized? I say to Texas: bye-buh, don’t let the swinging Wal-Mart doors hit you on the ass as you exit. And please, feel free to take parts of Oklahoma with you, won’t you?

As well, we’re going to give you a parting gift with our thanks: please accept all our gun toting militia crazies, bomb throwing abortion clinic loonies, and anyone who doesn’t believe in evolution. Also, we’ll throw in any Dallas Cowboy fans that somehow made it past your boundaries.

Also, well give you all the Wal-Marts you want, polygamist cults, people longing for the Rapture and gay bashers.

Secede tonight before midnight and we’ll throw in beer-swilling yahoos that beat their wives and kids, big churches, spoiled rich kids that spend daddy’s money and Chuck Norris.

All we ask for in exchange is the Rangers outfielders, Austin and pundit Jim Hightower.

We, the USA, look forward to negotiating with you in the future and good luck with your border problems.


12 comments (Latest Comment: 05/10/2009 22:08:34 by TriSec)
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