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Being Right Is Not Enough – Speaking Truth and Taking A Stand
Author: Will in Chicago    Date: 06/23/2008 12:50:08

Know your enemy and know yourself, and you will win a thousand battles.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War,

In reflecting on past Democratic political campaigns, it seemed that many of the candidates had never heard of the wisdom of a general of ancient China whose works are still required reading in many military academies. Too often, Democrats and progressive have let Republicans not just define the terms of the debate but have failed to present their stories and vision of the country and the world. Equally as bad, too often these stories and for what candidates stand were related in ways that seemed passionless and distant from voters. Thus, the Republican Party has been able to win time and time again – even when only a minority of Americans shares their positions.

In Paul Waldman’s book, "Being Right Is Not Enough - What Progressives Must Learn from Conservative Success", the veteran political analyst looks at why progressive causes have suffered politically – and more importantly how progressives can redefine the terms of the debate, build a lasting progressive coalition to achieve long term goals, and elect progressive candidates to political office. While polls show that progressives win on such issues as the environment, corporate responsibility, health care, racial and gender equality, and the environment, progressives must learn that voters tend to respond more to emotions than to details on the issues. Perception of a candidate’s strength of resolve and character can matter greatly – once John Kerry failed to counter the portrayal of his record as that of a flip flopper, he was seen as weak and indecisive.

Waldman argues that unlike conservatives, liberals have failed to create a master narrative to frame their arguments calling for tax cuts to top sending tax dollars to bureaucrats wasting your money on needless programs in some office inside the Beltway in Washington, D.C. In making this argument, conservatives have defined taxes as an evil, called bureaucrats wasteful, and slammed both government programs and Washington, D.C. Progressives can counter this by saying that conservative tax cuts overwhelmingly benefit the upper one percent of Americans, including millionaire dividend clippers who lay by their swimming pools while the rest of us hard-working, middle class Americans are trying to make ends meet. Progressives can also talk about programs that help people like the Food and Drug Administration, things that serve the interest of everyone and not just elitists who fly around in private planes and go to one of eight homes owned by their millionaire spouses. (Hello, Senator McCain, your trying to portray a guy who just paid off his student loans a few years back as an elitist is a stretch for a guy who has eight homes to live in – including one with a private lake.) Can we afford tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires and corporations that ship American jobs out of the country when the GOP has run the national debt into the stratosphere. Words matter. Narratives matter.

One thing that also matters is HOW you argue your points. Waldman wrote that Democrats often seem obsessed with arguing based on what Aristotle in his Rhetoric calls logos: arguments based on fact, reason and knowledge. Sometimes, I have grumbled when Democrats present multi-point plans for a solution In contrasts, Republicans tend to argue basedon what Aristotle called pathos, emotional appeals, and ethos, appeals based on a speaker’s character. Aristotle himself wrote “It is not true, as some writers assume in their treatises on rhetoric, that the personal goodness revealed by the speaker contributes nothing to the power of persuasion; on the contrary, his character may almost be called the most effective means of persuasion he possesses.”

We can see this in many ways. Generals Wesley Clark, General Anthony Zinni and Congressman Jack Murtha of Pennsylvania speak out against the war in Iraq and the ongoing occupation, they bring to their arguments their collective experience in the military. Murtha also brings to the table years as a supporter of the military and veterans. This gives them an advantage with many people, as they are seen as experts on military affairs and combat veterans. Similarly, members of Combatants for Peace, veterans of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict who now advocate for non-violence and a two state solution, bring their experiences to the table, showing that men and women who once targeted each other through gun sites can stand together and be advocates for peace. (My friend Mollykolly interviewed two membesr of Combatants for Peace last year as part of an episode of Talk ‘N Action at the Unfiltered News Network. You can download the program if you wish.)

It is also possible to craft a persona to give an image of credibility. Few people have been more successful at this than George W. Bush. Karl Rove and Bush’s others handlers took a Texas governor – a weak official in the Texas Constitution – who had a record of approving many executions and relatively few accomplishments, and portrayed him as a “compassionate conservative,” a friendly, Texas cowboy who was portrayed as someone people could have a beer with. (We should recall that George W. Bush record has not been compassionate, his ranch has no animals bigger than his bets, and he was born in New Haven, Connecticut. Bush, as a recovering alcoholic, should not have beer. Nor, based on what we have seen, should he eat pretzels or ride a bicycle – let alone both at the same time.)

This year, the Democrats have a candidate who knows how to argue based on ethos: Barack Obama. His speeches not only have stories that listeners can relate to, he also weaves in the fabric of his life to establish himself as someone who is qualified to talk on a particular issue. His experiences like those of John Edwards, gives him additional credibility to talk on some issues.

Consider Barack Obama’s 2004 Democratic National Convention Speech.

Also, consider Barack Obama’s speech “A More Perfect Union” in which he addressed the issue of race in America delivered early this year after the Reverend Wright controversy.

Furthermore, Barack Obama understands something that Michael Dukakis and John Kerry did not understand – you have to be willing to argue based on appeals to ethos and to fight against outrageous accusations. Conservatives have framed progressives as out of touch with common people and policy wonks whose values and interests do not match those of ordinary Americans. Yes, conservatives – who argue for tax cuts for billionaires and less corporate accountability – argue that it is progressives who are the elitists. They argue that progressives do not share the values of ordinary Americans.

To quote Waldman, “Electoral success isn’t about plans, it isn’t about résumés, it isn’t about experience, and it isn’t about ideas. It’s about connection on an emotional level through ethos and pathos - how people feel about, a candidate, and how they make them feel about themselves.”

Additionally, Waldman argues that Democrats need to stand up to outrageous statements by conservatives. He gives the example of Rove’s statement that Democrats wanted to offer therapy and understanding to the perpetrators of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Democrats should have challenged this statement by calling it beyond the pale of honest, reasonable political discourse. They did not, but instead tried to show that they too, like the Republicans, are tough on terrorists. This only feed into the perception of Democrats having to react to the agenda set by the Republicans.

We should remember the words of Samuel Johnson: “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.” I would truly love to hear Senator Obama or another leading Democrat use this phrase or one like it to condemn those who act as if one party alone has a monopoly on patriotism and that Democrats do not fight and die in our nation’s wars.

Fortunately, Obama has set up Fight the Smears to counter the remarks sent his way. Similarly, there was outrage among progressives and others for the recent remarks by Michael Reagan about putting live grenades in the butts of babies who have names such as Hezbollah. Such speech and that of Karl Rove should be utterly condemned as remarks unworthy for American political discourse, and comparable to the diatribes of past and present dictatorships. Progressives need to show strength in the face of such statements, being willing to fight such outrages when they occur and to have the courage to stand for their positions, even if it is politically unpopular at the moment.

