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Author: BobR    Date: 05/23/2012 12:20:12

This campaign season has been an amazing one. Despite the notion from the outset that Romney was going to be the presumptive nominee, the Republicans had quite a field to choose from. For conservatives, they just want anybody but Barack Obama in the White House next January. For the Republican voter, however, it seemed like a game of "anybody but Romney". Romney won that game, however, so now the Republican party has to pretend to think he is the best thing since sliced bread.

They know, of course, that he isn't. They know that a large percentage of people who vote for him are really just voting against President Obama. That sort of lackluster support generally doesn't translate well into traffic into the voting booths. Add to that the improving economy and job numbers, and the likelihood that gas prices will continue to drop. The Republicans are getting desperate, and it is definitely showing.

In Arizona, they have been trying the tired old birther argument to keep President Obama off the ballot. They requested proof from Hawaii that the president was actually born there. Having been innundated with requests for proof ever since this meme was floated in the 2008 primary, the state of Hawaii has been pushing back against these absurd requests, and did so with Arizona's. That prompted AZ to send corrupt Sheriff Joe Arapaio (aka Boss Hawg) to show them Hawaiians a thing or two.

AZ Sec. of State Bennett figured out that he and his state were being made a laughing stock by their actions, so he backed off on the ballot threats and apologized:
“If I embarrassed the state, I apologize, but that certainly wasn’t my intent,” Bennett said in an interview with Phoenix radio station KTAR. “He’ll be on the ballot as long as he fills out the same paperwork and does the same things that everybody else has.”

Bennett said he still intends to keep asking Hawaii for verification that Obama’s birth certificate is authentic. But he said he only plans to use Hawaii’s answer as a way to satisfy demands from constituents who remain unconvinced Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States and so therefore eligible to be president.
He said again that he doesn’t consider himself a birther and he believes the president was born in Hawaii but he did this to satisfy a small number of vocal people who kept sending him angry emails about it.

Uh-huh... right...

After making Bennett jump through hoops to prove he needed the information, Hawaii provided what was asked for. At some point today, we should hear from Bennett explaining to the birthers in his state that their dreams and hopes are for naught. What's World Net Daily going to do now? I expect they're not going to be so easily convinced. THEY'LL get to the truth - just you wait and see :waves finger in the air:

FAUX News president Roger Ailes isn't likely to be convinced either. Despite being in office for over 3 years, despite the incredible vetting he had to go through, Ailes claims "we still don't know anything about Obama". We don't? I guess if you watch FAUX News you don't. This seems like Ailes admitting his own news organization doesn't know how to do an investigation.

The Republicans are also trying to use poorly worded sound bites from Newark NJ mayor Cory Booker and Virginia senator Mark Warner as proof that President Obama's supporters are turning against him. In both cases, the overall tone of their respective interviews were pro-Obama. They were simply saying that Bain Capital did what it did well. In Booker's case, he was criticizing negative campaigning. In Warner's case, he was echoing President Obama's comment that making money for investors regardless of the effect on workers is not a good preparation for the presidency.

Republicans - known as the old white guy party - are desperate to pick up voters from the black and latino camps, both of whom do not see the Republicans as their allies (and deservedly so). This is why Marco Rubio gets trotted out like a prize trophy, and why an unknown like Mia Love is getting so much attention. She vying to be the first black female Republican in the U.S. House. The Republicans desperately want their token to show to the country that they too are multi-cultural. Her website reads like it was taken verbatim from the Republican party platform. Considering it's Utah, she stands a very good chance of success.

This is President Obama's to lose. He has had some recent stumbles in the campaigning, and I hope he gets things on track and simply stays true to himself and his message. His sincerity is in striking contrast to Romney's fakeness, and it's something Obama should not set aside in the interest of trying to win votes. The Republicans are desperate. Let THEM make the mistakes.

30 comments (Latest Comment: 05/24/2012 01:24:28 by TriSec)
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