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April 20, 1999.
Author: Raine    Date: 04/20/2009 12:38:21

10 years ago today, 12 students and 1 teacher were massacred at Columbine High School. The event sparked great debate in this country about not only our gun laws, but also about the nature of our American psyche and our youth, including the subcultures of cliques, the effect of video games, the music, even the use of anti-depressants medications by our teenagers. We discussed thru our saddened hearts this tragedy and what could be done to stop this from happening again. We discussed gun violence in this country. We talked and talked.
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54 comments (Latest Comment: 04/21/2009 06:34:50 by livingonli)

Racism 101
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 04/19/2009 12:33:51

Today’s online class: how to be a subversive, under-the-radar, racist.

Step 1 – Watch FOX news. Well, that’s a given! FOX has been so successful at this game in fact, that “regular” news outlets have picked up on many of their habits. Like using “some say” or asking ridiculous leading questions like “is ACORN a communist recruitment organization, bent on warping the minds of minorities”? See what I did here, not only did I imply that a harmless organization that means to assist people has a radical agenda, but that minority groups in general might not have the mental aptitude to see through such an agenda where it true.

Here is an example I heard just this morning on my local news, I am not kidding. Seems a woman lost two children in a home fire last night and had to be taken to the hospital because she was having a “panic attack”! Now, if you’ve been paying attention to this game, you’d know that this is a Black woman. How? Well, only people of color have panic attacks after watching their children die in a house fire, if this had been a white woman we would have been told something along the lines, “the anguished woman was taken to the hospital to be examined for any signs of injury”.

See, the game is rather easy!
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13 comments (Latest Comment: 04/20/2009 01:01:48 by Mondobubba)

Breathe Easier? Yes We Will.
Author: Raine    Date: 04/18/2009 12:57:19

Yesterday we attended Day one of the Atlanta Dogwood Festival. It made me feel like the beginning of a new season. Granted, for many, spring has been here for a while, but this is the festival for me that ushers in the warm weather. This weekend we also have the Sweetwater 420 Festival at another nearby park. For those that don't know, Sweetwater is a local Brewery and 420 is their signature beer.
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11 comments (Latest Comment: 04/18/2009 22:00:43 by trojanrabbit)

From Zero to Crazy in 3 Months
Author: BobR    Date: 04/17/2009 12:21:29

We've commented before in this space how the election of a partially-black man as president would bring out the crazy in the bigots. We've commented before about how the right-wing pundits are stirring up the crazy in the mentally unstable. The recent teabag party (and other events) have shown just how much crazy is out there - and most of them are elected officials! Good gawd...
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52 comments (Latest Comment: 04/18/2009 02:22:08 by livingonli)

Putting out a fire with gasoline.
Author: Raine    Date: 04/16/2009 12:49:47

Yesterday was fascinating and frightening all at once. I will stand by my assertion that people have the right to protest, regardless of political affiliation and I will always support that right. That said, I will not support the right to yell fire in a theatre, and - to a large extent - that was exactly what was happening all over the country.
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96 comments (Latest Comment: 04/17/2009 00:54:02 by livingonli)

Avast Ye, Landlubbers!
Author: BobR    Date: 04/15/2009 12:20:49

It seems that everyone is talking about the successful rescue of ship captain Richard Phillips by the Navy Seals. To be sure, it's a great story. While the world waited and right-wing pundits loudly criticized President Obama for "doing nothing", he was quietly working behind the scenes with the Navy to ensure they had everything they needed to rescue the captain. At the critical moment they acted, and acted perfectly. Besides rescuing the captain, they removed three of the pirates from the living, and snagged one to take back. It's the stuff Hollywood movies are made of (and we can all pretty much guarantee this story will become one).
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90 comments (Latest Comment: 04/16/2009 05:20:09 by livingonli)

Ask a Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 04/14/2009 10:58:55

Good Morning.

Today is our 2,218th day in Iraq.

We'll start this morning as we always do, with the latest casualty figures from Iraq and Afghanistan, courtesy of Antiwar.com:

American Deaths
Since war began (3/19/03): 4273
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03): 4134
Since Capture of Saddam (12/13/03): 3812
Since Handover (6/29/04): 3414
Since Obama Inauguration (1/20/09): 45

Other Coalition Troops - Iraq: 318
US Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 677
Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 452
Journalists - Iraq: 139
Contractor Deaths - Iraq: 1264

We find this morning's cost of war passing through:

$ 613, 348, 000, 000 .00

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62 comments (Latest Comment: 04/15/2009 03:41:30 by Mondobubba)

Avast, ye scurvy dogs!
Author: TriSec    Date: 04/13/2009 11:12:57

Good Morning. I just remembered that Raine asked me to write this...and I've got to make an airport run in less than an hour. So here goes!

This weekend, most of you probably were keeping up with the dramatic pirate situation off the coast of Somalia. Somehow, New England seemed to be at the center of it, as the captain being held is from Vermont, and he attended the Massachusetts Maritime Academy.

In any case, yesterday afternoon the news broke that he had been rescued!

US navy snipers have shot dead three pirates holding a US captain in a boat off Somalia, in a dramatic rescue authorised by President Barack Obama.

They opened fire from a nearby warship as a pirate pointed a gun at the captive, the navy said.

A fourth pirate, who was on a navy ship at the time, surrendered.

Capt Richard Phillips, hailed as a hero for his actions during the hijacking of his vessel last week, was unharmed and has been resting aboard a US warship.

He has spoken to his wife and family back in the US and is said to be looking forward to celebrating Easter when he gets home.

While defending the rescue operation, a navy spokesman acknowledged that the incident might increase the threat from pirates, whose mounting attacks on shipping have been relatively bloodless to date.

Mr Obama said he was very pleased that Capt Phillips had been rescued and that his courage was a "model for all Americans".

He said he was resolved to deal with the threat of piracy in the region.

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19 comments (Latest Comment: 04/14/2009 07:40:27 by livingonli)

What's on TV?
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 04/12/2009 13:42:09

Happy Easter everyone! As you know, Easter is celebrated on a different Sunday every year in either April or May, depending on where the esteemed ceremonial cockroach, Toby, poops on the mock-up of the new calendar just before they are sent off to the printer. Easter represents the day when Our Lord and Savior and his imaginary large Rabbit, arose from their cave and delivered peeps and Cadbury eggs to all the white children of the world. And, it should be celebrated by going to church, wearing pastel colors and funny hats, being kind to your neighbors and then cooking and eating the legs of little baby sheep with mint jelly.

Perhaps because it’s Easter weekend there is not much going on in the news these past few days. Sure, there is that U.S. captain being held hostage by pirates and we all pray for his safe and speedy return, but Velveeta has no access to this story since the wonderful folks at 4 Freedoms Blog refuse to provide her with a large, well paid staff that could do research on such stories. Then, of course, there is the Lindsay Lohan/Samatha Ronson breakup story, but it’s so over-covered that there really is just nothing much to see here.

And the Republicans are really busy with all their “tea-bagging” activities these days. I could never, NEVER cover this news nor condone such behaviors. What would the children think? I am just shocked. SHOCKED and DISGUSTED at these events, which I hear are being held out of doors for the entire world to witness! Velveeta will have no part in these odious sexual perversions.
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6 comments (Latest Comment: 04/13/2009 04:01:54 by livingonli)

A Service Project...
Author: TriSec    Date: 04/11/2009 11:27:21

Good Morning!

An early Saturday, but no blood donation for me today.

Can I ask the assembled a question?

What do you all know about the Boy Scouts? What do you think the program's goals are?

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6 comments (Latest Comment: 04/12/2009 13:11:44 by m-hadley)

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