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Race in the Race
Author: BobR    Date: 2010-12-22 09:50:38

Politicians are generally thought of to be professional liars. They make campaign promises they don't plan on keeping, they tell us they respect the Constitution, they tell us they are going to Washington DC to help make the country a better place. The old joke about lawyers works well for a lot of politicians: How do you know when they're lying? Their lips are moving.

That's why it's almost shocking when they let their guard down and a moment of unadulterated truth slips out. Such is the case with former MS governor Haley Barbour.
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25 comments (Latest Comment: 12/22/2010 23:41:20 by Scoopster)

Ask a Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 12/21/2010 11:33:03

Good Morning.

Today is our 2,834th day in Iraq and our 3,362nd day in Afghanistan.

We'll start this morning as we always do; with the latest casualty figures from our ongoing wars, courtesy of antiwar.com:

American Deaths
Since war began (3/19/03): 4429
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03) 4290
Since Handover (6/29/04): 3570
Since Obama Inauguration (1/20/09): 201
Since Operation New Dawn: 11

Other Coalition Troops - Iraq: 318
US Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 1,438
Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 831
Contractor Employee Deaths - Iraq: 1,487
Journalists - Iraq : 348
Academics Killed - Iraq: 448

We find this morning's cost of war passing through:

$1, 124, 479, 100, 000 .00

So "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is history. While we here in the real world applaud the Senate for finally doing the right thing, as I noted in yesterday's blog, it could still be a purely symbolic move unless the Uniform Code of Military Justice is reformed as well.

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47 comments (Latest Comment: 12/21/2010 22:37:25 by livingonli)

Monday Open Thread
Author: Raine    Date: 12/20/2010 13:32:10

This was a whirlwind weekend of shopping, wrapping printing and prepping. I am exhausted-- I am sure I am not alone.

Also on the weekend docket: The repeal of DADT. The DREAM Act has stalled -- and Screw you 9/11 responders.

I will be back shortly with More, until then, let's chat!
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37 comments (Latest Comment: 12/20/2010 22:16:26 by clintster)

A Christmas Poem
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 12/19/2010 16:02:25

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Art-Deco Revival Garden-syle House,
Not a creature was stirring, most certainly not a mouse.
The Martha Stewart inspired stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
Designed by our friend, TJ, who had quite a flair.
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6 comments (Latest Comment: 12/20/2010 15:01:18 by Scoopster)

Thread For the TriSec Family
Author: Raine    Date: 12/18/2010 14:53:39

This is a simple thread asking for you to pray in whatever way you feel comfortable for the TriSec Family. It seems as though Mrs. Tri's father has been admitted to the hospital.

While it's never a good time of year for our loved ones to fall ill, it is especially hard this time of year.

We send good wishes, and love to you.


The Four Freedoms Family.
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3 comments (Latest Comment: 12/19/2010 14:28:32 by velveeta jones)

Christmas Traditions
Author: TriSec    Date: 12/18/2010 13:22:03

Good Morning!

Despite the cheery intentions of this morning's blog, there is an air of unease around the TriSec household today....my father-in-law went back in the hospital overnight. He fell about 2 weeks ago and was admitted briefly, but since then his Alzheimer's seems to have taken a downward turn. However, I heard him chattering in the background last night when I spoke to Mrs. TriSec, so who knows what the next diagnosis will be.

In any case...let's think about the holiday, shall we?

Last night, I spent the time after our pack meeting making a batch of pizzeles. It's a laborious process, making two cookies at a time on an electric iron that looks a little like a sandwich press. As I often do at this time of year, I gave a little thought to the things we always do every year.

For me, it's the baking. As a kid, we always had a mountain of cookies and other pastries...my grandmother was quite the avatar at this sort of thing. Naturally, my mother learned the skills, and then in turn, I did too. Looking over grandma's old recipe cards, they are distinctly old-school. Things like "add flour" and "a spoonful of baking powder for every egg" and "bake until brown" dominate the instructions.

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3 comments (Latest Comment: 12/19/2010 17:14:47 by BobR)

Done. Next? Shut it down!
Author: Raine    Date: 12/17/2010 13:47:03

By now you've heard that the tax bill has passed in the house, and is on it's way to the President's desk. It's done, now we see if this rather unpleasant medicine will work for America.

Next up we have DADT, DREAM, Start Treaty and the Omnibus Bill. The Omnibus bill, is designed to fund the government thru September. From Jamie Dupree of the AJC:
Two days after unveiling a 1,924 page earmark-filled Omnibus Budget plan, Democrats last night pulled the plug on the massive budget bill, sparking an hour of bitter exchanges on the Senate floor.

What most people probably don't realize is that the Omnibus bill was the product of months of negotiations between Democrats and Republicans on the Senate Appropriations Committee, all of which had the backing of Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.[/quote
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78 comments (Latest Comment: 12/17/2010 20:27:20 by livingonli)

FOX News Isn't
Author: BobR    Date: 12/16/2010 13:15:47

There are people in this country who spend a fair amount of time keeping themselves informed. They take this obligation seriously enough to seek out the truth, and listen to varying opinions analyzing the truth so that they can consider contexts they might have missed. Most of you dear readers would fit into that category.

Most people, however, are not quite as interested. They watch 30-60 minutes of news and take whatever is spoon fed to them as the truth, and go about their day believing whatever the TV machine tells them. They might be watching CNN or MSNBC, but more than likely they are watching FOX News. The sad reality is that they are not under-informed, they are actually misinformed.
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48 comments (Latest Comment: 12/16/2010 21:09:59 by BobR)

Alternative Reality.
Author: Raine    Date: 12/15/2010 15:46:45

I really have nothing today. I can't write another blog trying to convince people that the tax 'deal' is better than doing nothing. So, having said that-- let's allow the voices of others to give it a go.
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22 comments (Latest Comment: 12/16/2010 03:02:52 by livingonli)

Ask a Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 12/14/2010 11:48:21

Well folks, like Brett Favre, my ironman streak is over.

For the first time ever, "Ask a Vet" is posting an open forum.

I've been battling computer issues all morning (on my 3rd reboot), and I finally typed something up in Firefox, but the browser ate it and I don't have the time to rebuild anything.

So there you have it. I am rather peeved this morning.
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24 comments (Latest Comment: 12/14/2010 20:55:26 by Raine)

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