"He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient."
Hillary Clinton will be in the Senate tomorrow to vote "no" on cloture on the Intel version of the FISA bill. The vote is scheduled to take place at 4:30 pm tomorrow.
I've also been trying to confirm whether Barack Obama will be there. His campaign people have not gotten back to me, but Obama does have a 4pm fundraiser scheduled in Washington DC.
Bravo, Senator Clinton. Well done.
UPDATE: The Obama campaign confirms that Senator Obama will be there too, and voting "no." Way to go, Senator.
FISA legislation is on the Senate floor. The vote is Monday. Senator Dodd will filibuster again, but he needs help! Isn't our privacy worth an hour of your time? Please - thank Senator Christopher Dodd [CT] Washington, DC 202-224-2823, Wethersfield, CT 800-334-5341 for what he is willingto do again ... filibuster! Leave a message with Harry Reid and as many others as you can over the weekend.
Senator Harry Reid [NV] Washington, DC 202-224-3542 (DC mailbox full), Carson City, 775-882-7343, Las Vegas, 702-388-5020 (Both take messages) Reid can stop any bill at any time - just needs a stiffer backbone. Most senators take voicemail messages on the weekend. Following please find a list with key Senators and their contact information (including homestate phone numbers).
Please call as many as you can. Please....give an hour of your time. In Washington this weekend and Monday, the telecom lobbyists are launching a full-court press for retroactive immunity. Bush/Cheney are doing everything in their power to ensure it passes. And too many Senate Democrats are ready to give the lobbyists and the Bush administration exactly what they want. Senate Democrats MUST filibuster revisions to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) that would give "retroactive immunity"to the giant telecom companies for their role in aiding George W. Bush's illegal eavesdropping on American citizens. Their corporate lawyers are not stupid. They knew what they were doing was UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Please tell every Senate Democrat to do everything in her/his power - including joining Senator Dodd's efforts to filibuster this legislation - to stop retroactiveimmunity and stand up for the rule of law. The Constitution should not be for sale at any price. Here are 27 key Senators to call first: (27 x 2 min each = less than an hour of your time).
Senator Blanche Lambert Lincoln [AR] DEMOCRAT SWING VOTE, Washington, 202-224-4843, Texarkana, 870-774-3106, Little Rock, 501-375-2993
Senator Mark Pryor [AR] DEMOCRAT NOT SUPPORTING FILIBUSTER, Washington, 202-224-2353, Little Rock, 501-324-6336
Senator John McCain [AZ] Needs to be pressured, Washington, 202-224-2235, Press1 for voicemail, Tucson, 520-670-6334
Senator Ken Salazar [CO] DEMOCRAT NOT SUPPORTING FILIBUSTER, Washington, 202-224-5852 (DC mailbox full), Colorado Springs, 719-328-1100 (mailbox full), Grand Junction, 970-241-6631 (press 10)
Senator Joseph Lieberman [CT] SWING VOTE, Washington, 202-224-4041 (press 1), Hartford, 860-549-8463
Senator Joseph Biden [DE] DEMOCRAT must support Dodd's filibuster! Washington, 202-224-5042, Wilmington, 302-573-6345, Milford, 302-424-8090
Senator Thomas R Carper [DE] DEMOCRAT SWING VOTE, Washington, 202-224-2441 (30 second message), Georgetown, 302-856-7690, Wilmington, 302-573-6291
Senator Bill Nelson [FL] DEMOCRAT- not supporting filibuster, Washington,202-224-5274, Tallahassee, 850-942-8415, West Palm Beach, 561-514-0189
Senator John Ensign [NV] Great Guy! Needs encouragement, Washington,202-224-6244, Reno, 775-686-5770, Las Vegas, 702-388-6605, Carson City,775-885-9111
Senator Edward M Kennedy [MA] Ask him to speak on the floor against immunity. Washington, 202-224-4543, Boston, 617-565-3170
Senator John F Kerry [MA] Washington, 202-224-2742 (press 1), Worcester,508-831-7380
Senator Charles Schumer [NY] Ask him to speak also! Washington, 202-224-6542 (no answer), Rochester, 585-263-5866 (wait for beep), Buffalo, 716-846-4111, New York, 212-486-4430
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton [NY] Yeah, Yeah Yeah -- Just call her. Washington, 202-224-4451 (DC mailbox full), Albany, 518-431-0120 (One minute message), New York, 212-688-6262, Syracuse, 315-448-0470
Senator George Voinovich [OH] An Honest Republican! Needs encouragement --has broken with Repubs before on torture, Washington, 202-224-3353 (2 minute message), Cincinnati, 513-684-3265, Columbus, 614-469-6697
