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UnCheney My Heart
Author: BobR    Date: 04/24/2009 12:41:55

It's got to be tough being a Cheney these days. With the recent release of the torture memos and the impending release of the torture photos, the previous administration's transgressions against the law and humanity are once again under scrutiny - and rightly so. One only need watch 15 seconds of video of Bush trying to formulate a coherent sentence to realize he was just a dupe, and Cheney was the brains behind the operation. There's also the little matter of Cheney's membership in PNAC.

Cheney may have thought (or hoped) that the economic crisis would make us all forget about him and he could scurry back under his rock (or into his Frankenstein-esque laboratory) and try to decide whether he should try again to take over the world or just eat the cyanide pill. For now, he's hoping his favorite familiar RenfieldRove can convince people they did the right thing. However, the Liberty/Libary tower story has already been debunked. It's a surprisingly weak attempt. I'm betting on the cyanide pill, or some exotic drug that makes it seem like he kicked the bucket so he can join Ken Lay in Dubai (where Halliburton moved its headquarters), while an empty box is lowered into the ground and his family weep crocodile tears.

Apparently knowing he has the warm cuddly personality of an electric eel, he's sending out his daughter in an attempt to rewrite the past and ask us all: "who ya gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes?":
"It's what our own people go through in SERE training," Cheney says. Apparently she skipped the portion of the OLC memos that explains that the techniques used on US detainees was specifically designed to go above and beyond what our troops go through in SERE training. "Naturally, I'm pretty sure that our soldiers undergo SERE training to learn what it's like to be tortured, if not withstand it. I mean, if we've reached the point where it's okay to not be outraged when our own soldiers are waterboarded, someone should say so. But either waterboarding is a tolerable technique for military interrogations in every case or it is torture and thus the provenance of sadistic regimes," Cheney quips.

"Liz, the CIA, on its own after 2005, stopped waterboarding on its own," O'Donnel retorts. "The U.S. prosecuted people for waterboarding after World War II. So to suggest there's a consensus out there that waterboarding is not torture is not in fact accurate," she states vehemently.
(more at the link, including video)

But Cheney is not the only one who's daughter is out there doing the verbal smack-down. The daughter of Senator McCain (who - as a professional longtime politician - is paradoxically against torture and against prosecuting torturers) appeared on the view to tell Cheney to just go away:

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I'm sure he'd like to. I'm sure he'd like to retire comfortably and bask in the glow of his lifelong work. Unfortunately, that glow is from the dungeon, and good Americans aren't letting it slide. A recent report indicates that Cheney wanted to create a link between 9/11 and Iraq, and was willing to use torture to get it. This is not the sort of thing one normally wants on their resumé. However, Cheney is not normal. Some question whether he is even human...

Retired Brig. General Janis Karpinski certainly wonders what sort of person he is. With the impending release of more photos ala Abu Ghraib, the "few bad apples" situation (where the Administration sold a few low-ranking grunts down the river to save their own asses) is bubbling back to the surface. Here she is castigating Cheney for scapegoating the soldiers:

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As mentioned in yesterday's blog, there is a steady drip drip of information leaking out. None of this is good for Cheney (which means it's good for the rest of us). How much more can his feeble pacemaker take? It's probably about time to start taking bets on the over/under for when he keels over for the last time.


76 comments (Latest Comment: 04/25/2009 06:21:30 by livingonli)
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