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The (Drooling) Birther Phenomenon
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 07/26/2009 13:20:56

It has come to my attention that the President, our own Barack H. Obama, may not have been born in this country and now every single law he passes will have to be undone!! This is horrible! How could we let this happen?

Here is the short version of what some say. Now, bear in mind some of these are anonymous sources, but does that make them any less valid?

Baracks mother, Ann, married a big scary black man from Kenya and went to deep dark Africa, which I am told is not a country, but actually a Continent! Anyway, seems she gave birth to Barack (Barry) in a hut in Kenya while her husband was out drinking whatever it is they drink in Africa and of course, gambling. Well, don't you know that Ann started thinking right away, "hey, I should really make Barry an American citizen just in case he grows up and wants to run for political office."

So, off she jogs down to the Kenya government TeePee and talks to the Kenyan official who sends a messaged drum beat to wherever they communicate these things, to put an ad in the Hawai'ian newspaper that Barry was born on American soil. (Well, not real America, but you get the picture).

So, a conspiracy was started way back when, to make Barack Obama an American! What proof do these proud citizens who want to expose this farce have? Well, just the DEPOSITION (which is legal, with lawyers and everything) of Barry’s step GRANDMOTHER who was actually in the treehouse when he was born!!

And all Barry can do is come up with some obviously phony document that says he was born in America…blah blah. A document, which was approved as valid by some state and Federal officials. Obviously these officials are part of the conspiracy and have been paid off by the fake President’s lawyers. There is no telling how deep this thing goes.

Now, some people are saying that the whole “Birther” movement was started as a joke. Really? That’s crazy, I mean just crazy. Who would make this stuff up? Who?

According to some very Liberal blog – (yeah, a blog) the birther movement was meant as a jab because the New York Times had wondered if then candidate John McCain’s birth in Panama would be a problem.

This is silly. Who would just write a silly blog and make stuff up? I mean……. come ON!

According to this blog, Yes To Democracy they claim that they found the first ever mention of Obama’s birth controversy, back in March 2008. And it was from a conservative blogger who said this about his birth blog:

I think that we need to actually challenge Barry's candidacy and eligibility to run for President. It seems that our government is just going to look the other way as an attempt to gain more power over our lives.

Please take the time to comment.

UPDATE: You know, I THOUGHT that most people could make the assumption that this post was written in response to the idiotic drivel by the New York Times about McCain’s eligibility. I was wrong. This is pointing out the stupidity of the lies printed by the Times. And it is lying stupidity.

When questioned by a poster to the blog the author writes back:

Yes, I am joking. That SHOULD be obvious.

1. Thank you. I do realize that my argument makes sense. The same amount of sense that the New York Times article made.

2. There are no holes because this is satire.

You can read the entire blog here if you’re so inclined, or you can just take MY word for it. Barry Obama is the greatest con artist who ever lived! He has punk’d the World!


10 comments (Latest Comment: 07/27/2009 02:19:47 by clintster)
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Comment by velveeta jones on 07/26/2009 14:55:41

Comment by AuntAzalea on 07/26/2009 14:56:35
you are bananas!

Comment by Raine on 07/26/2009 15:18:12
Brava! Throws roses!

I never new that this whole debacle started out as a conservative joke! Well well well... Now they look even MORE foolish! Nice catch!

Comment by Raine on 07/26/2009 15:49:01
Well Now we know what Sarah is doing with her time! Groupie!!!!

AKGovSarahPalin RdTrip7 hrs wKid Rock/Martina McBride/Big&Rich/Grtchn Wilson/Billy Currngtn/Hank/Toby/VanP/Blk I P's/Greenwd/Straight/etc&USO artists=heaven

Comment by Mondobubba on 07/26/2009 16:06:38
:bow: :bow:

Comment by Raine on 07/26/2009 16:10:46
Comment by BobR on 07/26/2009 16:35:22
well - since you put it THAT way, I guess the birther conspiracies DON'T make any sense after all...

Comment by livingonli on 07/26/2009 19:14:05
As usual. The wit of Velveeta strikes again.

it's just about time for me to head off to the salt mine.

Comment by Mondobubba on 07/26/2009 23:22:34
What the hell is Sarah Palin talking about. Hollywood, is going to take Alaskans' guns away? Huh? What?

Comment by clintster on 07/27/2009 02:19:47
I won't link directly, 'cause I hate the place, but...

Junk Toting Stick Figure vs. Freepers (pass the popcorn) (link goes to FARK discussion of the story)