Senator Arlen Specter [PA] Repub. OPPOSED to IMMUNITY, has shown firm support for the rule of law, Washington, 202-224-4254 (2 minute message), Philadelphia, 215-597-7200, Erie, 814-453-3010, Harrisburg, 717-782-3951, Scranton, 570-346-2006, Pittsburgh, 412-644-3400
Senator Jack Reed [RI] DEMOCRAT SWING VOTE, Washington, 202-224-4642 (press 1), Cranston, 800-284-4200, Providence, 401-528-5200
Senator Shelton Whitehouse [RI] New Senator. Newbies usually pay close attention to phone calls. Washington, 202-224-2921, Providence, 401-453-5294, Newport, 401-845-0700
Senator Tim Johnson [SD] DEMOCRAT swing vote (He supported Alito's nomination but said he was "troubled" - so by now he should have seen the light), Washington, 202-224-5842, Aberdeen, 605-226-3440, Sioux Falls, 605-332-8896, Rapid City,605-341-3990
Senator John Warner [VA] Honest Repub. NOT running again - is ranking Rep. on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Washington, 202-224-2023, Norfolk, 757-441-3079
Senator Patrick Leahy [VT] DEMOCRAT- may oppose IMMUNITY, Washington, 202-224-4242, Burlington, 800-642-3193, Montpelier, 802-229-0569
Senator James Jeffords [VT] INDEPENDENT SWING VOTE, Washington,202-224-5141 (no answer), Burlington, 800-835-5500 (always busy)
Senator Patty Murray [WA] DEMOCRAT - sometimes swing vote, Washington, 202-224-2621, Everett, 425-259-6515, Seattle, 206-553-5545
Senator Maria Cantwell [WA] DEMOCRAT also a swing vote - needs encouragement, Washington, 202-224-3441(may re-record message), Everett, 425-303-0114, Tacoma, 253-572-2281, Seattle, 206-220-6400
Senator Herb Kohl [WI] DEMOCRAT SWING VOTE, Washington, 202-224-5653, Appleton, 920-738-1640, Madison, 608-264-5338, Milwaukee, 800-247-5645
Senator Russell Feingold [WI] Usually does the right thing, Washington, 202-224-5323, LaCrosse, 608-782-5585
Senator Robert Byrd [WV] DEMOCRAT who should be URGED to PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION, Washington, 202-224-3954, Charleston, 304-342-5855
Senator John Rockefeller [WV] DEMOCRAT SWING VOTE, Washington,202-224-6472, Charleston, 304-347-5372
Quote by TriSec: Morning, Comrades...
As I always do on this date....stop and remember for just a minute.
Francis R. (Dick) Scobee
Michael J. Smith
Judith A. Resnik
Ronald E. McNair
Ellison S. Onizuka
Gregory B. Jarvis
Sharon Christa McAuliffe
Quote by TriSec: Morning, Comrades...
As I always do on this date....stop and remember for just a minute.
Francis R. (Dick) Scobee
Michael J. Smith
Judith A. Resnik
Ronald E. McNair
Ellison S. Onizuka
Gregory B. Jarvis
Sharon Christa McAuliffe
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untresspassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.
Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee
No 412 squadron, RCAF
Killed 11 December 1941
Quote by m-hadley: Raine,
Yep, that was a little list I sent into Momma last night. She didn't read all of them, but I was beginning to wonder if I'd done something to offend Steph...
But I guess not
Quote by m-hadley: Mornin' Raine, Velveeta, et. al...
Great post. However, I would be a skosh more blunt - the State of the Union sucks.
On a brighter note - I'm gonna go see John Edwards tomorrow morning. He'll be here in Tulsa at a Union Hall and I'll be in the crowd. I still love John Edwards, although I realize that my Sunday "Shillary" post came across as an Obama endorsement, I still love John Edwards and his message and I hope that he stays in the race - I still send him $20 whenever I have any extra, which is less and less often these days - has anybody gone grocery shopping lately??? - spendy
Quote by Raine: What pisses me off tho about Hillary possibly getting the nomination is that we are going to have more and more of these nasty attacks in this country. I am SO tired of these attacks from the right.
Quote by BobR:Quote by Raine: What pisses me off tho about Hillary possibly getting the nomination is that we are going to have more and more of these nasty attacks in this country. I am SO tired of these attacks from the right.
That's not a good reason to NOT vote for her...
... there are plenty of OTHER good reasons to not vote for her :D
Quote by Raine: Obama didn't win with White men... They went towards edwards. I think the number that i saw was 56%..
This is a true horserace.
