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Philosophy of F*** You.
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 12/18/2011 14:07:41

I am done with the monster of “we,” the word of serfdom, of plunder, of misery, falsehood and shame. And now I see the face of god, and I raise this god over the earth, this god whom men have sought since men came into being, this god who will grant them joy and peace and pride. This god, this one word: “I.” ~~~ Ayn Rand, selfish bitch

In this festive holiday season in which we celebrate as a people of many diverse religions and spiritual beliefs (or none) why don't we take a look-see at one of America's most prominent God haters?

Usually, Velveeta does her annual "Twas the Night Before..." poem, but I only just now realized that this is the last Sunday before the Holy Day, and there is not enough coffee in Columbia to wake me up sufficiently to write poetry this early, so we'll have to save that for the actual day. I'm sure you are giddy with anticipation.

I don't really know much about Ms Rand's personal life. I've read Atlas Shrugged or ASs as I like to refer to it, and found it unappealing to say the least. Sure, I read the book while I was in college and - to be honest - the only thing I know for sure that my brain actually took in was this famous writing: "This is the famous Budweiser Beer. We know of no other product by any other brewer which costs so much to brew...." you get the picture.

Anyway, according to this blog there's some dandy info on Ayn personal life! This writer claims that Ayn was a bit of a control-freak, egotistical, horn-dog. Somewhat like a cult leader, or - as she's compared to in this writing: Charlie Manson. Damn!

Ayn had an affair while both she and her 25 years younger boy-toy were both still in holy wedlock (though I rather doubt any sort of pledge or vows would hold much water with someone who cares only for their own needs, right?) Her suitor - originally named Nathan Blumenthal but later changed it to Nathaniel Branden - declared his love of her work to her in a letter and she invited him to her home to check him out. I suppose this was all before Cupid dot com, or perhaps, Ashley Madison dot Com and this was how it was done.

Anyway, once Nathaniel got what he wanted, probably money and power, he realized she was an old wind-bag and moved on, which made Ayn furious. It's funny see, because wasn't he really doing what she preached about? Oh the irony!

Seems there is no mention of the adulterous Rand on her fancy website, but why? Surely this is a glaring example of her power of persuasion as well as showing how her philosophy of objective reality is quite the bomb? Maybe they ran out of megabytes and had to save room in the internet tubes.

Well, back to God. Most of us humans have some sort of belief in God or Goddess or Higher Power or whatever; something that we feel guides us through our lives and graces us with the sense of caring and compassion for others. Helping others not only gives us a feeling of happiness and usefulness and self-worth, it gives us hope that there is a future out there. Otherwise, we'd just commit violent crimes for money, sell drugs, destroy things, bully others into fear and collect a shit-ton of money and power. Kinda like street gangs. Hmm, maybe reading Atlas Shrugged is a requirement for gang entry?

It seems the more I learn about Ayn Rand and her odious "Me, Me, Me" philosophy, the more I am convinced that we should set Charles Manson free.

2 comments (Latest Comment: 12/18/2011 20:19:13 by BobR)
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Comment by livingonli on 12/18/2011 17:20:23
Good day. It does seem like many of the cons who embrace the Ayn Rand philosophy have the tendencies to be sociopaths.

Comment by BobR on 12/18/2011 20:19:13
Ayn Rand - like the "free market libertarians" that look to her fiction as a life-guide - was a hypocrite. No surprise there.

It strikes me as interesting that Scientologists also base their life philosophy on a work of fiction. Odd coincidence, yes?