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Remembering those that didn't serve.
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 05/25/2008 13:06:59

Its Memorial Day weekend and tomorrow is the official Holiday were we honor the fallen soldiers from every war. I thought perhaps I'd start a new tradition: calling out those that refused to serve!

Each of these people could have served, and by doing so, maybe, just maybe, might have saved the life of one that we'll be honoring tomorrow. No, I am saying that perhaps I'd rather them have taken the bullet; only that they might have been in a spot to see an IED or some cleverly hiding enemies.

But before I start my list of evildoers, I would also like to point out that last week, one who DID serve, John McCain, had the nerve to not show up in support of the GI Bill!
Despite the fact that the American Legion and the VFW
all support Jim Webb's bill, McCain seems to think he is more qualified then all these men and women who also served.

He used the opportunity to swipe back at our Democratic Nominee, Barack Obama, who criticized McCain when he didn't show up (was he too busy doing the Ellen Show that day?) saying that Obama "did not feel it was his responsibility to serve our country in uniform..."

John McCain has an idiotic reason for not supporting it. One of his claims is that the bill might encourage "people not to choose to become noncommissioned officers."

His disdain for his fellow veterans is disturbing to say the least. Does he really think that people join the services only so they can have health insurance and money for college? Is this the reason that Gay people are fighting for the right to serve openly? Is he kidding?

Sure, there may be some who are influenced by these "perks", but he of all people should know the price one can pay by signing that piece of paper to volunteer.

The majority of our troops currently come from rural communities and are often lower middle class to poor. While I believe that some might join "for the money" - certainly all these men and women understand the consequences. And the military also knows this, in recruiting, they actively target this community.

Here are some that wouldn't have served even if we promised to pay them handsomely. Its a long list, so I've picked just a few that are more ridiculous than pathetic (as in the case of the obvious GW Bush):

Tom Delay "The Hammer". Hey, that nickname would have been really cool on his helmet in Viet Nam, but alas, he was unable to go. It is alleged that he didn't served due to reverse discrimination. Yes, that's what I said. (He was here at home fighting the war of cockroaches and bedbugs - as an exterminator). As it was reported in the Houston Press back in 1988 why he (and Dan Quayle) did not serve:

He and Quayle, DeLay explained to the assembled media in New Orleans, were victims of an unusual phenomenon back in the days of the undeclared Southeast Asian war. So many minority youths had volunteered for the well-paying military positions to escape poverty and the ghetto that there was literally no room for patriotic folks like himself. Satisfied with the pronouncement, which dumbfounded more than a few of his listeners who had lived the sixties, DeLay marched off to the convention.

(Hey! Maybe McCain is right! Maybe people do join for the big money).

Rudy Giuliani: Remember him? Did not serve; received a deferment in 1968 for a clerkship with a United States District Court judge. Got a letter from the judge to sustain this deferment, after receiving student deferments for college and law school.

I can just imagine that sniffling little punk, with hair, going before a Judge and begging!

Bill Owens (R-CO) - According to USAToday, Vietnam is a problem for Owens,

Shortly before the 1998 Republican primary, reports surfaced that he had misrepresented his Vietnam War draft status. Owens told The Denver Post he was never called up, but a review of his records showed college deferments in 1969, 1970 and 1971. Owens said he simply forgot.

Um. I forgot? Too many bong hits Bill????

Bill O'Reilly. He of the Irish working class, as he never ceases to remind us, growing up on the "mean streets" of wherever. Long Island? Anyway, Bill O, like Bill Clinton, missed the war due to school. Unlike Clinton however, who was a Rhodes Scholar, Mr. No Spin Zone, was single and in good enough shape to play football at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York in the fall of 1967. He soon followed Clinton to England at the University of London, but again, unlike Clinton who was at Oxford; NOT a Rhodes Scholar. (We don't send our best and brightest to war - that's just stupid).

Sean Hannity claims he was too young to fight in Vietnam, but Sean darling, Mr. Pro-War/Pro America, we need to be on the ready at all times! Aren't you the one that said in your book about the evils of Liberalism:

From the very first days after 9/11, the left started talking about the "root causes" of the attacks, asking "Why do the terrorists hate us?" Well, I don’t believe there’s any answer to that question that could ever explain, justify, or excuse the terrorists’ decision to slaughter three thousand people on that day. And anyone who’s inclined to waste much time dwelling on such a question just isn’t likely to have much grasp on the reality of evil in the world. The search for "root causes" is an invitation to address the grievances of a group whose actions have put them permanently beyond the reach of sympathy or explanation.

That's right. Don't try to figure out why some might hate us. Just blow them the f*ck up! Take'm right out, right away. No questions asked. How very brave of you!

And least we forget everyone's favorite pundit and Hillary "supporter" Rush Limbaugh.

Lets go to the ever non-partisan SNOPES website on Rush:

The Selective Service system records still available indicate that the classification was not assigned to physiological or moral grounds, but because of a physical problem. And since no records indicating that Limbaugh was ever examined by an Armed Services Entrance Examine station the 1-Y Classification was almost certainly assigned based on a report Limbaugh had his own doctor prepare and submit to the draft board (No implication that the report was falsified is intended; the point is merely to note that Limbaugh's deferment was based upon an examination done by a private doctor, not one administered through the Armed Services).

Sound familiar? And just what was his affliction? If he tells it, it was an old football knee injury. Though according to others, including his own brother and mother, he had a Pilonidal cyst. I had to look it up:

Pilonidal cysts are pockets of skin in the crease of the buttocks near the end of the tailbone (coccyx). They usually begin where ingrown hairs push into the folds of the skin, which irritates and inflames the skin.

Hairs?!! Yuck. TMI.

Enjoy your weekend, and don't forget to take time out to remember......... that some of these noted losers could have been hero's if not for their being selfish cowards

56 comments (Latest Comment: 05/26/2008 13:33:05 by TriSec)
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