Quote by Raine: Exit poll data from CNN that night:
Black voters: 81% Obama, 18% Clinton, 1% Edwards
White voters: Edwards 39%, Hillary 36%, Obama 24%
Black men: 80% Obama, 17% Clinton, 3% Edwards
Black women: 82% Obama, 17% Clinton
White men: Edwards 44%, Clinton 28%, Obama 27%
White women: Clinton 42%, Edwards 35%, Obama 22%
Highlighting the decisive role race played in Saturday's voting, eight in 10 of Obama's votes came from blacks. About six in 10 of Clinton's and nearly all of Edwards' came from whites.
Quote by Raine: I don't know about everyone else, but I really loe the fact that we have a REAL race this year! This is so good for our democracy... (you know, what is left of it... )
Quote by TriSec: Say, does anyone have Rachel Maddow's old drinking game for the address this evening?
Quote by livingonli: Good morning everyone.
Nice blog there Raine.
BTW, Faye, on the Senator's list you should have Bernie Sanders instead of Jim Jeffords since Bernie now sits in that seat. I would presume Bernie will hopefully join the filibuster.
Quote by Raine:Quote by TriSec: Say, does anyone have Rachel Maddow's old drinking game for the address this evening?
Found it!!!
How to play: Call some friends and co-workers and ask if they'll watch the speech with you. If you plan to watch in a bar or restaurant, call ahead to make sure they'll put the speech on for you - the odds (literally) are that the bartender hates Bush as much as the rest of the country, and he or she may not be planning on showing it unless you ask. Bring a print-out of these guidelines, so you know when to drink.
What to drink: Beer is the traditional choice for this game. Near-beer is better than it used to be if you're not drinking these days (sorry). If you hate beer but desire booze, try a half-strength highball - put one ounce of your favorite elixir (bourbon, gin, vodka, scotch, cognac, even tequila) in a glass full of ice, and top it all the way up with seltzer, tonic or soda.
When to drink:
If a TV commentator mentions Nancy Pelosi's outfit or hairstyle - drink once.
If a TV commentator mentions Dick Cheney's or George W. Bush's outfit or hairstyle - drink twice.
Standing ovation by both Democrats and Republicans - drink once.
Standing ovation by only Republicans - drink twice.
Standing ovation by only Democrats, yell "It's a trick! It's a trick! Don't believe him!" and drink half of what's in your glass.
If the president is caught on camera kissing any member of Congress - drink once.
If the person he's caught kissing is Joe Lieberman again, gargle your drink and try to make yourself barf a little.
Any mention of Saddam Hussein - drink once.
Any mention of the president of Iran - drink once.
If the president actually tries to pronounce the name of the president of Iran - drink twice.
Announcement of a troop increase for Afghanistan - drink twice.
Mention by name of any American killed or wounded in Iraq - drink once, and make an online donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
Any mention of ethanol - drink once.
Any mention of "clean coal" - drink once.
Any reference to the 72 American miners killed on the job last year - drink twice.
A presidential shout-out to Michael J. Fox - drink once.
Any mention of "compassion" - drink once.
Any obscure Biblical reference - drink once.
Any mention of New Orleans - drink once, and think about making plans to visit New Orleans sometime in the next six months.
That's this year's game. You may want to print out this list for yourself ahead of time - you can also add any other expected Bushisms that drive you nuts.
Pick a designated driver, of course. Drink water. Take ibuprofen. Recommit to reclaiming your country.
I am sure this will be updated, And I think we will open a new blog with the drinking game before the SOTU speech.
According to entries on The Huffington Post, Inside Cable News and TV Newser Fox News anchor Alan Colmes has a "secret blog" called Liberal Land. Alan now links to the blog from his website so it really isn't much of a secret anymore. The blog is located at www.liberalland.com and liberalland.blogspot.com. Colmes has been posting to the blog since November.
Quote by Raine: Wow, just took downtown...
Quote by BobR:Quote by Raine: Exit poll data from CNN that night:
Black voters: 81% Obama, 18% Clinton, 1% Edwards
White voters: Edwards 39%, Hillary 36%, Obama 24%
Black men: 80% Obama, 17% Clinton, 3% Edwards
Black women: 82% Obama, 17% Clinton
White men: Edwards 44%, Clinton 28%, Obama 27%
White women: Clinton 42%, Edwards 35%, Obama 22%
More info here:Highlighting the decisive role race played in Saturday's voting, eight in 10 of Obama's votes came from blacks. About six in 10 of Clinton's and nearly all of Edwards' came from whites.
Quote by BobR: My friend Stan just called... he said:
The Democratic contest is still a horserace because there's so many good candidates.
The Republican contest is still a horserace because there aren't ANY good candidates...
:lol: :P