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Death and Disco
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 02/18/2018 15:05:18

Velveeta is not really sure what to do today. The pain of yet another mass shooting is sticking in her throat like a chicken bone on a spoon leaving her at a loss for words.

Sure, there's lots of good news of late. Mueller indicting 13 Russians means that without a doubt there's no collusion between Russia and President Trump and team. We can focus on that. He's been tweeting about it, which makes it official:

Why can't the FBI catch this elusive 400 pound genius? It's a mystery.

The President is on top of this school shooting, don't you worry. Besides thoughts and prayers he also offered sincere condolences and he has a "heavy heart". At the same time he is also "working with Congress on many fronts". Then, he took some time off from his busy schedule to fly down to S. Florida to meet some of the shooting victims. They are so lucky! A photo-op with President Donald J. Trump as he gives a big smile and a thumbs up! Well, you know that'll be their profile pic for the next few years. Then it was off to a Studio 54 themed Disco party at Mar-a-Largo. Now, I now what you're thinking, he's celebrating at a decadent themed party while people bury their children, but I'll have you know that he canceled his golf game out of respect. This was more of a celebration that he has been cleared of any collusion with Russia.

So, Velveeta also has a heavy heart and doesn't really know how to write a blog, despite all this happy news about redemption, after this horrible shooting. Now is not the time to gloat.
Instead, I'll just leave you with this non-gloating, very presidential tweet from our President:


Now, I'm going to forget all this mass shooting stuff and binge watch Get Smart.


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