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Friday Weird News Roundup
Author: Raine    Date: 2010-07-16 12:36:39

It's Friday, and - back by popular demand - it's the Friday Weird News Roundup (or the FWNR as it's affectionately known. Go ahead - say it out loud... You know you want to). So once again - here are some strange current event stories from the web that might have flown under your radar.

Our first story involves everyone's favorite psycho (or faker, depending on your point of view). He apparently is repeating the nazi meme that it was the Jews who killed Jesus:
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27 comments (Latest Comment: 07/16/2010 20:41:39 by Mondobubba)

Lie With Dogs, You'll Get Fleas.
Author: Raine    Date: 07/15/2010 12:34:47

This week at it's 101st convention, the NAACP voted to condemn racist elements that exist within the Tea Party. While the entire resolution will not be released until after it has been approved by members, President Ben Jealous stated the following at the convention:
"We will no longer allow you to hide like cowards and hide behind signs that say 'Lynch Our President' or anyone else."
"Expel the bigots and racists in your ranks or take the responsibility for them and their actions. We will no longer allow you to hide like cowards."
It's natural to assume that the conservative blogosphere was incensed. Righteous indignation has been a time honored tool of theirs. I have long contended that people are generally judged by the company they keep, and the Tea Party has proved to be no exception to the rule. They have been tainted by the racist elements that exist with the party.
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54 comments (Latest Comment: 07/16/2010 02:44:17 by Mondobubba)

To Protect And Serve
Author: BobR    Date: 2010-07-14 12:43:16

The "official" motto of the police is to "protect and serve". With rare exception, the overwhelming majority of police officers do just that. They take their duty to the public seriously, and put their lives on the line every day keeping us safe, often for lousy pay. There are those few, however, that become cops for the wrong reasons, or become so jaded and frustrated in their jobs that they user their power, skills, and tools for harm instead of good. When that happens, it's a shocking betrayal of the public trust, and we the public rightfully demand that they be held accountable.
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35 comments (Latest Comment: 07/15/2010 03:41:28 by BobR)

Ask a Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 07/13/2010 10:09:01

Good Morning.

Today is our 2,673rd day in Iraq and our 3,201st day in Afghanistan.

We'll start this morning as we always do, with the latest casualty figures from our ongoing wars, courtesy of Antiwar.com:

American Deaths
Since war began (3/19/03): 4412
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03): 4273
Since Capture of Saddam (12/13/03): 3951
Since Handover (6/29/04): 3553
Since Obama Inauguration (1/20/09): 184

Other Coalition Troops - Iraq: 318
US Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 1,171
Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 749
Contractor Employee Deaths - Iraq: 1,457
Journalists - Iraq: 338
Academics Killed - Iraq: 437

We find this morning's cost of war passing through:

$ 1, 016, 428, 000, 000 . 00

Do you normally listen to the President's weekly radio address? I'm thinking you probably should, but that's for another blog. In any case, last weekend the President addressed two of the biggest issues facing combat veterans today....PTSD and TBI.

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72 comments (Latest Comment: 07/14/2010 01:38:36 by TriSec)

I blame Howard Taft!!!
Author: Raine    Date: 07/12/2010 12:46:35

While we are all a buzz about the insanity that is Michelle Bachmann, Sharon Angle, Rand Paul, I think it's time to go back to Georgia-- and Representative Paul Broun. This weekend, he informed us that he would like to revoke the 16th and the 17 amendments. Why you ask? It's socialist.
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39 comments (Latest Comment: 07/12/2010 20:34:46 by livingonli)

Lazy Summer
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 07/11/2010 14:13:06

Good morning Dearies. Velveeta has news for you. Seems there is an unemployment problem! That is to say, too many lazy Americans deciding to live on government handouts - the dole- instead of pulling up their strap-ons and getting the job done!

Well, thank GOD and JESUS for the Republicans who are brave enough to stand up to Obama's socialist agenda and block these benefits from being extended any longer! These spoiled, lazy people want to sit around smoking cigarettes and drinking 45's while watching "Maury Springer" and "16 Princess Pregnant Party Queen" on MTV!
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2 comments (Latest Comment: 07/11/2010 16:25:52 by livingonli)

A week late.
Author: TriSec    Date: 07/10/2010 10:34:47

Good Morning!

By now you must know that if it's an early Saturday blog, I must be headed out for a platelet donation! The Red Cross in in the middle of its annual summer lull, so of course the need remains high. Besides, during the heat wave, what could possibly be better than taking a break in an air-conditioned facility and being waited on hand and foot for an hour?

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3 comments (Latest Comment: 07/11/2010 13:19:18 by velveeta jones)

DOMA Arigato
Author: BobR    Date: 07/09/2010 11:19:43

In what may be one of the most important court rulings this year, a judge in the U.S. District Court in Boston ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional. In many ways, this is a huge win for the supporters of gay marriage. The rationale behind the ruling, however, is a double-edged sword.
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74 comments (Latest Comment: 07/10/2010 13:18:28 by BobR)

A Strong Economy is National Security
Author: Raine    Date: 07/08/2010 12:59:46

I am trying to figure this one out... Tea Partiers keep yelling and screaming about the "out of Control Spending" by the big evil government but when it comes to defense -- that is where they want more.

Queen Teabagger, Sarah Palin is quoted as saying:
"Something has to be done urgently to stop the out-of-control Obama-Reid-Pelosi spending machine, and no government agency should be immune from budget scrutiny," she said. "We must make sure, however, that we do nothing to undermine the effectiveness of our military. If we lose wars, if we lose the ability to deter adversaries, if we lose the ability to provide security for ourselves and for our allies, we risk losing all that makes America great. That is a price we cannot afford to pay."
I would like to tell you that I understand this logic, but I don't. Even Secretary Gates understands that we need to cut the Pentagon budget for the good of the Nation as well as our national security.
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52 comments (Latest Comment: 07/08/2010 22:26:20 by livingonli)

By the People, For the People
Author: BobR    Date: 07/07/2010 11:46:12

Back in the days of this great country's infancy, our founding fathers invested great amounts of intellectual capital crafting the blueprint for our democracy. They envisioned a system where the people had a say in how their country was run by electing representatives to be their voices, and three branches to ensure no single branch held too much power. Eighty-seven years later, Pres. Lincoln summarized it succinctly as "Of the people, by the people, for the people". This what we have always believed, that government is "us", not "them"... that is - until (relatively) recently.
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36 comments (Latest Comment: 07/08/2010 01:45:29 by clintster)

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