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Author: TriSec    Date: 08/18/2018 09:57:50

Good Morning.


It's been tropical and moist around this city for over a month. Javi and I went off to Scout Camp back on July 22, and that same week the weather pattern turned.

It's more like Florida than New England. Humidity has been ridiculous, and we've been getting tropical downpours nearly every day.

I'm sorry; this is not normal. Over the last decade or so, it's been easy to see the results of a changing climate. While we still get seasons around here, the timeline has shifted. It's not unusual for us to have mild and dry weather in the early part of winter, right up past the holidays.

We get more snow and cold now in February and March. Spring doesn't exist anymore, and two years in a row now have been cold, dreary, and miserable up to mid-June. But then Poof! Summer! And not the good kind of summer. Hot, soupy, opressive, miserable.

And even then, my growing season is now different. I used to plant every year around Mother's Day. I don't dare anymore, and my garden goes in on Memorial Day now. Normally it's done by Columbus Day, but I'll be tending it until Halloween, if the new pattern is followed.

Somehow, though...this has become a political issues. Our differently-winged friends refuse to believe that any of these changes are real.

I go outside and I can see and believe.

Unfortunately, it's going to take some kind of cataclysmic weather event, or widespread crop failures, or famine, before anything is ever done.

And by then it will be too late.


1 comments (Latest Comment: 08/20/2018 12:52:05 by BobR)
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