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And... They're off!
Author: Raine    Date: 01/03/2008 13:36:03

Today is caucus day in Iowa. It's going to be cold but it doesn't look like the weather will be a reason not to turn out. That is good news. Seems like many students are going back to campus early so they can caucus. That could be very good news for Obama, since he is said to be popular among the college crowd. It also makes for a rather undecided race.

Bill Richardson is set to throw his support toward Obama. Just like Dennis, this is in case he finds himself not getting the 15% of the vote. So that is that. With Bill, I am not surprised at this move. Dennis tho, that one is going to take some time for it to sink and and digest.

It looks like Obama may win Iowa, but as I skim the papers across the internet this morning, there is a far greater sense of uncertainty for this race this morning. Who will take second? Who knows. The media reluctantly admits that Obama is in the lead, and with all of the independent and undecided voters, I am just not sure that Edwards will take third as they are predicting. If nothing else, I am glad that the race is still so tight. We are lucky as dems and progressives to have such a good pool of candidates.

The Republicans, that is going to be very interesting. McCain is getting a lot of traction despite the fact that he hasn't campaigned there, and Mitt has pretty gone door to door handing out Dollars bills and puppy dogs to get the support, but in Iowa, it looks like It could Be Huckabee. Rudy has dropped to 5% in Iowa. How the might have fallen. The pew center actually is reporting that McCain has taken the lead nationally. Look for that entire race to get dirtier with far more mud to be slung.

The most interesting thing to me about today, is the fact that The Des Moines Register is teaming up with YouTube to report on the caucus'. IT will be nice to get a more unfiltered View from the campaign than what we have been getting from MSN. Already there are some cute user vids there. Plus it is always nice to see Americans participating in one of the most important things we can do. Elect our leaders.

Brr. It is cold, so I'll see you inside the blog where the fireplace is going and the hot cocoa is extra dark today. It is 15 degrees here in the Atl this morning... Warmth is a good thing.

234 comments (Latest Comment: 01/04/2008 04:36:51 by livingonli)
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