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Ted and Carly
Author: Raine    Date: 04/28/2016 13:22:41

So we have our first presidential ticket and it's not even from one of the nominees.

The last time this happened was 40 years ago. The candidate in second place at the time nominated Pennsylvania Senator Richard Schweiker. as vice-president. That candidate was Ronald Reagan and he did not win the GOP nomination. It was Gerald Ford who was later defeated by the man who would become President James Carter. According to Wiki, "The race for the nomination was the last one by the Republicans not to have been decided by the start of the party convention." I can say with authority that Cruz and Fiorina are no Reagan and Schweiker.

Looks like history might be repeating itself.

Carly Fiorina -- now seriously-- Cruz choosing Fiorina is really playing the women card. By picking Fiorina, Cruz will use her as cover for sexism, I guarantee it. The next few weeks are going to get even worse.

Updated to add some juicy schadenfruede from the GOP :
Former Speaker of the House John Boehner called Ted Cruz "Lucifer in the flesh" during a Wednesday evening talk at Stanford University. In between a series of jokes and seemingly serious opinions on the 2016 election, he said: "You can call me boner, beaner, jackass, happy to answer to almost anything." Of Cruz, he noted: "I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life." By contrast, Boehner described his friendship with Donald Trump as close, adding that they're "texting buddies." He spoke favorably of John Kasich, too, calling him a friend: "I love him." Boehner said he'd vote for Trump in a general election, but that he wouldn't consider voting for Cruz.

Happy Thursday!

22 comments (Latest Comment: 04/28/2016 21:06:35 by Raine)
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