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NYS for sale? How about Mass? Minnesota? Yeah-- that too!
Author: Raine    Date: 12/29/2008 13:36:20

Private lottery, private water, private roads, private bridges. States are seriously considering the idea of selling off our infrastructure to the highest bidder. Where would that leave the massive economic stimulus package that PE Obama is suggesting? He has suggested that in order to get Americans back to work we should be investing in our infrastructure... not privatizing it.
GOP lawmakers are pushing to privatize the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and the state lottery. Both steps require a higher authority — federal legislation in the case of the airport, a voter-approved constitutional amendment for the lottery. But one lawmaker estimated an airport deal could bring in at least $2.5 billion, and the lottery $500 million.

Massachusetts lawmakers are considering putting the Massachusetts Turnpike in private hands. That could bring in upfront money to help with a $1.4 billion deficit, while also saving on highway operating costs.
In New York, Democratic Gov. David Paterson appointed a commission to look into leasing state assets, including the Tappan Zee Bridge north of New York City, the lottery, golf courses, toll roads, parks and beaches. Recommendations are expected next month.

Such projects could be attractive to private investors and public pension funds looking for safe places to put their money in this scary economy, said Leonard Gilroy, a privatization expert with the market-oriented Reason Foundation in Los Angeles.

"Infrastructure is more attractive today than ever," Gilroy said. "It's tangible. It's a road. It's water. It's an airport. It's something that is — you know, you hear the term recession-proof."
For the past 8 years I have watched what privatization has done to our military. It's been great for investors, terrible for our soldiers.

I have seen companies go unregulated making billions of dollars for CEO's while the company itself fell apart. For the past few months we have heard the mantra of privatize the profits and socialize the losses. Think I'm kidding? Take this quote from the article:
"You're privatizing some profits in this process and socializing some losses," Price said.

Without real and serious change, how would this benefit any state in the long run? Who is going to ensure that any of this contracts will be given in an open and honest way? Do we have to worry about no-bid contracts?

What next? selling off our State houses to the the highest bidder for sponsorship? I worry. I am concerned that in our dark economic times, those we elected to manage our states are becoming perhaps penny wise and pound foolish. Rebuilding our economies should not be about the best investment for people on Wall Street, it should be about the best investment for the good people out of work on Main street. It would be nice if Washington would think about bailing out our states. A 1.4 billion Dollar deficit is NOTHING compared to the money that AIG got... at least we would see the returns on a state investment.

Plus, the added benefit would be that people would actually be making money to pay for the bills, thereby making banks happy because they would not foreclose so much, and end up owning so many empty houses. It all seems so logical. One of the best ways to jumpstart an economy is to keep roofs over people heads and get them back to work.

I almost forgot about Union Labor. Do you really think that once a company takes over the Tappan Zee Bridge (and the like) , those people that maintain that bridge will remain union laborers? Somehow, I don't think so.

If you think that privatizing our States is a good thing in the long term... I've got this bridge in Brooklyn...

:peace: and


96 comments (Latest Comment: 12/30/2008 04:59:19 by Raine)
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Comment by velveeta jones on 12/29/2008 13:41:46
Wow. This is a scary proposition - on so many levels. Private........ everything? I guess you'd have to pay tolls on every freakin' road, bridge, tunnel, etc....... I mean, they don't think they'll use public tax money on private roads. Do they?


Comment by BobR on 12/29/2008 13:52:29
What I find interesting is that privatizing everything (like roads) is actually a Libertarian idea, although under the Libertarian model, for all existing public objects (like roads) we would all get a "share" which we could sell or combine with others to wield some sort of power.

I've seen what happens with privatization though. There's an initial contract which ends up saving the taxpayers a smidgeon, or breaks even. After a year or two, the private company either realizes they can't make a profit, or want to make a bigger profit, so the lobby for a change to the contract. They usually get it.

For the lottery, that would mean adding a number or two to the ball pool to raise the odds, or else change the percentage of collected monies that are included in the payouts. For roads and bridges, that would mean toll increases, or fewer manned booths (it certainly means lower-paid workers). For parks, it means more money-generating development (like admission-required tourist attractions).

Ultimately, it means that the people that make use of whatever is being privatized end up paying more.

Comment by wickedpam on 12/29/2008 13:52:46
Morning :hug:

I have to add that VA has stepped into the private road thing a few years ago with the Dulles Greenway. Personally I don't take that road but I have always heard mixed reviews about it.

Now if I could get my own private road that went from my home to my office I wouldn't turn it down ;)

Comment by Mondobubba on 12/29/2008 14:08:00
Bobber, VJ both great points. I remember discussing The rise of nation-states in my freshman Western Civ class. We were talking about how when you had a series of petty duchies, principalities etc, they all had their hand out for a tarrif of toll of some kind, which makes the transfer of goods much more expensive. See where I am going with this? Back to class.

