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Chuck Koch
Author: Raine    Date: 10/12/2015 13:17:50

Did you know that Charles Koch, half of the Koch brothers considers himself a liberal?
Koch says it was during President George W. Bush’s administration that the brothers decided to get more politically active.

“I’m sure he meant well,” Koch said of Bush. “(But) then he grew government more than just about any president before him, and he got us into counterproductive wars. So that’s when I decided we needed to get into politics.”

Koch also says he does not consider himself a Republican.

“Not at all,” he said. “I consider myself a classical liberal. The way I look at it is the Democrats are taking us at about 100 miles an hour over the financial cliff and towards this two-tiered society. And the Republicans are taking us there at 70 miles an hour.”

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16 comments (Latest Comment: 10/12/2015 19:12:16 by TriSec)

Doctor Ben Carson to the Rescue
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 10/11/2015 14:36:39

Thank God for Ben Carson. He will save the Republican Party that is currently in disarray. In fact, the party has never been in more need of leadership; currently this was found on Craigslist.

Speaker of the House
compensation: $125K to start
employment type: full-time

The US House of Representatives (AKA, "the House" or "the government" sometimes referred to as "the guvment" sic) is seeking a Republican to lead the House. No experience required but it'd be nice if you understood basic rules of conducting and running large scale meetings. "Roberts Rules of Order for Dummies" will be provided. Pay is based on experience but includes lots of benefits. Responsibilities include: tracking and understanding Federal legislations and laws, speaking to the press (liberal media) wielding a large over-sized wooden gavel, dealing with members of the Republican party that seem a tad out of touch with realities and may need adult supervision but can't be fired. EOE but we prefer a white guy. Send resume and letter of intent to John Boehner, c/o Izzy's Lounge (corner booth), Washington DC 20001.

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2 comments (Latest Comment: 10/12/2015 01:53:45 by BobR)

Cars, Babies, and Guns
Author: TriSec    Date: 10/10/2015 12:34:12

Good Morning.

Let's think about a few phases of life most of us have gone through.

I'll start with a car. I actually didn't own my first automobile until I was 21. I had a rattly old deathtrap, my beloved 1973 Plymouth Scamp with sheet metal siding, vinyl roof long torn off (and primer showing), headliner in tatters, and big holes in the floorboards (covered by plywood.)
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1 comments (Latest Comment: 10/10/2015 16:39:21 by Will in Chicago)

Fluffy Friday
Author: wickedpam    Date: 10/09/2015 13:09:16

I know there are many serious things going on in the world, heck just our own county but we still have to take time to laugh. So I bring you.......

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23 comments (Latest Comment: 10/11/2015 13:33:10 by AuntAzalea)

A house divided, a party divided
Author: Raine    Date: 10/08/2015 13:19:16

Yesterday we were informed that Representative Alan Grayson officially filed an Ethics complaint regarding the Benghazi Special Committee.
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49 comments (Latest Comment: 10/08/2015 23:44:54 by Scoopster)

Building an Ark
Author: BobR    Date: 10/07/2015 13:14:37

If you believe the Bible to be a literal recording of past history, you believe that God commanded Noah to build an ark because God wanted to rid the earth of the wicked men, but wanted to preserve the animals. A more allegorical view would be that it was a warning that mankind should heed the directive to take care of the earth, and be good to one another, or there could be consequences. In the Bible, those consequences were a great flood, but they could be anything. How odd, then, that during modern times we are flooding the earth ourselves with melting ice caps.
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21 comments (Latest Comment: 10/07/2015 20:36:38 by Raine)

Ask a Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 10/06/2015 10:16:10

Good Morning.

I'm still working through how best to track where we are in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are increasingly obscure dates we could use as markers...so for now I'm going to stop counting.

But that doesn't mean the toll doesn't stop adding up. You no doubt heard about the crash of a C-130 outside Jalalabad (Afghanistan), that killed six troops?
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26 comments (Latest Comment: 10/06/2015 19:49:23 by Mondobubba)

Stuffy Monday.
Author: Raine    Date: 10/05/2015 12:54:57

Make sure you check out Vel's Post from yesterday.
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20 comments (Latest Comment: 10/05/2015 21:35:53 by Raine)

Mr. Vague
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 10/04/2015 14:53:54

I will build a great wall — and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me —and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. ~~ Donald Trump
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1 comments (Latest Comment: 10/04/2015 18:09:20 by AuntAzalea)

We're Number One!
Author: TriSec    Date: 10/03/2015 11:19:51

Good Morning.

Yes, America still excels at something on the global stage.

It's death.

Death by gun, specifically.
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