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Libertarian Saturday...a post-mortem
Author: TriSec    Date: 11/08/2008 13:06:38

Good Morning!

Well....I feel a little strange writing this column today. For a number of years now, I've been presenting this little corner of the internets with some alternate political views, and maybe just a wee alternative to the power structure in Washington.

I don't think I need to do that anymore.

Nevertheless, I think we should take a swing through and see what's happening. Bob Barr, without a hint of irony, has stated that post-election "This is just the beginning" of a new Libertarian party. Of course, Libertarians have been saying that since the party was founded in 1971. Curious that they've never been able to poll out of single digits in any election, especially given the golden opportunities over the last 8 years.

"This is just the beginning of the new Libertarian Party," says Bob Barr, the 2008 Libertarian Party nominee for president. "In these next four years, there will be an even greater need for a political party fully dedicated to lower taxes, smaller government and more individual freedom—a voice for liberty."

"This year, we set a solid foundation for freedom, on which we will build a strong and united political organization that advances freedom and liberty in the United States," says Barr. "I, and all Americans who support true liberty, owe a great debt of gratitude to our staff, donors, volunteers and voters who helped support this campaign."

Bob Barr represented the 7th District of Georgia in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003. Congressman Barr was the 2008 Libertarian Party Nominee for President.

Of course, Mr. Barr had a hand in creating that "new libertarian party", as many of the rank and file (myself included) thought his nomination was a cop-out. In the end, we were proved correct, as many in the LP left the party this year in droves, or stayed home on election day, or yes...even voted for Senator Obama.

As we prepare to enter the post-Bush era, libertarians like myself have been asking themselves what, if anything, can be done to reverse, roll-back, and prevent the re-occurrence of the horrendous record of the Bush administration.

The Republican Party, as a whole, deservedly has the albatross of the Iraq War hanging around its neck. The Republican Party, as a whole, has been responsible for profligate deficit spending that threatens to ruin our economy. The Republican Party, as a whole, has left the Constitution in tatters as it wears the flag as a cape.

I believe that only the record and rhetoric of Barack Obama presents libertarians with a real option for change.

What is at stake in this election is civil liberties. And Obama has the best, most consistent, and most trustworthy record on those issues of any electable candidate running. I am a particular fan of his government-transparency measures, like his Illinois legislation requiring that all police interrogations be videotaped. It isn’t enough to merely advocate for civil liberties; we need concrete provisions to protect them, with real teeth, and Obama’s got the best record of any serious candidate. I have confidence that an Obama presidency will save habeas corpus, and close Guantanamo. I have confidence that an Obama presidency will bring a humble foreign policy that does not seek to send Americans on pointless foreign adventures. I have no such confidence with any other electable candidate.

So, much like the GOP, the LP has to take a long, hard look in the mirror and see where it wants to go next. Of course, this won't help the third-party movement any, as there has already been a schism and what could have been a unified libertarian front is already diluted further. For example, did you know that some disaffected Libertarian Party members founded the Boston Tea Party over the summer? I bet you didn't.

So....as we bask in the afterglow of Senator Obama's victory, we can already see a new day dawning. Did everyone watch the press conference yesterday? He sure looked presidential, didn't he? And despite all the rhetoric about how America has only one president at a time, you can bet the rest of the world is already putting out feelers towards the Obama camp and starting to lay the groundwork for the future.

George Bush has 73 days left...but who do you think is the acting President right now?

And so....this may just be the last Libertarian Saturday for a while. I still have a wee bit of a rebellious streak in me, and I'll still keep reading the stuff. But with the goal achieved, I don't think this is really a necessary column. What I'll replace it with is unclear, and of course if there's something important happening in the party, we'll be right here with it.

Thanks for reading! :peace:


26 comments (Latest Comment: 11/09/2008 05:31:15 by livingonli)
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Comment by BobR on 11/08/2008 15:52:11
wow - 10:50 on a Saturday morning and I'm first?...

Comment by BobR on 11/08/2008 15:59:47
btw Tri - now that you no longer have the self-imposed limitation of Libertarian Saturdays, you may find you have a double-edged sword. I can't count the times I've said "what am I gonna write about tomorrow?" on the night before...

Comment by TriSec on 11/08/2008 17:25:29

But I've also had a multitude of times where I wanted to write about something else, but felt constrained by the expectations I set for my days. I still feel bad if I skip "Ask a Vet", but once I flipped back to the "Big D" this year, I kinda felt weird writing about essentially the competition.

Psst...check out "Delicious"...it lets you tag a website and store a quicklink online....you can go back at any time and pull it up. I've already got two stories tagged for "Ask a vet" next week...it's great if you see something and say "hey, that would be a great topic" but don't have the blog for 2 days yet...

Comment by Mondobubba on 11/08/2008 18:03:39
Uggghmmmmm braaaaaaaaaainnnnnsssssssssssss!

Comment by Mondobubba on 11/08/2008 18:18:43
I'm watching Antique Roadshow. The guy who took this picture was on

Cecil Stoughton. Wow! His collection of photos of the Kennedys, Johnson taking the oath, and LBJ's first photo. Total value 75K

Comment by livingonli on 11/08/2008 18:45:40
It doesn't help to sign-up for overtime and then oversleep when you're supposed to do it.

I woke up at 6 AM with a hacking cough felt like something was caught in my throat. After I go to the bathroom, I go back to sleep and the next thing I know it's noon.

Comment by livingonli on 11/08/2008 19:01:42
Don't forget. Today is mgm's birthday.

Comment by shelaghc on 11/08/2008 19:53:51
Here's a gift that keeps on giving:

64% of Republicans want Palin to run in 2012.

And here I was worried that the Daily Show would have problems.