Comment by TriSec on 12/29/2008 14:08:03
Morning, folks!

Massachusetts has its own problems with privatizing the Mass Pike. Perhaps you've heard of the Big Dig? Well, it's still bleeding money, and there's proposals to raise the tolls at the Boston end to a whopping $7 for the Tobin Bridge, Ted Williams, and Sumner Tunnels, while increasing the toll from Route 128 by another dollar.

This has understandably caused some backlash among the city commuters, and since the MBTA (mass transit) is also bleeding money and just jacked the rates at the parking lots, it's still often cheaper to drive into the city than take the train.

There's a proposal to raise the statewide gas tax by 25 cents to more fairly subsidize the road costs among the entire Commonwealth, but this isn't sitting well with folks outside the 495 belt that got no benefit from the Big Dig. It's a vicious cycle with no easy solution....and despite giving our esteemed Gov. Patrick a chance, I'm not seeing much leadership from Beacon Hill these days, either. (Nevermind the State Legislature; the Senators don't do much, and the House is far too busy with an internal power struggle right now.)

Comment by wickedpam on 12/29/2008 14:08:18
oh wow - they're back from vaca

Comment by m-hadley on 12/29/2008 14:18:25
Here's my two cents on privatized roads - it costs $7.00 ($29.00 for a semi) to drive across Oklahoma, because it requires driving on two toll roads ($3.50/ea. $14.50/ea.), and Oklahoma continues to rank at the bottom of the list of lousy roads and bridges. Where does all that money go, you may wonder? We wonder the same thing out here in Okie-town. BTB, I posted a review of the year in Steph over at my blog. Happee vacation everybodee!



:hug: & :dance:

Comment by TriSec on 12/29/2008 14:19:04
Oh, good. I was just wondering about that. : scurries off to NovaM :

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 14:23:57
Good morning everyone. I actually went to bed by 2:30 last night so I am up for an earlier than expected return of Momma and the Mooks.

The whole record of conservative philosophy over the last few years and the fact that privatization has been done in many Latin American countries by order of the IMF/World Bank and in every case the company made profit while the quality of service declined. Just ask Naomi Klein.

Comment by BobR on 12/29/2008 14:27:14
Quote by livingonli:

Good morning everyone. I actually went to bed by 2:30 last night so I am up for an earlier than expected return of Momma and the Mooks.

The whole record of conservative philosophy over the last few years and the fact that privatization has been done in many Latin American countries by order of the IMF/World Bank and in every case the company made profit while the quality of service declined. Just ask Naomi Klein.

oooh - good point! I remember reading about how the IMF forced S. American countries to privatize their water systems before getting aid, and how bad it all turned out.

Comment by Scoopster on 12/29/2008 14:27:48
Morning all..

Say if I privative my neck, does that mean I don't have to deal with the pain I sometimes get from sleeping the wrong way? :lol:

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 14:30:22
Morning mfaye. How have you been doing?

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 14:32:01
OOh, conflict. Lizz will be on WNYC radio in New York at 11:30 AM. Nothing like the world of NPR.

Comment by TriSec on 12/29/2008 14:39:44
Say now, today is the first day since 12/23 that I haven't been constantly eating since awakening....now I'm hungry.

(looks for leftover Xmas cookies)

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 14:41:19
Quote by TriSec:

Say now, today is the first day since 12/23 that I haven't been constantly eating since awakening....now I'm hungry.

(looks for leftover Xmas cookies)

I have been there. That was easier when I lived at home because mom always had good crumb cakes or cup cakes.

Comment by m-hadley on 12/29/2008 14:43:02
Quote by livingonli:

Morning mfaye. How have you been doing?

Heya Livin,

I am glad to be back in Tulsa, to tell the truth. Family holiday drama, expected yet still tiresome How was your holiday?



:hug: & :dance:

Comment by TriSec on 12/29/2008 14:48:36

Well, this is the first Christmas in about 7 that I did not tangle with the wingnuts-in-law. It's fun being smug.

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 14:50:35
Quote by m-hadley:

Quote by livingonli:

Morning mfaye. How have you been doing?

Heya Livin,

I am glad to be back in Tulsa, to tell the truth. Family holiday drama, expected yet still tiresome How was your holiday?



:hug: & :dance:

I have been working them. It sucks in a way but I need the money from the Holiday OT pay. And with 4 Holidays over the next 2 weeks that's a decent amount of scratch.

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 14:56:05
It would be Jim who would make the connection. It does start to bring back my suspicion that the neo-cons at least allowed 9-11 to happen by ignoring the warnings.

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 15:09:55
Poor Momma. Stood up again.