Waldman is similarly critical of the corporate media that too often is afraid to challenge leaders on issues, and often fall back on reporting two sides of an issue – even if one side makes a case that has no bearing in fact or is in fact a lie. For too many, a sound byte or an image of toughness or skill at spinning a story is more impressive than discussing an issue in depth.

Waldman also argues that there needs to be a progressive movement, independent of party and candidate who will hold candidates accountable for their actions. In addition to stand up for their convictions on such issues as universal healthcare – even if it takes years of work – we have to be willing as progressives to have candidates answer the following questions that Waldman suggest we ask of candidates who want our support:

    Can you state in one sentence exactly why it is that you are a progressive?

    Are you willing to stand unapologetically for progressives values in the knowledge that they are in fact the values most Americans share?

    Do you know how to argue using not just logos but pathos and ethos as well, and do you understand that the latter is the most important of the three?

    Do you appreciate that strength does not flow from a ten point plan? And just how do you plan to demonstrate your strength?

    Can you stop worrying about what the editorial pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post say abut you? In other words, do you understand that playing to what the establishment media say they want is not a winning media strategy?

    Are you committed to goals that may take years or decades to achieve?

    Do you understand that no matter what is on your résumé, Republicans will attack your character? Are you willing to hit back just as hard, if not harder?

Waldman wrote that we also need to ask these questions of ourselves. The journey ahead is not easy. Yet we must remember that a movement is not a single man or woman. We should be inspired by the greatness and goodness of such titans as Harriett Tubman, Frederick Douglas, Susan B. Anthony, Mother Jones, Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., Medgar Edgars, Cesar Chavez and so many others. Often, those who advocated for a more progressive America, a more progressive world, faced ridicule, harassment, threats and violence. Yet we have come to where we are today not just by the actions of the famous but by many whose names may never be known to history.

The Talmud advises that if someone claims the Messiah has come while you are planting a tree, finish planting the tree and then go great the Messiah. It is up to us, in our own ways, to continue planting the seeds and tending the trees of a progressive movement that will build a more just, equitable, and better world. The work may well be one of not just one, but several lifetimes. Yet for the naysayers who ask whether we can build a better world, let us say with Senator Barack Obama and Cesar Chavez and all those who have gone before them, famous or unknown, “YES, WE CAN!!!”


189 comments (Latest Comment: 06/24/2008 05:05:35 by Raine)
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Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 12:53:27
Morning... :coffee:

Comment by Will in Chicago on 06/23/2008 13:00:19
Good morning, Bloggers!

I hope that everyone is doing well and had a great weekend.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 13:04:12
Good Morning! Will, thank you for a wonderful post this morning! very thought provoking.

Comment by m-hadley on 06/23/2008 13:10:16
"Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them?"

George Carlin (1937 - 2008)

Hapee Mondee Everybodee:D





Comment by m-hadley on 06/23/2008 13:16:25
Lindsey Grahamcracker - what a wuss !!!


mfaye :D

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 13:17:32
btw - excellent post Will. I wrote on a similar topic last fall when discussing the importance of using powerful words and phrases. If you haven't read it, I think you would find it and Drew Weston's book very interesting...

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 13:17:40
Morning, comrades!

Will with the heavy artillery this morning!

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 13:25:52
Ah, another fine bumper by Mr. Lavoie....

Let's see, cyanide, slash wrists, or jam pencils in eardrum?


Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 13:28:26
Ya know, regarding Obama and campaign finances, let's not forget about this.

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 13:32:53

It doesn't matter how much the Saudis or OPEC pumps...we could be swimming in oil for all they care.

When the big boys increase their refining capacity, then we'll talk. We can have a billion barrels of oil lying around, but if we can only turn 100,000 barrels a day into gasoline...

And with prices so high, there's no incentive for them to change a thing. Which is why we need the windfall tax, but that's another argument.

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 13:38:39
Quote by TriSec:


It doesn't matter how much the Saudis or OPEC pumps...we could be swimming in oil for all they care.

When the big boys increase their refining capacity, then we'll talk. We can have a billion barrels of oil lying around, but if we can only turn 100,000 barrels a day into gasoline...

And with prices so high, there's no incentive for them to change a thing. Which is why we need the windfall tax, but that's another argument.

If there was a shortage of gasoline, you'd see lines at the pumps and gas stations running out.

I still say it's the commodities traders inflating the prices by selling futures.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 13:40:39
Laura ingraham is just too much for me. I do NOT want to ever listen to her and Momma together on the air. <_<

Comment by Shane-O on 06/23/2008 13:45:37
Laura does love Steph:

Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 13:49:45
Quote by Raine:

Laura ingraham is just too much for me. I do NOT want to ever listen to her and Momma together on the air. <_<


Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 13:50:47
Good morning everyone.

If men could get pregnant, they would serve beer and pretzels at abortion clinics.

Ah, George Carlin, you will be missed.

Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 13:51:26
Yeah, I'm sure At&t will have a hard time paying their lawyers.

Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 13:52:07
Obama is aware that he's running for President, correct?

Comment by Shane-O on 06/23/2008 13:52:41

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 13:54:15
Quote by starling310:

Yeah, I'm sure At&t will have a hard time paying their lawyers.

As well as Verizon and Comcast.

Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 13:54:28
Barbara Lee!

Comment by Will in Chicago on 06/23/2008 13:54:48
Quote by BobR:

btw - excellent post Will. I wrote on a similar topic last fall when discussing the importance of using powerful words and phrases. If you haven't read it, I think you would find it and Drew Weston's book very interesting...

Thanks, BobR! I have to get back to Drew Westen's The Political Brain. It is a good book. (It looks like I am going to be checking in here between doing house work.)

Comment by Scoopster on 06/23/2008 13:55:21
Morning all... :coffee2:

Went to Hartford to visit mom & gramma this weekend.. The travel was HORRENDOUS, to the point where I might switch from bus to train (damn the extra expense!) If it wasn't for that amazing look on gramma's face when I walked in I probably would've had a miserable trip.

And of course, it continued this morning as the regular mass transit was running behind on every leg and caused me to be an hour late to work. Add to that finding out about Carlin's death and I was doing my impression of his seven words routine.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 13:56:15
You know, I think there is a real reality that Barack Obama can revisit this issue once he is in the White house.

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 14:01:44
Oh dear...we've got some particularly dark clouds of Mordor overhead right now. Weatherman says maybe even some hail today....

