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They blacked out the media. Poor Iran
Author: Raine    Date: 06/22/2009 12:40:15

Like many others, I have been watching the events in Iran unfold over these past few weeks. It is frightening, terrifying, fascinating and exhilarating. It's dangerous, though. People are dying. More people you can safely assume, than is being reported. This green revolution is growing and morphing into something else, but it started with a simple idea: Count Our Vote. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

For most of the week, the people involved in this green movement have used social networking to get messages out of the country, as the country has clamped down on all media. Journalists are being held without charges, some are simply missing, visas are being revoked. The BBC has been told to leave. CNN AND other major outlets have been reporting all week that since they cannot report from inside of Iran, they too must rely on sites such as YouTube, facebook, twitter and proxy servers for information and claim that this is the best they can do. It leaves me to wondering, where were they in 2008 when Amy Goodman was arrested outside the RNC convention -- in Minneapolis/St. Paul? Surely there was no state imposed media blackout? Right?

Where were they when police used tear gas, rubber bullets and pepper spray on Americans at that same convention? Even Donna Brazille was hit by pepper spray as she walked into the convention center. Where were they in 2004 when countless people were hauled off the streets of NYC during the RNC convention there? Pier 57, you will recall, was a holding pen for nearly 400 people. They were rounded up and tossed in a warehouse - no food, water, phones -nothing. Police were seen beating protesters. Where were they in 2003 and 2005 (ongoing today, btw) , when ANSWER Coalition and United for Peace and Justice organized millions of people to protest against the occupation in Iraq? Where were they? Where were they in 2004, when Ohio didn't have their votes counted? (to this day those votes have not been counted) Where were they in 2000, when Florida had their votes stolen?

Where ARE they in America? Surely they cannot claim a media blackout, can they? WE don't have a state run network. While I appreciate the media trying to cover this very important story in Iran, I do not appreciate the excuse of a media blackout from a secretive country like Iran for less than stellar reporting. I would love to see just half the time and passion for Iran to be used for stories here in America-- stories like the healthcare debate. While the media wrings it's hands over Iran, people are actually dying for lack of healthcare in America. People are dying, and the media doesn't report it.

We are here though, those that peacefully protest, and those that want our votes counted. We are the people who call our representatives and ask them to please listen -- The media isn't telling you that. We are here and we could use some help. Make the calls, write the letters --tell them what you want from them. That is how you make your vote work for you. And while you are at it -- call the media, contact them, tell them what stories are important. When you see misinformation say something. Write letters to the editor. Twitter -- Facebook, snail mail, telephone, email... This is our country and it is our responsibility to take care of it. Don't let them cry over a media blackout halfway across the world when they have blacked out out the news themselves right here in the United States.

:usa: Vigilance!

:peace: and


73 comments (Latest Comment: 06/23/2009 12:13:17 by TriSec)
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