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Things that Make you go: OMFG!
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 10/10/2010 14:56:58

Sometimes I am so embroiled in the big picture, that I miss the little things. Sure I heard the story about the US Chamber of Commerce and their un-American activity of accepting donations from foreign corporations and mixing the funds into the general pool that is then donated to (mostly Republican) candidates. There is also this story out of Wisconsin:

Wisconsin Democratic congressional candidate Julie Lassa is calling on her opponent to denounce a new attack ad by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that displays her home phone number and tells viewers to call and tell her to "stop voting for job-killing tax hikes."

"Sean Duffy's special interest backers crossed a line in their attacks that put Julie and her family at risk to harassment and abuse," Lassa campaign Manager Rick Fromberg said in a statement. "Sean Duffy should let it be known to his outside special interest groups that there is no place for these kinds of attacks in Wisconsin elections."

According to a person close to the Lassas, the family had to unplug their phones the day the ad went up and her two daughters can no longer answer the phones because of all the calls.

Not to be outdone by an organization, Republicans took to the airwaves to draw attention to their other character defects and/or moral turpitude's. Ohio's Rick Lott really wanted to win this race, as pictures of him in full Nazi regalia appeared and he was quickly distanced by the mainstream Republicans (whatever that is, these days).

House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) sought on Sunday to quickly and clearly distance the Republican Party from a GOP candidate whose past participation in Nazi re-enactments surfaced this weekend.

In an appearance on "Fox News Sunday," Cantor (the lone Jewish Republican in the House) said he "would absolutely repudiate" Rich Iott, the Republican nominee for Ohio's 9th District who apparently had an affinity for donning a German Waffen SS uniform.

At least he makes our Civil War re-enactment aficionados who just love dressing up in Confederate gear look less kooky!

We can't forget anti-masturbatory, evolution denier and surprisingly unmarried Ms O'Donnell who keeps the pace with the other teabaggers. This week, we learn, among other things, that she's Italian, even though her name seems otherwise.

In a 1999 television appearance, Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell admitted to dabbling in several religions -- including witchcraft and Buddhism -- but said she skipped being a Hare Krishna because she couldn't give up meat.

On Friday night Bill Maher aired on his HBO show, "Real Time," the clip from his previous show, "Politically Incorrect."

"I would have become a Hare Krishna, but I didn't want to become a vegetarian," she said. "And that is honestly the reason why, because I'm Italian and I love meatballs."

They just keep coming! The Palins, Rand Paul (who is now trying to convince voters that he's mainstream), Meg Whitman, Sharron Angle, Linda Mcmahon. I swear, they are beginning to look like they are trying to outdo each other in loonyness! They are seriously making Tennessee's Basil Marceaux look like a perfectly qualified and sane candidate. (He of the "change the state flag to not have gold fringe" platform).


3 comments (Latest Comment: 10/11/2010 11:19:03 by Scoopster)
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Comment by TriSec on 10/10/2010 16:30:07
Morning, comrades.

I saw the Rich Lott story this morning, too. Surprisingly enough, I don't have much of an issue with it. I know a WWII re-enactor myself, and he also plays an SS Colonel. "The bad guys are more fun" he says. I also know several "Lobsterbacks" that do revolutionary stuff around here.

I think perhaps because WWII happened within living memory, this is being made an issue. As long as it's for "love of history", there should not be cause for alarm. (REAL hardcore re-enactors do indeed do it for said love. My Lobsterback friend has no desire to become a subject of Her Majesty again, for example.)


It's another glorious New England day. I'm off to Prospect Hill Park (this city) to lead our annual Cub Scout day hike to the summit. Look for stuff on FB during the afternoon.

Comment by AuntAzalea on 10/11/2010 01:51:51
I am not a witch (the pagan community is relieved about that )
I am not gay...I love my wife....I have never been gay.... err wait that was someone else
OMG it is all getting mushed in my head - that goodness Velveeta keeps it all straight for us.

Comment by Scoopster on 10/11/2010 11:19:03
Morning all & Happy holiday Mondee!

Getting a jumpy-jump on this morning's bloggie.. I just watched Carl Paladino on the Today Show. Who the FUCK does he think he's kidding? "OH I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH GAY PEOPLE I SAY LIVE & LET LIVE BUT THEY CAN'T GET MARRIED AND I'D NEVER TAKE MY KIDS TO A GAY PRIDE MARCH THAT'S DISGUSTING"

Not to mention he was noticeably much more docile and quiet, and looked stoned. I think he popped a Xanax knowing that milquetoast Matt Lauer was gonna tear him apart.