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 14:03:22
It's supposed to rain here today too.

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 14:04:04
Dear Candidate Obama. I really want only one thing from you. I want to be able to fly again.



: selfish :

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 14:06:07
Quote by Raine:

You know, I think there is a real reality that Barack Obama can revisit this issue once he is in the White house.

I'll never understand these one-issue voters.

Comment by Scoopster on 06/23/2008 14:06:13
Hey Tri I was up in your neck of the woods this weekend.. In fact I even got an unexpected tour of Logan Airport because the coach driver didn't bother to announce on the loudspeaker that we'd arrived at South Station (I don't think he wanted to disturb us sleepyheads or somethin' )

BTW if anyone needs a slightly used Charlie Ticket, let me know.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 14:07:15
Quote by Shane-O:

Laura does love Steph:

Warn me before you post that voice next time, willya?


Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 14:07:54
OMG... Mike Gravel... That man did the best political commercials, ever.

Comment by Scoopster on 06/23/2008 14:11:29
Quote by BobR:

Quote by Raine:

You know, I think there is a real reality that Barack Obama can revisit this issue once he is in the White house.

I'll never understand these one-issue voters.

Does not wanting a Republican president count as a one-issue mindset?

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 14:12:10
I believe we may have to turn out to the boat deck with our lifebelts on if this keeps up much longer. (my building has been known to spring leaks in a deluge...)

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 14:12:23
I'm surprised Bob Barr and Mike Gravel didn't end up duking out for the Libertarian nomination.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 14:14:17
YOu know what I find interesting about this whole thing is that in the beginning of the primary race, we had so many people --- we could be wonderfully ideological about our choices.

And as candidates dropped out one by one, we had to make choices. Barack was never ever as liberal as the right would have us to believe, but I still believe is our best hope to get this country back on track.

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 14:14:33
Morning! :hug:

Raine - PM to ya :hug:

Comment by m-hadley on 06/23/2008 14:17:03
Remember Little Kings, anybody? I think it was billed as cream ale.




Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 14:17:03
Good morning Mala. We missed you Thursday and Friday.

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 14:20:06
Quote by m-hadley:

Remember Little Kings, anybody? I think it was billed as cream ale.




Little Kings and Genesee - dueling cream ales of watery goodness

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 14:20:44

THis happened in Newburgh? Not Georgia?

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 14:23:06
Quote by livingonli:

Good morning Mala. We missed you Thursday and Friday.

I meant to say that I was going to gone but time slipped away from me and I couldn't get to a computer in the morning. We were trying to get ready for a yardsale and to get some house stuff done. Too bad the yardsale got postponed until this weekend, it was beautiful Saturday.

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 14:24:36
It was nice here over the weekend but a little muggy. It's supposed to rain today.

Is DC supposed to get rain?

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 14:27:02
Hey, where's been these days? She hasn't been around in a while.

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 14:32:17
Quote by livingonli:

It was nice here over the weekend but a little muggy. It's supposed to rain today.

Is DC supposed to get rain?

Isolated thunderstorms - usual for DC

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 14:34:34
Hey, WP...

News from TriSec land, we're thinking about backing out of DC now. Mrs. and I both have automotive issues, and Bush's "distraction check" is looking like we could put it to better use than a road trip....


I hate this "president". I really and truly do.

"You Ruined My Life!!!" - Chris Farley

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 14:35:43
Gawd, thank you Mr. Positive

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 14:38:09
Quote by TriSec:

Hey, WP...

News from TriSec land, we're thinking about backing out of DC now. Mrs. and I both have automotive issues, and Bush's "distraction check" is looking like we could put it to better use than a road trip....


I hate this "president". I really and truly do.

"You Ruined My Life!!!" - Chris Farley

That's okay DC will still be here and maybe ya'll can come for the Obama inaguration :D

Trust me, we backed out of our yearly OBX trip cause of gas prices, so I understand.

Comment by Scoopster on 06/23/2008 14:40:21
I haven't gotten my "Bush bribe" yet.........

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 14:43:24
Quote by Scoopster:

I haven't gotten my "Bush bribe" yet.........

I got mine last week.

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 14:44:53
Ah, I know DC will still be there. January 20th is the Tuesday after MLK weekend next year. That's definitely worth pulling Javi out of school for an extra day.

"I was at the inaugural...."

: gears turning :

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 14:46:34
Quote by livingonli:

I got mine last week.

We should get ours next week at the latest...

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 14:47:20
Quote by TriSec:

Ah, I know DC will still be there. January 20th is the Tuesday after MLK weekend next year. That's definitely worth pulling Javi out of school for an extra day.

"I was at the inaugural...."

: gears turning :

As soon as we get our bribe check, we're making hotel reservations

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 14:50:19
Quote by BobR:

Quote by TriSec:

Ah, I know DC will still be there. January 20th is the Tuesday after MLK weekend next year. That's definitely worth pulling Javi out of school for an extra day.

"I was at the inaugural...."

: gears turning :

As soon as we get our bribe check, we're making hotel reservations

So you guys are going to try to go to the Inaugural?

Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 14:50:51
Anybody else getting solicited by CREDO mobile?

They are offering to pay early termination fee. . . hmmm. . .

". . . here's what we won't support. The administration of Bush/Cheney. Sorry to say, if your phone's with AT&T, you're giving money to one of the maximum contributors to both Bush/Cheney campaigns. . . " <------ CREDO

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 14:52:40

Mom has just been offered a job in my company (in a different department)!

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 14:53:37
Wow, sanchez got a little slutty with momma...

Comment by Shane-O on 06/23/2008 14:55:40
On Will's post: perhaps Bush sould have spent more time reading Sun Tzu than "My Pet Goat"... The Art Of [Bush's] War

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 14:58:24
Quote by wickedpam:


Mom has just been offered a job in my company (in a different department)!
wonderful news!!!!

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 14:58:59
Very much so!

Comment by Scoopster on 06/23/2008 15:03:34
Quote by Raine:

Wow, sanchez got a little slutty with momma...

OOoh.. nothing beats a dirty sanchez in the morning. :lol:

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 15:03:35
Quote by starling310:

Anybody else getting solicited by CREDO mobile?

They are offering to pay early termination fee. . . hmmm. . .

". . . here's what we won't support. The administration of Bush/Cheney. Sorry to say, if your phone's with AT&T, you're giving money to one of the maximum contributors to both Bush/Cheney campaigns. . . " <------ CREDO

CREDO used to be called "Working For Change". I had them for my cell phone several years ago. At that time, they were simply leasing cellphone service from Sprint and reselling it. I liked that a part of my monthly fee was going to good causes, but I got crappy reception. I also wondered how much of my money was going to Sprint.

