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When I'm 90
Author: TriSec    Date: 02/03/2024 16:11:45

August 8, 2056

Will I make it that far? Will any of us?

Well - my mother-in-law has reached that milestone. Yesterday was Miriam's 90th birthday.

We're off to a local neighborhood Italian joint to celebrate later this afternoon.

Curiously enough - next month, Papa TriSec turns 90, too. (March 20).

It is interesting times, indeed.

2 comments (Latest Comment: 02/05/2024 13:31:35 by BobR)
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Comment by Will_in_Ca on 02/03/2024 16:40:45
We never know how long we will live. My Great Aunt Gussie reached the age of 103, but she was gone in many ways by then. Perhaps what matters is not how long we live, but how well. My hope is that we will live well and live long.

Comment by BobR on 02/05/2024 13:31:35
My dad is 95, and will turn 96 in May. If I lived that old, it will be 2056 as well.