BTW, Mala, Lizz is bringing the Shoot the Messenger show to the DC area on the 16th and 17th. I believe the show will be played in Arlington.

Comment by wickedpam on 12/29/2008 15:11:27
Quote by livingonli:

Poor Momma. Stood up again.

BTW, Mala, Lizz is bringing the Shoot the Messenger show to the DC area on the 16th and 17th. I believe the show will be played in Arlington.

Of January? Do you have details?

Comment by m-hadley on 12/29/2008 15:11:55
Quote by livingonli:

It would be Jim who would make the connection. It does start to bring back my suspicion that the neo-cons at least allowed 9-11 to happen by ignoring the warnings.


This is the conclusion I have finally settled on, they ignored warnings and told NORAD to stand down on the day of the attack - they needed an excuse to invade Iraq. Nuff said - one million dead Iraqis later, over 4000 dead US troops, a country destroyed. :rage:

Hope you are well-rewarded for all your over time Don't spend it all in one place :P



Comment by Scoopster on 12/29/2008 15:14:37
Quote by TriSec:

Say now, today is the first day since 12/23 that I haven't been constantly eating since awakening....now I'm hungry.

(looks for leftover Xmas cookies)

Oh man.. my mom gave me a whole tin of her italian chews and a small baggie of macaroons she made with the leftover coconut. I should bring you some before I eat 'em all!

Comment by Raine on 12/29/2008 15:20:03
Speaking of Cookies... it is NOT pretty when your Dog eats over 30 Sugar Cookies...

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 15:20:04
Quote by wickedpam:

Quote by livingonli:

Poor Momma. Stood up again.

BTW, Mala, Lizz is bringing the Shoot the Messenger show to the DC area on the 16th and 17th. I believe the show will be played in Arlington.

Of January? Do you have details?

According to the Shoot the Messenger website, it will be the 16th and 17th of January at the Arlington Cinema 'n Drafthouse.

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 15:21:10
Quote by Raine:

Speaking of Cookies... it is NOT pretty when your Dog eats over 30 Sugar Cookies...

Sounds like Kizzie wanted in on the Christmas fun. Her blood sugar levels must have spiked.

Comment by BobR on 12/29/2008 15:25:02
Quote by TriSec:

Say now, today is the first day since 12/23 that I haven't been constantly eating since awakening....now I'm hungry.

(looks for leftover Xmas cookies)

no leftover cookies here - Kizzie ate them all.

My sister was in town for a few days, so the family came over and we went out to lunch. When we got back, the cookie bowl was empty; she ate about 20 frosted Christmas cookies and 6 chocolate chip.

She seemed okay... We went to the Clinsters that night for dinner and spent the night. About 2:00 AM Vomitpalooza began...

She barfed up a little food, then a lot of food... then a HUGE pile of what must have been the cookies. The pile of puke was literally the size of a half-deflated basketball. It was stunning - how did all of that come out of that dog??

Clintster got a snow shovel and I shoveled it into a garbage bag. Fortunately, they had a carpet shampooer and the puke was more solid than wet, so the cleanup wasn't so bad - if cleaning up vomit at 2:00 AM can EVER be described as not so bad...

Anyway - she's fine now, and Ms. Clinster gave us a some fudge and cookies, and I left behind some beer, so all is well.

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 15:27:46
It's moments like those when you wish dogs were as picky as cats when it comes to food.

Comment by clintster on 12/29/2008 15:32:22
Quote by BobR:

Quote by TriSec:

Say now, today is the first day since 12/23 that I haven't been constantly eating since awakening....now I'm hungry.

(looks for leftover Xmas cookies)

no leftover cookies here - Kizzie ate them all.

My sister was in town for a few days, so the family came over and we went out to lunch. When we got back, the cookie bowl was empty; she ate about 20 frosted Christmas cookies and 6 chocolate chip.

She seemed okay... We went to the Clinsters that night for dinner and spent the night. About 2:00 AM Vomitpalooza began...

She barfed up a little food, then a lot of food... then a HUGE pile of what must have been the cookies. The pile of puke was literally the size of a half-deflated basketball. It was stunning - how did all of that come out of that dog??

Clintster got a snow shovel and I shoveled it into a garbage bag. Fortunately, they had a carpet shampooer and the puke was more solid than wet, so the cleanup wasn't so bad - if cleaning up vomit at 2:00 AM can EVER be described as not so bad...

Anyway - she's fine now, and Ms. Clinster gave us a some fudge and cookies, and I left behind some beer, so all is well.

Ahh, good times... good times...

It was all good, though. Just remember, it's not a party 'til someone pukes something the size of sports equipment. We had a great time, and the beer was delicious! We'll get Kiz a rawhide bone next time y'all come over.