I don't know if it's changed since then, but you should do some research before deciding to switch.

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 15:03:49
Napa on fire... No word on whether any vineyards, well known or not, are threatened at this time..

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 15:04:30
Quote by wickedpam:


Mom has just been offered a job in my company (in a different department)!

woo-hoo!! :party:

:hug: that's got to be a real load of your shoulders...

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 15:05:48
Quote by livingonli:

So you guys are going to try to go to the Inaugural?

Absolutely - we've mentioned it before, btw.

We also said we weren't in the mood to try to organize any kind of meetup.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 15:06:00
Quote by starling310:

Anybody else getting solicited by CREDO mobile?

They are offering to pay early termination fee. . . hmmm. . .

". . . here's what we won't support. The administration of Bush/Cheney. Sorry to say, if your phone's with AT&T, you're giving money to one of the maximum contributors to both Bush/Cheney campaigns. . . " <------ CREDO
I wonder what the network is like... Might be interesting to take a look into it.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 15:07:07
Quote by Scoopster:

Quote by Raine:

Wow, sanchez got a little slutty with momma...

OOoh.. nothing beats a dirty sanchez in the morning. :lol:


Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 15:08:19
Quote by BobR:

Quote by starling310:

Anybody else getting solicited by CREDO mobile?

They are offering to pay early termination fee. . . hmmm. . .

". . . here's what we won't support. The administration of Bush/Cheney. Sorry to say, if your phone's with AT&T, you're giving money to one of the maximum contributors to both Bush/Cheney campaigns. . . " <------ CREDO

CREDO used to be called "Working For Change". I had them for my cell phone several years ago. At that time, they were simply leasing cellphone service from Sprint and reselling it. I liked that a part of my monthly fee was going to good causes, but I got crappy reception. I also wondered how much of my money was going to Sprint.

I don't know if it's changed since then, but you should do some research before deciding to switch.

**Sprint is the network provider only; your service is handled exclusively by CREDO Mobile.

So, yeah, it looks like it's still the same deal. But, I suppose some money going to Sprint is better than ALL my money going to AT&T, with NONE going to any causes.

I am worried about reception though. I use my cell as my only phone and I great reception now.

I am just starting to hate that I support AT&T with my renewing a contract every 2 years.

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 15:08:39
Quote by BobR:

Quote by wickedpam:


Mom has just been offered a job in my company (in a different department)!

woo-hoo!! :party:

:hug: that's got to be a real load of your shoulders...

It is, but I have to say I was so proud of her for walking away from the situation she was in a her last place.

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 15:09:29
Quote by BobR:

Quote by livingonli:

So you guys are going to try to go to the Inaugural?

Absolutely - we've mentioned it before, btw.

We also said we weren't in the mood to try to organize any kind of meetup.

I like to think of it as an organic gathering :D

Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 15:09:34
They don't offer any NOKIA phones. Sheesh.

Can a good, alternative phone company please come along that offers good reception and quality hardware? ? ? ? ?


Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 15:11:04
Quote by BobR:

Quote by livingonli:

So you guys are going to try to go to the Inaugural?

Absolutely - we've mentioned it before, btw.

We also said we weren't in the mood to try to organize any kind of meetup.

Really? Why? It's so easy to accomodate everyone!

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 15:12:15
Quote by starling310:

Quote by BobR:

Quote by livingonli:

So you guys are going to try to go to the Inaugural?

Absolutely - we've mentioned it before, btw.

We also said we weren't in the mood to try to organize any kind of meetup.

Really? Why? It's so easy to accomodate everyone!

And we're walking and walking.

Comment by m-hadley on 06/23/2008 15:15:45
Quote by starling310:

Quote by BobR:

Quote by starling310:

Anybody else getting solicited by CREDO mobile?

They are offering to pay early termination fee. . . hmmm. . .

". . . here's what we won't support. The administration of Bush/Cheney. Sorry to say, if your phone's with AT&T, you're giving money to one of the maximum contributors to both Bush/Cheney campaigns. . . " <------ CREDO

CREDO used to be called "Working For Change". I had them for my cell phone several years ago. At that time, they were simply leasing cellphone service from Sprint and reselling it. I liked that a part of my monthly fee was going to good causes, but I got crappy reception. I also wondered how much of my money was going to Sprint.

I don't know if it's changed since then, but you should do some research before deciding to switch.

**Sprint is the network provider only; your service is handled exclusively by CREDO Mobile.

So, yeah, it looks like it's still the same deal. But, I suppose some money going to Sprint is better than ALL my money going to AT&T, with NONE going to any causes.

I am worried about reception though. I use my cell as my only phone and I great reception now.

I am just starting to hate that I support AT&T with my renewing a contract every 2 years.

Heya Starling,

I have CREDO (formerly Working Assets) for my cell phone and have had no problems with the service - I only use my cell phone for travel purposes and on the weekends, but have had no trouble. I've been with them for years (since 1999? I believe). Just my two cents. "When someone asks you, A penny for your thoughts, and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny?"

George Carlin (1937 - 2008)


mfaye :D

Comment by Shane-O on 06/23/2008 15:16:10
Not run: George Bush and John McCain, Two Of A Kind:

Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 15:18:42
Quote by m-hadley:

Heya Starling,

I have CREDO (formerly Working Assets) for my cell phone and have had no problems with the service - I only use my cell phone for travel purposes and on the weekends, but have had no trouble. I've been with them for years (since 1999? I believe). Just my two cents. "When someone asks you, A penny for your thoughts, and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny?"

George Carlin (1937 - 2008)


mfaye :D

Hey Roomie. . . Good to know.

I have a "Working Assets" Credit Card, so I think that's why I have started to get information from CREDO.

There's a 30 day trial period. . . I might try it.

We will see.

Comment by m-hadley on 06/23/2008 15:19:02
Quote by Scoopster:

Quote by Raine:

Wow, sanchez got a little slutty with momma...

OOoh.. nothing beats a dirty sanchez in the morning. :lol:

Off to the penalty box for you, Scoopster... :P



Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 15:19:30
PM ------------>

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 15:20:11
I am still very alarmed that Mr. Ward knows so much about Scientology...

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 15:23:47
Quote by BobR:

Quote by wickedpam:


Mom has just been offered a job in my company (in a different department)!

woo-hoo!! :party:

:hug: that's got to be a real load of your shoulders...