Comment by livingonli on 11/08/2008 20:48:56
At this point, maybe we should just let the Republican base harp on their delusions of unreality so that the party can go the way of the Whigs.

I do think that what we need is another left party to push political discourse to the left and keep the DLC in check as well.

Comment by clintster on 11/08/2008 22:06:30
Well, I heard from the state board, and I am now a licensed teacher of drama! Now if I can just get them to open thie firewall for me to hear Steph at work.

Comment by Raine on 11/08/2008 22:32:39
Quote by clintster:

Well, I heard from the state board, and I am now a licensed teacher of drama! Now if I can just get them to open thie firewall for me to hear Steph at work.


Comment by Mondobubba on 11/08/2008 22:48:43
Yay, Clint! Getting ready to go the symphony. Beethoven! dit dit dit dah! :metal:

Comment by Raine on 11/08/2008 23:34:17
Quote by shelaghc:

Here's a gift that keeps on giving:

64% of Republicans want Palin to run in 2012.

And here I was worried that the Daily Show would have problems.
Considering that only about 30% of Americans are now registered republicans (I can't recall exactly where I read that, but just go with me here )

That would make her Supporters the infamous 23 percenters ... give or take a few percent points --

Comment by trojanrabbit on 11/09/2008 00:00:42
Quote by shelaghc:

Here's a gift that keeps on giving:

64% of Republicans want Palin to run in 2012.

And here I was worried that the Daily Show would have problems.

But the story doesn't mention that probably close to 100% of Democrats want her to run as well. :rofl:

Comment by Raine on 11/09/2008 00:41:51
Already the Dems are letting politics get in the way...

What we need right now is LEADERSHIP, not silence from Pelosi. if she cannot do that, she should step down. Climate Change legislation is TOO important for America.

Comment by trojanrabbit on 11/09/2008 00:47:33
Quote by Raine:

Already the Dems are letting politics get in the way...

What we need right now is LEADERSHIP, not silence from Pelosi. if she cannot do that, she should step down. Climate Change legislation is TOO important for America.

I've had no use for Pelosi whatsoever since she decided it was best to "keep the powder dry" in regards to impeachment.

Comment by trojanrabbit on 11/09/2008 00:52:47

Saturday is usually "Oldies night" for me where I load up some 50's and 60' stuff and broadcast them to one of my old radios. Looks like the old Philco (1952 vintage I think) which usually is the one that sounds the best is having problems. Lots of popping a few minutes after it warmed up and now it sounds like hell, everything badly distorted. Damn.

Comment by livingonli on 11/09/2008 00:55:36
Quote by trojanrabbit:

Quote by shelaghc:

Here's a gift that keeps on giving:

64% of Republicans want Palin to run in 2012.

And here I was worried that the Daily Show would have problems.

But the story doesn't mention that probably close to 100% of Democrats want her to run as well. :rofl:

The people in the comments sure did.

Like we need anymore proof that the Republican Party is now only the party of a small minority of religious fundamentalists and the uber-wealthy. The base for American Fascism and nothing else.

Comment by shelaghc on 11/09/2008 00:59:55

Comment by BobR on 11/09/2008 01:29:54
Quote by shelaghc:

:banana: :prince:

awesome! :clap:

Comment by Raine on 11/09/2008 02:00:20
Transition advisers to President-elect Barack Obama have compiled a list of about 200 Bush administration actions and executive orders that could be swiftly undone to reverse the president on climate change, stem cell research, reproductive rights and other issues, according to congressional Democrats, campaign aides and experts working with the transition team.

A team of four dozen advisers, working for months in virtual solitude, set out to identify regulatory and policy changes Obama could implement soon after his inauguration. The team is now consulting with liberal advocacy groups, Capitol Hill staffers and potential agency chiefs to prioritize those they regard as the most onerous or ideologically offensive, said a top transition official who was not permitted to speak on the record about the inner workings of the transition.

In some instances, Obama would be quickly delivering on promises he made during his two-year campaign, while in others he would be embracing Clinton-era policies upended by President Bush during his eight years in office.

"The kind of regulations they are looking at" are those imposed by Bush for "overtly political" reasons, in pursuit of what Democrats say was a partisan Republican agenda, said Dan Mendelson, a former associate administrator for health in the Clinton administration's Office of Management and Budget. The list of executive orders targeted by Obama's team could well get longer in the coming days, as Bush's appointees are rushing to enact a number of last-minute policies in an effort to extend his legacy.

More GREAT news at the link!!

Comment by TriSec on 11/09/2008 02:03:23
Evening folks.

Just passing through on the way to the flying field. I'm not going anywhere tonight, just gonna fire up one of my warbirds and turn some money into smoke and noise...


Comment by TriSec on 11/09/2008 03:18:48
Now here's something you don't see every day...

Comment by Mondobubba on 11/09/2008 03:56:56
Back from the Symphony. Beethoven's 5th for the main act, the warm ups were Diamond and Schumann. Great seats, great hall. Its good to know the gay with the season pass thing for the symphony.

Tri, that was a a Vulcan and a what? Lancaster?

Comment by shelaghc on 11/09/2008 04:58:15
What's the word on us having a meetup for the inauguration?

Someone from the field office contacted me today that they found a hotel in Alexandria, but the cost is going to be $170 per night for two nights. They need the deposit by Monday and the balance in just a week.

Comment by livingonli on 11/09/2008 05:31:15
It's kind of an informal meet-up. Raine and BobR booked a room in Vienna and I believe Tri is going as well. I still have to look at my own money situation as well as rooms which I hear are going fast. I also have to put in for the time off . I wasn't sure about doing myself not just because of the money but how leery I get of winter travel. Well, as long as we don't get a snowstorm.