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A Day of Observance
Author: Raine    Date: 06/14/2012 13:05:10

June 14, is Flag day, according to history.com:
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34 comments (Latest Comment: 06/14/2012 20:58:45 by Raine)

No Surprises
Author: BobR    Date: 06/13/2012 12:52:32

Another Tuesday, another primary day... what have we learned? Mostly, we learned that despite the noise about replacing incumbents or making big changes, the results show that voters selected the candidates that seemed to reflect what we already knew about them.
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73 comments (Latest Comment: 06/14/2012 00:16:25 by BobR)

Ask a Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 06/12/2012 10:16:21

Good Morning.

Today is our 3,901st day in Afghanistan.

We'll start this morning as we always do; with the latest casualty figures from our ongoing war, courtesy of Antiwar.com:

US Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 2,003
Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 1,037

We find this morning's Cost of War passing through:

$ 1, 341, 576, 800, 000 .00

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50 comments (Latest Comment: 06/12/2012 22:08:10 by Mondobubba)

Romney: Master of Delusion?
Author: Raine    Date: 06/11/2012 14:26:25

It is unclear who Romney thinks he’s running against, but it is clear that he is not running against President Obama. At least, he’s not running against “IRL” President Obama. Mitt Romney is running against a strawman, all the while erecting strawmen and promptly setting them on fire.
This is an excerpt from a post made by Angry Black lady at Raw Story. The entire post is worth a read, but this statement stuck with me.

Mitt Romney is campaigning against a fictional version of President Obama. It's not just spinning what is being said, it's literally running against someone who doesn't exist. Often when when debating (on the internet or in real life), it is easy to encounter what is known as a strawman argument. According to wiki, A straw man is a type of argument and is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition (the "straw man"), and refuting it, without ever having actually refuted the original position. A simple example:
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60 comments (Latest Comment: 06/12/2012 00:17:38 by Raine)

11 Things for Ron Paul
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 06/10/2012 13:13:57

Is he really giving up? Is there really only one clown in the clown car now?
This is such disappointing news, frankly I think he should disown that Rand Paul. Take him right out of the will and get back into the race. And herewith, I present some ideas for him to get some media attention, since that seemed to be his problem; no one was paying attention to him anymore. He is like that sad little man that lives up the street that you suspect goes through the trash bins in the neighborhood while everyone is asleep.

So here ya go Ron.
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11 comments (Latest Comment: 06/11/2012 14:36:59 by Will in Chicago)

Poisoning the Gulf - for 8 years.
Author: TriSec    Date: 06/09/2012 12:49:32

Good Morning.

It's interesting that Bob would write about the "tipping point" yesterday. I have some things I've been gathering for a while, and I had a catalyst this week to finally string it all together.

I want you to think of the cleanest, purest, most pristine state out of all 50. Does Alaska come to mind? How about Montana, or even North Dakota?

North Dakota might be one of those quirky states in the Midwest. It's definitely "flyover" country, and maybe those of us on the coasts really have no idea what goes on out there other than what we saw in 'Fargo'.

But our insatiable needs have sullied parts of the state. While some are driving home truckfulls of money, others are affected by pollution and hardship brought on by hydraulic fracturing.
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3 comments (Latest Comment: 06/10/2012 00:43:30 by BobR)

The Tipping Point
Author: BobR    Date: 06/08/2012 12:53:45

There are many issues that divide Republicans and Democrats (or Liberals and Conservatives), but one of the more contentious areas is the growing problem of global warming. Despite overwhelming evidence and the vast majority of climate scientists agreement, the conservatives just don't seem to want to conserve nature (despite Nixon creating the EPA). They think there's some environmental "agenda" beyond actually trying to protect the planet. In reality, they don't want to have to change, especially if it means losing money for their supporters (ie: oil companies). It is their adherance to the status quo and marketing to their constituents that has stymied progress on reducing man's impact.
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46 comments (Latest Comment: 06/09/2012 03:54:09 by Will in Chicago)

Meanwhile, outside of Wisconsin
Author: Raine    Date: 06/07/2012 13:43:48

California had some very disappointing elections as well Tuesday, specifically, Public Employes. This maybe the sleeper story of the year, as TPM points out:
While Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker cruised to victory in Tuesday’s failed recall — a stinging defeat for public employee unions in itself — two lower-profile municipal referenda in California that could slash public sector pensions passed overwhelmingly as well. The confluence suggests 2012 will be marked by fights at both the local, state, and national level over retirement security for public sector workers.

Voters overwhelmingly approved ballot measures in both conservative San Diego and liberal San Jose that seek to close municipal budget gaps by cutting worker pensions — not just pension plans for future workers.
Boldface mine.
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43 comments (Latest Comment: 06/08/2012 03:05:05 by BobR)

The Real Winner on Tuesday
Author: BobR    Date: 06/06/2012 11:35:00

Yesterday was another primary day. Five states held primaries for the Republican candidates. If you weren't aware of them or the results, it's because 95% of the attention from the media was on the recall election in Wisconsin. As anyone reading this is already aware, it did not go well for those hoping to see Governor Walker lose his job. The real winner yesterday, though, was not any particular person.
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46 comments (Latest Comment: 06/07/2012 02:48:44 by clintster)

It's the Scott Walker Recall Show - LIVE! from Wisconsin...
Author: Scoopster    Date: 06/06/2012 00:53:09

It's here at last. Activists across the country and residents of Wisconsin, from Milwaukee to Marquette and from Sheboygan to Superior, have been striving tirelessly for this moment since a cold day in February 2011. Newly-elected Governor Scott Walker, fresh off a Tea Party "wave" and an apathetic voter turnout that they claimed for a mandate, threw away their election campaign promises and bipartisanship. Instead they chose to do the bidding of their billionaire buddies and mega-corporate donors - forcing through some of the most regressive anti-worker legislation in the country's history.
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25 comments (Latest Comment: 06/06/2012 09:48:58 by Scoopster)

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