So glad to hear this. Hopefully this will work out better than the other gig.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 15:24:22
Quote by starling310:

PM ------------>

:star: ------------> PM

Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 15:25:23
----------------------> Mala's Mom!!!

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 15:28:25
You guys are the best :hug:

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 15:29:40
Look at you! You have a baby... in a bar....


Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 15:30:57
Quote by TriSec:

I am still very alarmed that Mr. Ward knows so much about Scientology...

Did you ever see the South Park episode?

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 15:31:31



erm, running out of names already.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 15:33:16
We actually import more oil from Cananda than Saudi Arabia.

And of the top five countries, only one is inthe Middle east.

SO as much as I am not fond of the Saudi's and Opec, this is NOT the problem.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 15:35:39
Quote by TriSec:




erm, running out of names already.

Svedka, Morgan, Jose, The names ARE endless!

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 15:36:46
Quote by Raine:

We actually import more oil from Cananda than Saudi Arabia.

And of the top five countries, only one is inthe Middle east.

SO as much as I am not fond of the Saudi's and Opec, this is NOT the problem.

The other reality is that we don't really chose where we buy our oil. We buy from oil brokers that get oil from wherever they can. Thus, if we drill in ANWR, some of that oil may actually get shipped to China.

Comment by Random on 06/23/2008 15:37:48
Quote by Raine:

We actually import more oil from Cananda than Saudi Arabia.

And of the top five countries, only one is inthe Middle east.

SO as much as I am not fond of the Saudi's and Opec, this is NOT the problem.

Most of the gas we get here in South Florida is from the South America.

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 15:40:32

Aaaaigh! My Stream!

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 15:41:01
I thought it was just me.

Comment by Shane-O on 06/23/2008 15:41:37
Quote by BobR:

Look at you! You have a baby... in a bar....

Long version:

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 15:43:36
:kickcan: my kingdon for a stream...

Comment by Random on 06/23/2008 15:44:24
So...someone who knows something.

If i have a sound clip, how do i send it to the Stephanie Miller Show?

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 15:45:22
Quote by Random:

Quote by Raine:

We actually import more oil from Cananda than Saudi Arabia.

And of the top five countries, only one is inthe Middle east.

SO as much as I am not fond of the Saudi's and Opec, this is NOT the problem.

Most of the gas we get here in South Florida is from the South America.
Good morning sir Random!

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 15:46:20
I'm having no problem with the Steph Stream. Are neither KPHX or Green 960 working?

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 15:46:55
Good morning Random.

Comment by Random on 06/23/2008 15:48:27
Quote by Raine:

Quote by Random:

Quote by Raine:

We actually import more oil from Cananda than Saudi Arabia.

And of the top five countries, only one is inthe Middle east.

SO as much as I am not fond of the Saudi's and Opec, this is NOT the problem.

Most of the gas we get here in South Florida is from the South America.
Good morning sir Random!

This is the part where i'd probably get grumpy and complain...

But i'm not in the mood...

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 15:49:16
my stream is flowing again...

Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 15:50:34
GREEN 960 is fine!

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 15:53:58
Feeling like Pearl Harbor here.

Second wave coming in, we just had a lightning "proximity blast"...the whole building shook...

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 15:54:45
Quote by Raine:

my stream is flowing again...



Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 15:56:28
It's dark and raining by me.

Comment by Random on 06/23/2008 15:57:48

I know where i am on the totem pole.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 15:58:30
Quote by BobR:

Quote by Raine:

my stream is flowing again...




Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 15:58:38
Quote by Random:


I know where i am on the totem pole.

there's a totem pole?

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 15:59:35
Quote by Random:


I know where i am on the totem pole.

Comment by Random on 06/23/2008 16:04:32
Quote by BobR:

Quote by Random:


I know where i am on the totem pole.

there's a totem pole?

Random can't think straight.

Random has headache, and idiot people drilling on side of building.


Comment by Will in Chicago on 06/23/2008 16:04:54
Quote by Shane-O:

On Will's post: perhaps Bush sould have spent more time reading Sun Tzu than "My Pet Goat"... The Art Of [Bush's] War

Shane-O, the closest George W. Bush gets to the Art of War is probably a fortune cookie.

Pam, congratulations.

Comment by Shane-O on 06/23/2008 16:08:15
Quote by will in chicago:

Quote by Shane-O:

On Will's post: perhaps Bush sould have spent more time reading Sun Tzu than "My Pet Goat"... The Art Of [Bush's] War

Shane-O, the closest George W. Bush gets to the Art of War is probably a fortune cookie.

Pam, congratulations.

Very close to Mr. Ward's response to my post (long ago) -- something along the lines of Bush needing lots of pictures and Ritalin

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 16:09:15
Quote by BobR:

there's a totem pole?

I thought we had a stripper pole.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 16:10:35
Quote by Random:

Quote by BobR:

Quote by Random:


I know where i am on the totem pole.

there's a totem pole?

Random can't think straight.

Random has headache, and idiot people drilling on side of building.

Aww.. damn... headaches suck...

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 16:10:41
Quote by livingonli:

I thought we had a stripper pole.

we had one put in just for you to use... :lol:

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 16:15:50
Quote by BobR:

Quote by livingonli:

I thought we had a stripper pole.

we had one put in just for you to use... :lol:

Be careful what you wish for.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 16:17:10
McCain is proposing a CONTEST on the Taxpayer dollar... for Clean battereis?!?!?!

First off, I believe we already have them. Secondly we already have zero emission vehicles...

What the old coot doesn't seem to understand is that it's very one corporatist/free market policies that are preventing this from happening.

Gawd. This is coming from a man who doesn't even know how to use a computer.

Comment by Random on 06/23/2008 16:17:36
Quote by Raine:

Quote by Random:

Quote by BobR:

Quote by Random:


I know where i am on the totem pole.

there's a totem pole?

Random can't think straight.

Random has headache, and idiot people drilling on side of building.

Aww.. damn... headaches suck...

worse yet is the lovely root canal i've got later today

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 16:22:09
Quote by livingonli:

Quote by BobR:

Quote by livingonli:

I thought we had a stripper pole.

we had one put in just for you to use... :lol:

Be careful what you wish for.
:scratchead: hmmm... could a photoshop fun be calling to me?!?!?

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 16:24:47
Quote by Raine:

McCain is proposing a CONTEST on the Taxpayer dollar... for Clean battereis?!?!?!

First off, I believe we already have them. Secondly we already have zero emission vehicles...

What the old coot doesn't seem to understand is that it's very one corporatist/free market policies that are preventing this from happening.

