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Life Thoughts
Author: Raine    Date: 07/25/2022 13:05:14

One of the harder things in the world is turning around and walking away from someone you love. One of the easier things to do is turn around and walk away from someone you don't.

I'm not good at either of these things. Just because something appears easy, doesn't make it comfortable. It's heavy on my heart. That said, the more I think about the former of these two scenarios, turning around and walking away should be less complicated for one simple reason: perhaps the person I love walked away first and expected me to run to them.

For the record this is not about you guys. Also, Bob and I are still walking together in this thing called life. I am just having a hard time accepting an issue outside of politics in my personal life. It's hard. It's hard to let go of the idea that someone I've known all my life could so deeply let down the people that count on them.

Anyway, that is it for this Monday. Love the ones who always try, they are the ones to keep.



4 comments (Latest Comment: 07/27/2022 00:48:07 by wickedpam)
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Comment by Will_in_LA on 07/25/2022 15:14:36
Hang in there, Raine!!!

I hope that everything will be better.

For myself, I have a Zoom interview this morning followed by an in-person interview later in the morning.

Comment by Will_in_LA on 07/25/2022 15:21:41
Sometimes in life, you do have to say goodbye to people and places.

People can change for the better or for worse. Sometimes, the pain is so great that all you can do is walk away and mourn what was and what could have been. Yet it is the most rational and healthy approach to some situations. It also helps preserve emotional health.

Comment by Raine on 07/25/2022 16:45:09
Thanks, Will.

Comment by wickedpam on 07/27/2022 00:48:07