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From Zero to Crazy in 3 Months
Author: BobR    Date: 04/17/2009 12:21:29

We've commented before in this space how the election of a partially-black man as president would bring out the crazy in the bigots. We've commented before about how the right-wing pundits are stirring up the crazy in the mentally unstable. The recent teabag party (and other events) have shown just how much crazy is out there - and most of them are elected officials! Good gawd...

One of the most talked about examples is Texas Governor Perry threatening to have Texas secede from the Union:
Texas is a unique place. When we came into the Union in 1845, one of the issues was that we would be able to leave if we decided to do that.

We got a great Union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it, but if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may come out of that.
(video at link)

The asylum that is the GA state Senate, however, has him beat - they actually passed a resolution to secede from the Union:
It wasn’t quite the firing on Fort Sumter that launched the Civil War. But on April 1, your Georgia Senate did threaten by a vote of 43-1 to secede from and even disband the United States.

It was not an April Fool’s joke.

In fact, Senate Resolution 632 did a lot more than merely threaten to end this country. It stated that under the Constitution, the only crimes the federal government could prosecute were treason, piracy and slavery.

“Therefore, all acts of Congress which assume to create, define or punish [other] crimes … are altogether void, and of no force,” the Georgia Senate declared.

In other words, in the infinite, almost unanimous wisdom of the Georgia Senate, Michael Vick is being imprisoned illegally, Bernie Madoff should serve no time for stealing $60 billion and the Unabomber must go free. In fact, the federal penitentiary in Atlanta should be emptied of its inmates.

But wait, there’s more.

Tis the Season for Treason! Then there's IL rep Mark Kirk suggesting the shooting of the governor:
"I think that the decision to raise taxes by 50 percent in Illinois is political suicide," Kirk said of Quinn’s proposal to raise the tax rate to 4.5 percent from 3 percent, coupled with an increase in the personal deduction. "I think the people of Illinois are ready to shoot anyone who is going to raise taxes by that degree."

You don't think someone will try? A man shot up a church because it was "liberal", killing several. Like Raine said in yesterday's blog - this is like pouring gasoline on a fire.

We can also count on Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) to deliver the goods, and she delivers all right. For those with short memories, in 2006 there were six Muslim imams that were detained at the Minneapolis airport for "suspicious activity". That "activity" included praying and speaking to each other in Arabic. They were released when it became clear that they were scholars, not terrorists, and it was yet another embarrassing incident in racial and religious profiling. So naturally, Bachmann accuses the media of suppressing the story about these imams - in her mind - "flying TO MN to for a victory party for openly-Muslim representative Keith Ellison". It must be boring in MN and the people there re-elect this nutjob purely for the entertainment.

But getting back to the teabag parties, we've seen the video and the pictures of the people that couldn't articulate why they were there, but it was the disgusting side of crazy that seems to resonate. Here's a prime example:


All of this negative coverage of the teabaggers (and the promoter FAUX News) is giving them a black eye, so naturally the craziest of them all at FAUX News is upset. In defending the parties, he had the audacity to mutilate MLK's I Have A Dream speech:
"I have a dream today. I have a dream that we can stop playing not just the blame the messenger game; I have a dream that we can stop playing the game of blame the messenger who's specifically saying the opposite message."

WTF?? That doesn't even make sense! (video at link)

What concerns me is where all of this craziness will lead. Obama has only been in office for 3 months. What are they going to do between now and 2012? I suspect that this will lead to some awful violence ala Oklahoma City, or more suicide shootings. I hope I am wrong. Perhaps they need to take a note from India and NOT take out as many people as they can when they decide to throw in the towel.

If they can keep the crazy under control enough to keep people from getting hurt or killed, however, this looks to be an entertaining 4 years...

Bonus Click: Red State Update discusses the teabag parties...


52 comments (Latest Comment: 04/18/2009 02:22:08 by livingonli)
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