Gawd. This is coming from a man who doesn't even know how to use a computer.


Not only is the battery technology already there, a better technology than batteries is in development, as I discussed in this blog post - high capacity capacitors that will hold enough charge, are lighter in weight, and can be recharged very quickly.

Also - shouldn't the financial incentive go to the consumer to buy the car? It's demand that will increase production. This is once again a discredited "supply-side economics" approach.

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 16:25:56
Quote by Random:

worse yet is the lovely root canal i've got later today


I am SO sorry to hear that...

Comment by Random on 06/23/2008 16:34:21
Quote by BobR:

Quote by Random:

worse yet is the lovely root canal i've got later today


I am SO sorry to hear that...

eh...It's actually not so bad.

I've had three already.

Long story, and it's embarassing, so lets leave it at that.

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 16:35:30
Quote by Random:

Quote by BobR:

Quote by Random:

worse yet is the lovely root canal i've got later today


I am SO sorry to hear that...

eh...It's actually not so bad.

I've had three already.

Long story, and it's embarassing, so lets leave it at that.

Hang in there. I remember how it felt when I had a wisdom tooth removed.

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 16:40:29
Kerry-bashing book author set to do the same to Obama

He says "I think it’s critically important that the country gets a clear and honest view of who is running and what they stand for — warts and all,” Ross says. “With ‘Unfit for Command,’ like ‘The Case against Barack Obama,’ we believe the media has whitewashed the candidate.”

So is he also going to write a similar book about McCain, since the country needs a "clear and honest view of who is running and what they stand for — warts and all"??

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 16:41:32
Quote by Random:

eh...It's actually not so bad.

I've had three already.

Long story, and it's embarassing, so lets leave it at that.

When I was a teenager, I had braces and poor oral hygiene.

Not a good combination.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 16:44:08

George Carlin.

I found this metal sculpture done by an artist in LA.


Comment by IzzyBitz on 06/23/2008 16:50:30
Good morning. It is a very sad day. RIP George Carlin. Such a nice, funny man.

Howard did a nice tribute and played some of his routines. Belzer came in later and had some nice stories, but it didn't take long before it was all about Belzer and his little doggie.

Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 17:03:49
:star:ling has worked out for the first time in months! <------ sweat


Comment by IzzyBitz on 06/23/2008 17:16:22
Quote by BobR:

Quote by livingonli:

So you guys are going to try to go to the Inaugural?

Absolutely - we've mentioned it before, btw.

We also said we weren't in the mood to try to organize any kind of meetup.

Revealing and funny! Well, I shant say hello to you on the streets of DC. I'll be the one mooning you from a distance. It's best that way.


Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 17:22:42
Quote by IzzyBitz:

Revealing and funny! Well, I shant say hello to you on the streets of DC. I'll be the one mooning you from a distance. It's best that way.


I didn't say we didn't want to meet up with anyone - we'd just rather be more spontaneous and play it by ear.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 17:22:55
Appeals Court rules for Gitmo detainee

The court rejected the Bush administration's argument that the president has the power to detain people who never took up arms against the U.S.

In a one-paragraph notice, the appeals court directed the U.S. military to release Parhat, to transfer him or to hold a new proceeding in light of the appeals court's ruling.

Parhat never fought against the U.S. and the government concedes there's no evidence he ever intended to. He has been held for six years because he is linked to a Chinese separatist group that the military says has some ties to the al-Qaida terrorist network.

Comment by IzzyBitz on 06/23/2008 17:43:19
Quote by BobR:

Quote by IzzyBitz:

Revealing and funny! Well, I shant say hello to you on the streets of DC. I'll be the one mooning you from a distance. It's best that way.


I didn't say we didn't want to meet up with anyone - we'd just rather be more spontaneous and play it by ear.

Oh, I believe you.


Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 17:56:14
Quote by IzzyBitz:

Oh, I believe you.


Hey now - you weren't involved in the DC meetup in May...

After we managed to agree on a date (which required a poll), there was all the drama of agreeing on a hotel. After we all got there, there was all the drama of getting everyone together in a group and then deciding on what to do so that everyone was happy. Nobody wanted to be the one to make the decisions.

Oy... :wacko:

So yes - I want to keep it simple.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 18:35:00
Does anyone know where McCain stands on the Gitmo thingy? You know, like today?

And, like, in light of the habeas corpus ruling? Why you ask? Watch this quick youtubery:

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 18:38:46
Quote by Raine:

Does anyone know where McCain stands on the Gitmo thingy? You know, like today?

And, like, in light of the habeas corpus ruling? Why you ask? Watch this quick youtubery:

I'm not running for president and even I know that's a non-starter.

Good gawd...

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 18:40:18
Quote by BobR:

Quote by IzzyBitz:

Oh, I believe you.


Hey now - you weren't involved in the DC meetup in May...

After we managed to agree on a date (which required a poll), there was all the drama of agreeing on a hotel. After we all got there, there was all the drama of getting everyone together in a group and then deciding on what to do so that everyone was happy. Nobody wanted to be the one to make the decisions.

Oy... :wacko:

So yes - I want to keep it simple.
Izzy was sitting back and watching it all unfold like a good serial.

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 18:42:09
Now Playing: Natalie Walker / Urban Angel

This album comes highly rated by both Dave's Lounge and the Chillcast with Anji Bee...

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 18:43:36
McCain and O'Reilly on the White Male Christian Power structure...

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 18:53:23
Quote by Raine:

Quote by BobR:

Quote by IzzyBitz:

Oh, I believe you.


Hey now - you weren't involved in the DC meetup in May...

After we managed to agree on a date (which required a poll), there was all the drama of agreeing on a hotel. After we all got there, there was all the drama of getting everyone together in a group and then deciding on what to do so that everyone was happy. Nobody wanted to be the one to make the decisions.

Oy... :wacko:

So yes - I want to keep it simple.
Izzy was sitting back and watching it all unfold like a good serial.

But we did get it to work, didn't we? I was flexible as long as I got some time in the pool.

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 18:54:19
I was outside earlier. The humidity was brutal. It's like walking out in a bowl of soup and it's still supposed to get more rain today.


Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 18:56:04
Fear the Fung-Wah!

Although I'd say this was totally not their fault...

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 18:59:25
HAs anyone had the TV on at all today? McCain seems to be out and about with about three bandaids up near his hairline, trying to get someone else to do a confirm.

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 19:16:15
Randi, actually WBAI played the 7 Dirty Words bit off of one of Carlin's albums. He was not a DJ.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 19:17:21
I just saw it... he has 3 white bandaids on the top op his head, right up near the hairline. they are small and they are white.

