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You are having a heart attack
Author: AuntAzalea    Date: 2013-12-15 12:20:42

"You are having a heart attack, the ambulance is on the way"...those are the words spoken to me this past monday at my doctors office by a physicians assistant because the doctors were too busy to squeeze me in when I called with breathing problems earlier that morning.
Sirens blaring, I found myself praying that my medicaid would cover all of this and then I tried to calm myself. Long story short, after several hours the amazing emergency room doctor got to the bottom of it, my blood pressure medicine had leeched most of the potassium out of my body and my muscles that create respiration were becoming paralyzed, not a heart attack but it could have killed me.

Last year my physician who assisted me in getting medicaid disability retired, she had a smart efficient practice. After she left I met with the doctor who took her place, unfortunately she quit a week later after moving half way around the country to take that job, I should have known something wasn't right.

Four weeks ago I met with the newest doctor who took all her patients. She immediately treated me like a malcontent, when she asked if I had concerns I said why yes and when I opened my datebook with a list of a few important questions, her response was "Have you ever been here before? (nine years but they couldn't find my records) Well we don't have time for all of that so pick the top one" I was shocked but responded with "well I have occasionally have been getting chest pains and difficulty in breathing" She became annoyed and said "sharp pains?" "Do you want an EKG?" The tone bespoke of distain, dislike and irritation. She finally said well if it gets worse come back and she moved on out of the room.

Yesterday I had to go back to get a follow up blood test to see what my potassium levels were but because I walked in ten minutes late the doctor cancelled me. Bent over trying to catch my breath from running from the car, I insisted they take the blood test and I haven't heard anything back. That is just not right, I felt like I have been in a medical hell vortex.

I have to wonder so many things, was she prejudiced because I am black, gay, on medicaid or is she an incompetent young doctor. That day and since I have been counting my blessings, I am so grateful to have medicaid and to have survived the week, I am grateful to have been around on thursday to bake cookies for my daughter's band fundraiser,etc.

I will not be back to that office, I will find a better doctor. I have to be my own advocate with medicaid and I just hope it will cover the ambulance.

Well that is my miracle story for the week, next week Velveeta will return and I am sure be much more fun, witty and wise.

I Is your medicine making you sick?

4 comments (Latest Comment: 12/16/2013 01:28:41 by AuntAzalea)
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