Comment by TriSec on 12/29/2008 15:33:23

I was having visions of poor doggie running around the hose in "firehose" mode from the, uh, "exit".

Comment by Raine on 12/29/2008 15:35:25
The US Army says the the USA is NUMBER ONE!

(Sponsor of World Terrorism)

In a 'manual' which is officially to be released only to 'students from foreign countries on a case-by-case basis only', the US Army outlines a program of what it now calls 'irregular warfare', in fact US state sponsored terrorism, insurgency, and PSYOPS.


Comment by wickedpam on 12/29/2008 15:40:37
OMIGAWD! I just found my half brother on facecrack after not talking to him via email for I don't know how many years. He got frickin married!

Comment by wickedpam on 12/29/2008 15:42:55
Quote by livingonli:

Quote by wickedpam:

Quote by livingonli:

Poor Momma. Stood up again.

BTW, Mala, Lizz is bringing the Shoot the Messenger show to the DC area on the 16th and 17th. I believe the show will be played in Arlington.

Of January? Do you have details?

According to the Shoot the Messenger website, it will be the 16th and 17th of January at the Arlington Cinema 'n Drafthouse.

Cool - might have to see if I can carve out some time for myself

Comment by Raine on 12/29/2008 15:45:32
Quote by wickedpam:

OMIGAWD! I just found my half brother on facecrack after not talking to him via email for I don't know how many years. He got frickin married!


Comment by wickedpam on 12/29/2008 15:49:48
Quote by Raine:

Quote by wickedpam:

OMIGAWD! I just found my half brother on facecrack after not talking to him via email for I don't know how many years. He got frickin married!


Tell me about it!

Comment by BobR on 12/29/2008 15:51:42
Quote by TriSec:

I was having visions of poor doggie running around the hose in "firehose" mode from the, uh, "exit".

There was a little of that, but she was outside by that time...

Comment by Raine on 12/29/2008 15:54:16
I love Greg Palast, but sometimes he just goes a little overboard.

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 15:57:40
Quote by wickedpam:

Quote by Raine:

Quote by wickedpam:

OMIGAWD! I just found my half brother on facecrack after not talking to him via email for I don't know how many years. He got frickin married!


Tell me about it!

I just found some people from my old college radio days on the facecrack as well. And some of those people I haven't seen in almost 20 years.

Comment by wickedpam on 12/29/2008 16:00:51
Quote by livingonli:

Quote by wickedpam:

Quote by Raine:

Quote by wickedpam:

OMIGAWD! I just found my half brother on facecrack after not talking to him via email for I don't know how many years. He got frickin married!


Tell me about it!

I just found some people from my old college radio days on the facecrack as well. And some of those people I haven't seen in almost 20 years.

I think he recently got an account since I hadn't seen him there before. I was looking at some of his photos and finally got to see a picture of Connie (my stepmother who I've never met) and our Dad.

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 16:05:02
The top story on Fox 5 New York at this hour is the whole collapse of the Jets and Coach Mangini got fired.

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 16:12:22
Christmas with the Millers: A family farce coming soon to a radio near you.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 12/29/2008 16:17:27
Good morning, bloggers!!

Raine, great post. We should remember that in the 1800s we had private fire companies assigned to individual clients. So, if a fire broke out and crossed over to a home not covered by the fire company that showed up, tough luck.

I expect that we will have a tough time the next few years, but I think we can move towards more rational and compassionate policies. However, it will not be easy.

Happy New Year!

Comment by Will in Chicago on 12/29/2008 16:21:48
By the way, I had a great dinner with a friend on Saturday at Deseo in Scottsdale. (I have a friend who is a food writer, among other things.) I will work up a review of the restaurant and its Latin American-themed food, but it was incredible.

Comment by Scoopster on 12/29/2008 16:22:50
Quote by livingonli:

The top story on Fox 5 New York at this hour is the whole collapse of the Jets and Coach Mangini got fired.

Now if that idiot Favre would just retire and stay that way..... :grumble:

Don't mind me. Personally I'm of the mind that Favre and Mangini planned the loss yesterday just to keep the Pats out of the playoffs.

Comment by wickedpam on 12/29/2008 16:27:32
The smoking curbs the want of all the other things ;)

Comment by Raine on 12/29/2008 16:29:26
:rofl: I love how the Mormon church has revelations when it suits the needs of the Saints...

Comment by Raine on 12/29/2008 16:30:39
Quote by wickedpam:

The smoking curbs the want of all the other things ;)

I wish....

Comment by livingonli on 12/29/2008 16:34:26
Quote by Raine:

:rofl: I love how the Mormon church has revelations when it suits the needs of the Saints...

Just like Scientology.

Comment by Raine on 12/29/2008 16:46:51
Paula is kinda rambly, no?