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The Candidates part 3
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 05/08/2011 14:56:03

Continuing our look at the possible Republican ticket for 2012. Today we will examine another foreign born candidate, Gov. "Bobby" Jindal.

"Bobby" as he calls himself, was allegedly born in Baton Rouge LA but we only have his word on that. On Friday, he claims to have released his Birth Certificate, however, as any true birther will tell you, a "Birth Certificate" is not the same as a "Certificate of Live Birth" and that, my dear friends is what he released.

The document, which includes the basic information found on Obama's long-form version, reveals that the governor was born at 12:27 p.m. on June 10, 1971; that his parents, who were living in student housing, listed their address as "Physics Department LSU;" that the attending physician was a Dr. Rabalais; and that Piyush Jindal -- who as a young boy asked to be called Bobby -- has no middle name.

That's right America! His name is actually Piyush [Pee-yoUsh]. He came up with the name "Bobby" because he so identified with the character on his favorite TV show, "The Brady Bunch". This also explains his penchant for bell-bottoms and polyester.

You can view the COLB here. And clearly you can see that it's a fake. Why, it has a date stamp of May 6, 2011! They don't even try to hide it!

So who is this guy that might be our first overly-polite, mild-mannered, Southern belle, Indian, President? Let's explore.

While he's not openly announced that he is running for President, he has dropped plenty of hints, and preempting his COLB shows that he is waffling with the best of the other Republicans out there.

He claims to have come to our shores in Utero - a claim that he still has not proved - and was born in Baton Rouge. His family is Hindu, but he soon realized that his political career as a Republican would be over before it started unless he converted to the normal American religion.

As a Republican he is OPPOSED to the usual lineup of things: abortion, stem cell research, taxing the wealthy and corporations that ship jobs overseas, same sex marriage, immigration, health care, education for working people, and of course, accepting federal funds to help his state. As a staunch Republican in good standing (considering he is brown) he stands FOR: killing people that kill other people ("that'll teach them"), Tax breaks for corporations and his wealthy friends, bullying gay people, teaching about the correct God in public schools, DBD (Drill baby drill), poo-pooing Global Climate change, staying in the good graces of the NRA at all costs, and in keeping the teabaggers happy he is firmly anti-government.

One thing that really sets "Bobby" apart from mainstream Republicans is the fact that he has only been married once! To top it off, he has been successful in keeping his affairs quiet with not even hints of his various trysts. Though, speculation is high that he has a big Leather Bear as his "daddy".

For sure, he can be commended for his stealth.

Actually there is one thing that holds him steadfast to the Republican party: some sort of bat-crap crazy college altercation. In his case, an Exorcism! Way to go overboard "Bobby"! Here's what happened according to Jindal and confirmed by some college associates, after a long night of studying and drinking apple-juice laced with vodka and No-Doz™ the boys felt the need for some "female companionship" and went in search of one of their friends described later by one of the gentlemen as "gifted with her hands". Once they found her and she rebuked their drunken advances, they decided she must be "tamed of her inner demon". And thus began what they later described as an Exorcism. Back in their dorm room, they fortified their strength with straight whiskey and a funny smelling cigarette, then, donning black robes and armed with candles and crucifixes went back to the girls dorm to preform the "sacred rite upon her". Here is where it gets fuzzy, but the men seem to think they did indeed cured her by touching her, "laying hands upon her" while she writhed on the floor of the room. When they felt they had "relieved the demons" the boys got up and returned to their dorm where they passed out. Sounds like a typical frat party, I suppose.

Piyush "Bobby" Jindal 2012. Slogan = "He can fix your government as well as your PC"

6 comments (Latest Comment: 05/09/2011 11:03:55 by AuntAzalea)
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