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Can you move mountains?
Author: Raine    Date: 08/31/2015 13:37:36

Maybe, maybe not but you can give it back its heritage. And that is just what the President did yesterday.
On Sunday, President Obama announced that he would restore the name of the nation’s tallest mountain, currently called Mount McKinley, to Denali. The move, which comes in advance of the President’s trip to Alaska, was described as a show of respect to Native Americans and the original name they gave to the peak.

The name of the mountain was officially changed from Denali to Mount McKinley in 1917, at the suggestion of a gold prospector. William McKinley, who never visited Alaska, was America’s 25th president. Naming the mountain after McKinley, seemingly at random, was viewed by many as an expression of cultural imperialism.

But not everyone was happy about the change back.

Republicans had a hissy fit -- and this tweet made me laugh:

Ohio lawmakers, and Speaker of the House John Boehner in particular are outraged & deeply disappointed that the President went around Congress:
"There is a reason President McKinley's name has served atop the highest peak in North America for more than 100 years, and that is because it is a testament to his great legacy," Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said in a statement issued Sunday night.

"I'm deeply disappointed in this decision," Boehner said after noting that McKinley served in the Army during the Civil War before representing Ohio in Congress and as governor.

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) said in a statement posted to social media that he was similarly "disappointed" in the decision to rename the mountain long named after "a proud Ohioan."

"The naming of the mountain has been a topic of discussion in Congress for many years. This decision by the Administration is yet another example of the President going around Congress," Portman said.

"I now urge the Administration to work with me to find alternative ways to preserve McKinley's legacy somewhere else in the national park that once bore his name," Portman added.


Seriously, thanks! Personally I agree with Republican Senator Murkowski about this. from her Facebook page For centuries, Alaskans have known this majestic mountain as the ‘Great One.’ Today we are honored to be able to officially recognize the mountain as Denali. I’d like to thank the President for working with us to achieve this significant change to show honor, respect, and gratitude to the Athabascan people of Alaska.

If only there was a body of government that had the power to make laws… hmmm…

Speaking of Glacial change… I find it terribly sad that the President can change the name of a mountain without the assistance from Congress, but he can't do a damn thing about stopping the loss of ice. That brings me back to John Boenher - he would rather pontificate about a mountain than do anything to save its climate and for that matter, helping the global community tackle this very real problem. So I have a solution:

To placate the our Ohio lawmakers, I propose changing the name of this to New Mount McKinley. In return they can pass meaningful legislation. Oh who am I kidding - glaciers move and melt faster than John Boehner legislates. How about this: they stop whining about Denali and we give every Ohio legislator one of these in return? Retro drinks are far more in fashion than mountains, so it seems a no-brainer.


McKinley’s Delight was created in 1896 to celebrate the 25th president’s election—this lost classic is a spin on the Manhattan. Many presidents had cocktails created in their honor, but few have stood the test of time. Created in 1896 during the 25th president’s election, the McKinley’s Delight is an exception. It incorporates classic elements from the Manhattan, but dresses them up for the special occasion with cherry liqueur and a dash of absinthe.

In the meantime, I am glad the native people of Alaska are being recognized for never calling Denali anything but what it always has been.




35 comments (Latest Comment: 08/31/2015 18:51:58 by Raine)
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