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 19:19:09
Quote by livingonli:

Randi, actually WBAI played the 7 Dirty Words bit off of one of Carlin's albums. He was not a DJ.

Nah - he was the Hippy Dippy Weatherman.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 19:23:00
Quote by livingonli:

Randi, actually WBAI played the 7 Dirty Words bit off of one of Carlin's albums. He was not a DJ.

Actually he started out as a Disc Jockey during his time in the Air force.

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 19:29:43
Oh, are his lobotomy scars showing? Or maybe that's where the Borg nanoprobes went in...

Comment by wickedpam on 06/23/2008 19:30:08
Really - I didn't know that. Ya learn something new every day.

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 19:35:01
Quote by TriSec:

Oh, are his lobotomy scars showing? Or maybe that's where the Borg nanoprobes went in...

Republicans are like Borg, aren't they?

Resistance is Futile.

From this time forward, you will service US!

Comment by TriSec on 06/23/2008 19:40:38
How very interesting...

I just called my State Rep to find out if this Commonwealth was planning it's annual "tax holiday" weekend this summer. we've had one every year for about the past five years or so, usually the first or second weekend in August.

Apparently, there's been some talk about it on Beacon Hill, but no action.

Curious that we've had that under Mitt's tenure, but as soon as we get a Democrat in office, no more.

Anyway, I digress.

Comment by BobR on 06/23/2008 19:50:52
Quote by TriSec:

Oh, are his lobotomy scars showing? Or maybe that's where the Borg nanoprobes went in...

perhaps it was a facelift :lol:

an overdose of botox would certainly explain his mental state...

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 20:00:22
Time to go out in the stickiness and go back to the salt mine.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 20:41:15
IS anyone around listening to Randi? I walked away for a bit, and I was wondering if she has mentioned the MoveOn.org is closing down it's 527 to honour Obama desire to not have 527's play a part of things.

Comment by IzzyBitz on 06/23/2008 20:44:29
Quote by Raine:

Quote by BobR:

Quote by IzzyBitz:

Oh, I believe you.


Hey now - you weren't involved in the DC meetup in May...

After we managed to agree on a date (which required a poll), there was all the drama of agreeing on a hotel. After we all got there, there was all the drama of getting everyone together in a group and then deciding on what to do so that everyone was happy. Nobody wanted to be the one to make the decisions.

Oy... :wacko:

So yes - I want to keep it simple.
Izzy was sitting back and watching it all unfold like a good serial.

As The Meetup Turns.

p.s. Nonflexibles scare me. You make a schedule before the meetup, those who want to can, those who don't want to don't. No surprises or hurt feelings. The don't want to people can do their own thing. Simple. As long as there is booze time in the evening, I get the feeling everyone would be happy.

Imus has done it again with his racial stupidity. Oh, dear. I'm sure the audio will show up sometime today on the internets.

Comment by IzzyBitz on 06/23/2008 20:49:05
Quote by BobR:

Quote by TriSec:

Oh, are his lobotomy scars showing? Or maybe that's where the Borg nanoprobes went in...

perhaps it was a facelift :lol:

an overdose of botox would certainly explain his mental state...

Perhaps he called wifey the "c" word again when she was holding a sharp kitchen utensil.

Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 20:53:06
Quote by IzzyBitz:

As The Meetup Turns.

p.s. Nonflexibles scare me.


Vacationing with an Agenda Watcher?!?! Eesh...not fun.

Comment by starling310 on 06/23/2008 21:03:56
:: rubs eyes ::

Gas went down $0.2 from yesterday.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 21:16:40
Izzy, I heard it earlier... Here you go.

I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt if he went on to mention a little fact that black men ARE usually targeted for arrest more oft than say white men, but, after I heard it. I gotta say. NO. that giggle pissed me off.

Comment by Random on 06/23/2008 21:23:24
Random has returned.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 21:27:07
You know, listening to Randi, she has a damn good point. Harry Reid does NOT have to let the FISA bill come up for a vote at all.

Comment by trojanrabbit on 06/23/2008 21:28:10
Quote by Random:

So...someone who knows something.

If i have a sound clip, how do i send it to the Stephanie Miller Show?

When I send one in, I emailed it to Chris.

[email protected]

I'm batting 1 for 2 in played clips.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 21:29:22
OMG! the John McCain AFLCIO ad (

The one that says *John McCain you can't have my Son*) ad JUST played on the MSNBC machine!! I dunno if it was a local ad, or a national one, but it played!!

Random, Welcome back. How did the trip to the dentist go?

Comment by IzzyBitz on 06/23/2008 21:30:39
It's still a sad day. Dody Goodman died. "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman."

Yeah, Raine. His tone was like we should know that behavior like that is only exhibited by black people. What an bigot.

Whoo hoo Star! Now you have some extree cash. Have fun on the Riviera!

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 21:30:40
Heya rabbit! nice to see you!

Comment by trojanrabbit on 06/23/2008 21:55:32
Thanks Raine.

Can't get on as often as I like. Something called work gets in the way, and during the show I tend to stay on the LiveBlog anyway.

Comment by Raine on 06/23/2008 22:03:50
Question: When you hear an oncoming baby in a stroller getting ready to walk past your apartment, (screaming and crying like someone is beating it with a leather shoe string) and once it passes your apartment, SEEING the baby, and your ovaries are trying to crawl up in you liver as they approach you apartment and then they proceed to walk past... is it wrong to say that it is disturbing the peace?

My god. What the hell would make a child that looks about 18 months to react like that?

Comment by Random on 06/23/2008 22:08:25
Quote by Raine:

Question: When you hear an oncoming baby in a stroller getting ready to walk past your apartment, (screaming and crying like someone is beating it with a leather shoe string) and once it passes your apartment, SEEING the baby, and your ovaries are trying to crawl up in you liver as they approach you apartment and then they proceed to walk past... is it wrong to say that it is disturbing the peace?

My god. What the hell would make a child that looks about 18 months to react like that?


And the fear of a Black Muslim being president.

Comment by capt on 06/23/2008 22:13:08
Hey ya'all! Just a drop in - busy busy busy with non-blog life - (hate it)

GREAT post!

If the truth doesn't save us, what does it say about us?

(can't remember who I'm quoting . .)

Check ya all later

Comment by livingonli on 06/23/2008 22:41:28
I'm starting to do more AD work beginning this week which will mean less time for me to chat in the evenings from work then I used to.

