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Ask a Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 04/02/2013 10:35:23

Good Morning.

Today is our 4,195th day in Afghanistan.

We'll start this morning as we always do; with the latest casualty figures from our ongoing war, courtesy of Antiwar.com:

US Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 2,184
Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 1,081

We find this morning's cost of war passing through:

$ 1, 438, 886, 325, 000 .00

Let's talk about health today. Even before the ACA, I was blessed with a state that had vast coverage. Things you have to fight for in other places, I took for granted here in this Commonwealth. Fortunately, until last year the only truly "expensive" or "unusual" treatment we had was our fertility troubles in the late '90s. But it's different for returning veterans. If they can't get a job in the civilian sector (and many still can't), then there is no job-provided commercial insurance. This leaves our veterans relying on an already overburdened VA system for routine healthcare, as well as the more severe war-related injuries.
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62 comments (Latest Comment: 04/02/2013 21:12:56 by Mondobubba)

Spilling the Truth
Author: BobR    Date: 04/01/2013 13:04:50

Today being April Fools Day, I was tempted to write some absurd piece of fiction as a joke, but I really wasn't feeling that creative this morning. So instead, I will focus on something a bit more serious that seems to have gotten ingored in favor of the manufactured Google doodle "controversy". At the risk of sounding like a broken record tree hugging liberal, I am looking at a disturbing story out of Arkansas, where a broken tar sands pipeline has polluted an entire neighborhood.

The Exxon pipeline (why is it always Exxon?) ruptured in a residential neighborhood, sending 2000 barrels of oil throughout. Does 2000 barrels not sound like a lot? At 42 gallons per barrel, that's 84,000 gallons. This is why oil companies report the amount in barrels. Imagine 84,000 barrels of toxic heavy gritty tar sands oil oozing through your neighborhood. Did these people even know there was a pipeline in their neighborhood? Some did not. What about your neighborhood?
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112 comments (Latest Comment: 04/02/2013 03:03:49 by livingonli)

Why Didn't I Think of This?
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 03/31/2013 13:50:34

Some people in this country have the savvy and courage to come up with great ideas that are easy to pass into law. And often we wonder, "what did we do before this law"? The Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, is obviously one of them but there are others.

For example, lets say you're in a fine dining establishment with your husband and you need to use the restroom, don't you often find yourself worrying about the possibility that a transgender person might be inside? Does the fear keep you hovering at the restroom door trying to avert a panic attack? I know this happens to me every day.I could walk in and be greeted by a person who looks and sounds in every respect like a woman, but must pee standing up. The thought of it makes me nauseous.
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11 comments (Latest Comment: 04/01/2013 12:26:50 by Raine)

My marriage is over.
Author: TriSec    Date: 03/30/2013 12:34:44

Good Morning.

I'm saddened to report the collapse of my almost 17-year marriage to Mrs. TriSec. It was a great run while it lasted. We travelled, ran for public office, worked in a youth organization, worked for the school department, and built a small but comfortable life here in a Western suburb of Boston.
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6 comments (Latest Comment: 03/31/2013 14:51:16 by Raine)

Social Justice = Economic Justice
Author: Raine    Date: 03/29/2013 13:42:46

An acquaintance told me last year that Rachel Maddow spends too much time talking about abortion rights and social issues (lady parts and gay stuff) - he told me that it would behoove those on the left to talk more about economic issues and the broader burdens of our nation. Longtime readers of this blog, and people who know me probably know that the conversation turned rather heated. It ended with a filibuster from this acquaintance and the proverbial 'we'll have to agree to disagree'.
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92 comments (Latest Comment: 03/30/2013 04:45:57 by Will in Chicago)

Crying over Skim Milk
Author: BobR    Date: 03/28/2013 13:01:38

Over the last two days, the Supreme Court has been hearing oral arguments about gay marriage. Tuesday was the Prop 8 case in California, and yesterday was DOMA. Trying to predict the outcome based on the questions asked by the justices is always a fools game, but - playing the fool - I am going to guess that Prop 8 will be struck down on narrow procedural grounds, and section 3 of DOMA will be ruled unconstitutional.
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47 comments (Latest Comment: 03/29/2013 00:40:41 by TriSec)

Author: Raine    Date: 03/27/2013 12:46:11

This matters. It matters in ways that I, as a straight women can only try to understand.

Read Bill's story. HE one of millions who have a story, and a debt that should never have been placed upon them.

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110 comments (Latest Comment: 03/28/2013 01:10:29 by Will in Chicago)

Ask a Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 03/26/2013 10:28:20

Good Morning.

Today is our 4,188th day in Afghanistan.

We'll start this morning as we always do; with the latest casualty figures from our ongoing war, courtesy of Antiwar.com:

US Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 2,178
Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 1,080

We find this morning's cost of war passing through:

$ 1, 436, 581, 600, 000 .00

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43 comments (Latest Comment: 03/26/2013 22:14:05 by Raine)

Group Of Paleolithics
Author: BobR    Date: 03/25/2013 13:04:41

Several years ago, there was a push among hate groups, driven by misplaced religious belief, to add admendments to their states' constitutions prohibiting gay marriage. This was supposed to be a hedge against any laws the legislatures might create doing the opposite. One of those measures was Proposition 8 in California. On a national level, a Republican-led legislature created the Defense of Marriage Act, defining marriage at the national level as one man / one woman.

In a very short period of time, however, we have seen Americans understanding of, respect for, and - in some cases, simply tolerance of - LGBT realities and rights. DADT fell. Numerous states have legalized gay marriage.
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49 comments (Latest Comment: 03/26/2013 01:41:05 by Will in Chicago)

Author: TriSec    Date: 03/23/2013 11:56:41

Good Morning.

Well, it looks like Raine probably scooped me yesterday with a "Puppies, Bunnies, and Flowers" blog. I've got two on standby, but one is a litany of cancer treatments for the "Monday Night Cancer Club" over on Kos, and I've got yet another blog about the BSA's National Policy and the ramifications, but I think I've beat that into the ground enough of late.
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2 comments (Latest Comment: 03/25/2013 00:36:29 by TriSec)

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