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This War is Different
Author: Raine    Date: 04/07/2022 12:27:35

At the beginning of this atrocity being forced upon Ukraine, Daniel Johnson - former infantry in Iraq - made a pretty prescient prediction. He believed that Russia's war on Ukraine would be the most documented in history. He wrote this about 24 hours after the invasion began:
It takes time, people, and equipment for media organizations to produce live reports on any event, especially a conflict. It is those things that will limit news organizations in their efforts to establish a full picture of what’s occurring. What is coming out of Ukraine is simply impossible to produce on such a scale without citizens and soldiers throughout the country having easy access to cellphones, the internet, and, by extension, social media apps. A large-scale modern war will be livestreamed, minute by minute, battle by battle, death by death, to the world. What is occurring is already horrific, based on the information released just on the first day.

The official messages coming out of Ukraine may sometimes seem garbled and confused, but very few governments, if any, could keep up with all the narratives that are occurring. Such confusion creates an ample opportunity for misinformation to spread and for actors to exploit—which they already have.

When I was a U.S. Army journalist/photographer in Iraq in 2016, a same-day turnaround was considered quick by Department of Defense standards. If I could get footage and interviews from a firebase outside Mosul on Christmas into the living rooms of Americans back home before the New Year, that was a win. In fact, it ended up taking me “only” two days.

Now, that’s way too slow.
I have heard other military people saying the same thing, more and more lately. We would not have known as much as we do without this technology. I, like many others, have a bad feeling that what we are seeing out of Bucha is just the tip of the iceberg.

Dachau Concentration Camp opened in 1933. It would be nearly 13 years until U.S. military forces liberated Dachau, in 1945, The world didn't know about these death camps but they would find out, too late for millions of souls.
Many of the ghastly pictures were at first held back from the broader public, partly out of concern for those with missing relatives.

The concentration and extermination camps were liberated one by one as the Allied armies advanced on Berlin in the final days of the 1939-1945 war.

The first was Majdanek in eastern Poland, which was freed on July 24, 1944, by the advancing Soviet Red Army.

But it was only the following year that media coverage was encouraged by the provisional government led by General Charles De Gaulle set up after the liberation of France.
The world learned slowly what Hitler had done, few people had televisions and news was mostly print publications or radio. WW2 and other wars of the twentieth century were simply not shown like this. I have no illusions that the atrocities will be quite similar to what happened in Europe such a relatively short time ago. We are witnessing the brutality of war in real-time, and this is unlike anything in history. No government can stop this information from being shared. I know that Putin is trying but that psychotic fever can't last forever.

History is happening minute by minute because of the technology in the military and the technology from journalists (citizen & professional). What is happening in Ukraine feels different because it is different than other wars, It's actually being reported in real time. We see the trauma, undiluted and uncensored. It's is horrific. Maybe we will see an end to this sooner rather than later; one can hope.

We are seeing evidence of war crimes. We are seeing crimes against humanity in real-time. We are seeing genocide. It is being documented. While there will be investigations, the amount of evidence is all there.

The sooner history shows how unkind it can be to the likes of Putin and his allies, the better the world can be.

Prayers for Ukraine


13 comments (Latest Comment: 04/07/2022 16:49:28 by TriSec)
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Comment by Raine on 04/07/2022 13:25:13
I am just so sad today...

Comment by Scoopster on 04/07/2022 13:50:17
Mornin' all..

The past day or so hasn't been very happy. Eric Boehlert is a massive loss for journalism & speaking truth to power.

Comment by Will_in_LA on 04/07/2022 13:53:20
Good morning, bloggers!!!!

Sadly, the Allies had some reports to the death camps -- including some reports of Auschwitz from escaped prisoners. However, many did not believe what they heard and many people heard nothing.

We are seeing the brutality of this war in real time. I think that it is becoming harder for autocrats to control the narrative. Already, the "biolabs" lie has vanished as there was no evidence produced.

Comment by Will_in_LA on 04/07/2022 13:55:06
May Eric Boehlert's memory be for a blessing.

Steph is in pain and I hope that the love and comfort of family, friends, and fans help her through this time of loss.

Comment by Raine on 04/07/2022 14:32:33
Quote by Scoopster:
Mornin' all..

The past day or so hasn't been very happy. Eric Boehlert is a massive loss for journalism & speaking truth to power.
I am heartbroken.

I hope all those that are publishing pieces on his death will pay attention to his words.

Comment by wickedpam on 04/07/2022 14:39:20

Comment by Raine on 04/07/2022 14:52:35
Quote by wickedpam:
Hey there.

How are you doing?

Comment by Raine on 04/07/2022 15:04:28
This is breaking at WaPo as well:

Comment by wickedpam on 04/07/2022 15:08:08
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Hey there.

How are you doing?

Could be better. But doing the best I can really. Kicking myself for not reading the warning signs or thinking they would effect me. Still think I was set up but have no hard proof.

Comment by Raine on 04/07/2022 15:18:09
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Hey there.

How are you doing?

Could be better. But doing the best I can really. Kicking myself for not reading the warning signs or thinking they would effect me. Still think I was set up but have no hard proof.
I am so angry about this.

Comment by Raine on 04/07/2022 15:18:51

Comment by wickedpam on 04/07/2022 15:25:02
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Hey there.

How are you doing?

Could be better. But doing the best I can really. Kicking myself for not reading the warning signs or thinking they would effect me. Still think I was set up but have no hard proof.
I am so angry about this.

Oh yeah, same - just trying to be professional about it all. Going to call it being downsized if anyone asks.

check out my twitter feed if you want some clues about that person

Comment by TriSec on 04/07/2022 16:49:28
I only saw a headline - the story had changed by the time I clicked the link. "Germany has satellite evidence showing Russian atrocities in Mariupol".

There cannot be a clearer case of "history repeats itself" than this.

It was the Germans - And Actual Nazis at that! - that revealed the extent of the Katyn Massacre, perpetrated by the Soviets.

One wonders if this isn't some weird science-fiction Mobius Loop in real rife. (you could look that up.)