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September Morn
Author: Raine    Date: 09/11/2008 12:21:22

Good morning everyone.

A few weeks ago, I went back to to NY for a visit. Being that I was going to be staying in Jersey City with a friend for a few nights, I had to do what I had not done in years, I went to the WTC Path Station. You know the one: it ran under the towers. The station reopened in 2003, and a new entrance was finished by 2006. It was beautiful, really. But: they have since torn it down.

I was rather shocked to see it gone when I returned this summer. The entrance was moved, the grand design was gone. Something else shocked me: there was nothing there. Nothing but chain-link fences, plywood covering up what appeared to be nothing more than another generic, non-distinct NYC (or any city for that matter) construction site. I heard the sounds, the bulldozers, the jackhammers, the trucks --- but I couldn't see anything. it was blocked from view, ALL around the area. It seemed wrong, and not because I was in mourning for this day still... I could not put my finger on it... Was it the waste of money... of time? The lack of regard by those in charge to the importance of the day for the victims families? I didn't know.
And then Paul Reikoff reminded me. (and he said it better than I ever could)

'7 years later, 'Ground Zero' is nothing but a hole in the ground. A gaping mammoth hole.'

All the talk of rebuilding and honoring the victims and the victims' familes, all the talk of honor & service to our country, all the promises of healing and rebuilding ... all of that talk, and 'Ground Zero' has become nothing more than a symbol of empty promises.

It took 8 years for us to put a man on the moon. One would think that we could close this gaping flesh wound sooner than that. There is no way a wound can heal if it is still open. 2749 people died in NYC that day. 184 people perished in Washington D.C. 40 people were lost forever to a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on September 11. Say a prayer for their families in whatever way you choose, but be angry that those who HAVE the power to close the hole in the ground have not. Ground Zero has become nothing more than a symbol of broken promises because of them.


156 comments (Latest Comment: 09/12/2008 02:52:22 by BobR)
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