Comment by Mondobubba on 06/24/2008 00:49:19
KO's new glasses

Comment by Mondobubba on 06/24/2008 00:50:55
Quote by Random:

Quote by Raine:

Question: When you hear an oncoming baby in a stroller getting ready to walk past your apartment, (screaming and crying like someone is beating it with a leather shoe string) and once it passes your apartment, SEEING the baby, and your ovaries are trying to crawl up in you liver as they approach you apartment and then they proceed to walk past... is it wrong to say that it is disturbing the peace?

My god. What the hell would make a child that looks about 18 months to react like that?


And the fear of a Black Muslim being president.

Ohh I feel a mash up of sorts. "Fear of Black Muslim Planet/President"

Comment by Mondobubba on 06/24/2008 00:59:35
Quote by Raine:


George Carlin.

I found this metal sculpture done by an artist in LA.


Beeyoutiful! It expresses my feelings about his passing perfectly!

Comment by Mondobubba on 06/24/2008 01:06:12
Why I am I watching naval gazing baby boomers on America Experience?

:rofl: Cassie just did a sliding tackle into my backpack jumped up onto her four feet when I made eye contact with her. The she and her brother took off at top speed into the bedroom. They crack me up.

Comment by Mondobubba on 06/24/2008 01:21:29
Oh I've mused! :UF fanfare:

Comment by livingonli on 06/24/2008 01:27:56
'Tis a night for musing indeed.

Comment by TriSec on 06/24/2008 01:35:31


going to lie down soon.

Comment by MNRN on 06/24/2008 01:42:47
yo boyz. howzit?

I have not been able to find any video of McCain's "bandaids"....your nurse should be able to suss it out.....

oh, and Mondo, I beg to differ. Keith's new glasses are Delicisioso!

Comment by velveeta jones on 06/24/2008 01:43:32
OMG! George Carlin died?


Man, it sucks not being around any news..................... (hence my 'con change ^^)


Comment by Mondobubba on 06/24/2008 01:45:11
Oh "Contact" on Starz. Too bad it sucks donkey ass and balls.

Comment by Mondobubba on 06/24/2008 01:49:48
Oh btw mon peeps, :

Comment by MNRN on 06/24/2008 01:52:23
jabbin back atcha, my brotha.

btw, kids, "white bandaids" little ones, are usually steristrips. those are usually used in place of the last set of sutures, when skin is reaproximated. as in say, if something were to be, uh, excised :cough:skin cancerman:cough:

just sayin.

Comment by livingonli on 06/24/2008 01:55:16
Quote by velveeta jones:

OMG! George Carlin died?


Man, it sucks not being around any news..................... (hence my 'con change ^^)


When you get back home, will the come back?

Comment by Mondobubba on 06/24/2008 02:05:24
Quote by MNRN:

yo boyz. howzit?

I have not been able to find any video of McCain's "bandaids"....your nurse should be able to suss it out.....

oh, and Mondo, I beg to differ. Keith's new glasses are Delicisioso!

Nay, Nurz laydee! They are too dark, his eyes disappear into the frames.

McCain's adhesive bandages, fo shizzle they are from where he has melanomas removed.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 06/24/2008 02:30:27
Velveeta, if it is any comfort, George Carlin's memory will be with us and future generations will be able to view the work of a comedic genius. We should mourn but also celebrate a life well lived.

Comment by Random on 06/24/2008 02:48:50
Random is curious. Wether he should stay here, or install Monkey Island and play that.

Comment by Random on 06/24/2008 02:53:07
Quote by will in chicago:

Velveeta, if it is any comfort, George Carlin's memory will be with us and future generations will be able to view the work of a comedic genius. We should mourn but also celebrate a life well lived.

Just look at Random.

He grew up on Carlin, course...i had to go back and listen to 30 year old bits.

Carlin is my god.

but i pray to Joe Peschi (please be how that's spelled)

Comment by livingonli on 06/24/2008 03:05:14
Actually, it's Pesci.

But will your god keep the tigers away?

Comment by Mondobubba on 06/24/2008 03:15:05
Harumph! Missy wouldn't give me a terrorist fist jab. But I go a kitty head bonk! :)

Comment by Raine on 06/24/2008 04:03:12
Quote by MNRN:

yo boyz. howzit?

I have not been able to find any video of McCain's "bandaids"....your nurse should be able to suss it out.....

oh, and Mondo, I beg to differ. Keith's new glasses are Delicisioso!

you sussed it out imo, blog nurse... they indeed looked like Steristrips! (I should have known that)

I suspect I will be able to get a pix tomorrow. I am ti-red. I just watched an HBO doc about Frederick Douglass High School in baltimore, Had a very long and deep conversation with my educational friend afterwards.

Comment by Raine on 06/24/2008 04:06:52
BTW, I suspect that McCain is indeed experiencing a recurrence oh the Melanoma. Mondo is correct -- those bandages were on the top of the head.

I wish him no ill, I do not, but it scares me knowing his unhealthy state.

And to add a touch of he is supposed to go one a week long break from campaigning.

Comment by Raine on 06/24/2008 04:15:32
OH mah gawd... he hit a roof of a car?!?!?!

I personally saw three bandages, first.

They were well hidden on the pale skin and beneath the white hair. But a closer look revealed what John McCain was perhaps hoping to hide: two small bandages on the top of his head.

The 71-year-old senator from Arizona has battled skin cancer multiple times, making the sight of a bandage more alarming than usual. “Why does he have two band aids (sic) on top of his head?” a Democratic operative wrote in the subject line of an email as the press conference was taking place.

But McCain quickly dismissed that concern when a reporter asked him about it.

“I was getting out of the car in Canada and I hit the roof a teeny bit,” McCain said, blushing a little bit at the question. “The car was much smaller than the one I am usually being ferried around in by our beloved secret service.”

“We are checking on the cancer,” the reporter followed up.

“Oh no,” McCain said nervously, dismissing the concern. “It was a brush with a low-hanging door.”

NOW, if I may put my jaded skepticality into play...

When did he leave Canada? have we seen photos of him in between his leaving and today's speech? I do not believe this story for a minute. Sorry, I do not.

Comment by Raine on 06/24/2008 05:05:35
To the NYS delegation (and I know they are large):

Joesph Bruno is stepping down.

Yes, That Joe Bruno, the leader of the Senate and the majority (by one seat) on NYS politics.

Silver is shocked as are a lot of people in Albany right now.

I am not in albany and I am shocked. I am 40, that guy hasz been in office for 32 years... Albany has ALWAYS been Joe Bruno's in my eyes.

On that note. Goodnite. and